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Member Since 30 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 19 2013 03:32 PM

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Question about VInyl Dye

18 December 2013 - 01:38 AM

So I think Vinyl dye is the greatest thing ever for repainting transformers, nerf, or just about anything plastic. Its durable and comes in a wide variety of colors, perfect to changing the color of a large part.

But now I have a real hum dingier of a question for you guys. What will happen if I use it on a translucent plastic piece? Does it cause it to become brittle? Is the color solid or semi transparent? Does the dye soak into clear plastic at all?

I am hoping you guys can help. Not very many people on the Transformer side of things uses vinyl dye for customs. XD

A bonus question: VHT Satin Silver, is it actually metalic colored, or is it just a shade of grey that is considered to look silver?