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Member Since 15 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2014 10:57 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Organizing nerf war in new hampshire

25 June 2014 - 11:11 AM

Duxbarian, I am building my gun next week, so once I finish I might come to the next war (if my parents feel like driving me two hours to a nerf war). I might also try advertising it for Dartmouth students, however in the summer most of them are at home, but we'll see.

In Topic: Q&A with Hasbro Engineers

23 June 2014 - 09:42 AM

Do you believe that you're past products are better or worse than your present ones? Because the old ones were tougher, less complex and more powerful. And if you do think your current products are better, why?

In Topic: Latex Tubing Blaster

22 June 2014 - 04:01 PM

Would light speargun rubbers work?

In Topic: HPPAP (high powered pump action pistol)

16 August 2013 - 07:46 AM

Hi, make sure to make a photobucket account, and then download the app "photobucket" onto your ipad.

Upload pictures to your photobucket account from the app and then go onto your desktop and copy the "img" tag and post it here.

Tried, can't .

In Topic: HPPAP (high powered pump action pistol)

15 August 2013 - 08:10 PM

Hi, make sure to make a photobucket account, and then download the app "photobucket" onto your ipad.

Upload pictures to your photobucket account from the app and then go onto your desktop and copy the "img" tag and post it here.

Thanks I'll do that now.