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WSU Cowboy

Member Since 28 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 29 2014 03:27 AM

Topics I've Started

Wars in Seattle, WA area?

04 June 2014 - 05:05 PM

Hey everyone I am in the Seattle, WA area, I know we have a few people up here and there have been a few wars in the past, I was hoping to get out to a few wars if anyone is planning one. I just wanted to know if anyone was planning one.

Short Barreled AT2K

10 January 2014 - 07:49 PM

Hey everyone, I know I have been posting a lot lately (sorry about that), but I am starting a few new projects and have been having a lot of questions.

So to cut to the chase, I am making a short barreled (thinking about 4" barrels) rear loading AT2K. I was wondering, what materials would work the best for a short barreled application? I was debating between PETG and 17/32 brass. Any help is greatly appreciated!


06 January 2014 - 10:07 PM

Hey everyone, I was looking into trying to find a splitfire, but before I posted in trading I wanted a little bit of background info on them. So the general info that I am looking for is such:

-major reliability issues
-what one would cost stock and modded today
-likes/dislikes about them in general (handle being comfy, usability, ease of modding, etc.)
-anything else I should know about them

Thanks everyone!

AT2K goo gauge removal

05 January 2014 - 12:35 AM

So I am starting my first time modding the AT2K, I plan on getting an aluminum tank if roboman starts making them again, with a higher powered set up, what is everyone doing about the goo gauge? I have looked through the modification directory and saw the elimination and the blocking of the gauge, but I was wondering if there was any new ways of doing it or what people are doing now days. Thanks!

PS: As a little background info on the post, I have done a 3k before, so this isn't my first air gun.

SM3K dump valve

18 December 2013 - 12:58 AM

So I just picked up a new style (blue) SM3K on my recent goodwill run, I was wondering if anyone had messed with the tank dump valve, it looks like there could be some room to hone it out a bit to get a bigger dump hole, has anyone tried this? Thanks in advance everyone!