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Member Since 12 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 13 2014 11:09 AM

Topics I've Started

Demolisher stock/vortex discs

08 July 2014 - 12:01 AM


So, this happened a little bit ago, and it really got me thinking. Can the new Demolisher stock hold extra discs? Cause idk about you guys, but if I could slip a back up clip into a stock on my pyragon or have some extra discs handy for my diatron, I would be a happy camper.

Rules on Ammunition Types

15 April 2013 - 11:51 PM

Hello everyone. I'm relatively new to nerfing and have kinda gone crazy with it in the past few weeks, all because of a random nerf war that happened at a bowling alley I go to all the time. But, this post isn't to bore you with my personal story, so I'll keep that to a minimum.

Well, with me starting to really get into nerfing, I searched my house for the one nerf gun that me and my brother ever owned, a nerf ballzooka mp150. I finally got it up and running and dropped some cash on the ballistic ball ammo (as the ones that came with it have long since been lost), and it got me thinking... How are different ammunition types treated in nerf wars? Of course, the darts are just like bullets in real guns. You shoot someone with it and they get hurt. But, there's also ballistic balls, missiles, arrows, discs, and probably other types that I'm just not thinking of. So, what's the difference between them when the foam starts flying?

I've caught little bits a pieces here and there about how the ballistic ball is just like a dart, meaning you have to hit someone with it to do damage, and I guess that makes a little sense. Though, I kinda hoped that they would be treated differently, like... Maybe grenade launcher rounds? In fact, some ball blasters really resemble grenade launchers. You would just have to establish an effective splash radius and yada yada yada, which makes me think that it may have been a little complicated to try that so everyone just treated it as a regular shot. But, then I wondered how that's fair to people who use different ammo types like, say, the titan? I mean, if you still have to get a direct shot with that huge missile, why not just use something else like a long range pistol? If you take away that, then every titan is a huge single shot pistol that takes a while to pump up. So, why would people use them?

So, long story short, is there any standing rule on different ammo types with different effects? Are there games where a missile does have explosive damage of some sort? Any and all information on the topic would be nice.