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Member Since 19 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 04 2014 05:52 AM

Topics I've Started

12 dart clips sold separately?

30 July 2013 - 08:45 PM

Hey :)

I'm just wondering if anyone is in contact with people from hasbro and can tell me if there's any plan to release 12 dart clips on their own? I live in Australia and there's nothing like it over here, i was just wondering if its different overseas, because i don't want to keep buying EATs for the clips... Thanks in advance


Direct-plunger Longstrike

21 December 2012 - 10:42 PM

I like the look of the longstrike, but I (like many others before me) was disappointed when it didn't deliver. I've read about ways to make your own direct-plunger system for the longstrike, which uses the notoriously poor reverse-plunger system.

But I wanted to know if it were possible to fit a longshot mechanism in a longstrike, I feel confident in my ability to do this from scratch, but just wanted to see if anyone had experience doing this...

Cheers in advance :)