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Joe Espinoza

Member Since 20 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2022 06:30 PM

Topics I've Started

So You Think You're Prophet?

16 February 2015 - 06:46 PM

Happened to see this in my weekly updates from, This is why I'm broke, and I was mind blown on the idea of switching this to shoot steffans

Here's a URL:


For 500 you'll definitely be a head turner. The wye looks like it's mechanically fastened. Not ever really seeing this I haven't had an idea of how it would be converted.
I'm sure you foam heads can figure it out. Let me know what you guys think

Need some help

29 April 2014 - 05:23 PM

Bought a lovely plusbow made by roboman and I can't figure out how to use these rails... Here are some photos

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If you figured it out can you tell me where I could buy attachments (:

Help with springs

15 November 2013 - 11:28 PM

Alright let me just ask this question right off the bat, how do I get similar power of a [k26] fully compressed on a smaller scale? That meaning, I want less draw same power.

I know that using a stronger spring than a [k26] can sometimes really hurt people. And surprisingly I don't want to do that.
I would like a 4 or 5 inch draw; anyone have any suggestions on how I can select the right spring?
Please feel free to call me an idiot if I have looked this over

I also know that there must be some equation I can use to calculate this, but I am not sure if I could use it only having a high school education!

Thanks in advance

Ultrafire 14500 protected issues

28 September 2013 - 02:20 PM

I have recently purchased ultrafire 14500 protected batteries and they just keep shitting out on me after a couple shots.
I HAVE taken out all of the resistors and any other pain in the ass safety mechanisms.
I know that these are protected because it says it on the battery. But does that mean they don't run if the volts or amps get too high?
I would really appreciate help or suggestions to resolve this issue.


Hardcore Gamers Anyone?

22 March 2013 - 07:15 PM

Who here for has a Playstation 3? And if so, who's down to play online and discuss nerf at the same time? Sounds sick to me. (:

PSN: Jay-Lee2

If you are too lazy to add me then post you PSN down below, then I will gladly add you.

Thanks Guys!

Several points to make:
1.) http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=14695
2.) Your topic title is misleading; all I see is a PSN tag and nothing to do with any hardcore players of video games.