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Member Since 29 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2014 03:48 PM

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In Topic: Looking for a very high torque gearmotor

06 August 2014 - 04:47 PM

LIPOS discharge is measured in "C" like 20c. Here is a couple examples:

1000mah or 1amp & 10C is battery capable of giving you 10a. Same 1000mah with a 25C rating is good for 25A
2500mah lipo 20C is 2.5A x 20, its good for 50A.

Otherwise LIPOS last quite some time and is quite consistent but disadvantages come with it such as cost and it needs to be taken good care or else it might "blow up" kinda...
Here is a great place to buy em: www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__86__85__Batteries_Accessories-Li_Poly_All_brands_.html

In Topic: Looking for a very high torque gearmotor

05 August 2014 - 08:34 PM

I'm working on an automatic air blaster, which works by a three-way ball valve turned by a motor. The concept is pretty simple, the valve rotates from connecting the main tank(not shown) and the firing tank(nipple on the left), to connecting the firing tank and the barrel. I'm currently using a pololu 350rpm, 110oz-in motor and three 18650 efest batteries. But even fully charged the valve's friction slows the motor to 180 rpm, or 3 shots a second. I'd like to raise that to 4 or ideally 5. Does anyone know where I could find a 300-400rpm motor with significantly more torque than 110oz-in? The best I could find after considerable searching is a FIRST cim motor in conjunction with a gearbox, but I'd like to find a smaller, cheaper option that doesn't require assembly of a gearbox, since one of the goals of this build is simplicity. If you know where to find one, or have any other ideas, I'd really appreciate them!
Posted Image

Well from what I have learned from my rc hobby, I can suggest a couple of em but I am not sure if it will work in your project. Here is a cheap hi-torque one www.rchobbiesoutlet.com/03011-hsp-rc540-engine-motor/ or you can go look for a specific one here http://hobbyhobby.co...ectric-Motors/. I wouldn't recommend a brushless one because they have 3 wires to power it which means you will need an ECS (electronic speed controller) and a receiver to control the ECS so if you don't have the budget go with a brushed motor. Last but not least I would power the motor with a LIPO battery (a 3s would be best). I really hope this helped you.

In Topic: TR-27 GRYPHON - CR-18 Rapidstrike Mod

13 May 2014 - 06:16 PM

Mind blowing! This is most likely the most "technological" rapidstrike that I've ever seen

In Topic: What is the best stock?

04 November 2013 - 07:49 PM

I personally like the raider stock most. Its nice and sturdy compared to the other stocks like the recons.