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Joe Espinoza

Member Since 20 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2022 06:30 PM

#345034 So You Think You're Prophet?

Posted by Joe Espinoza on 16 February 2015 - 07:02 PM

Lol that's embarrassing. I never noticed that otherwise I wouldn't have posted.

So please close!
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#345032 So You Think You're Prophet?

Posted by Joe Espinoza on 16 February 2015 - 06:46 PM

Happened to see this in my weekly updates from, This is why I'm broke, and I was mind blown on the idea of switching this to shoot steffans

Here's a URL:


For 500 you'll definitely be a head turner. The wye looks like it's mechanically fastened. Not ever really seeing this I haven't had an idea of how it would be converted.
I'm sure you foam heads can figure it out. Let me know what you guys think
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