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They call me Tom

Member Since 05 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2013 10:42 PM

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In Topic: FAR help

21 January 2013 - 08:07 PM

diameter in place of radius, duh
5.5 cubic inches. So, 1.375 cubic inches of barrel volume. Still 7 inches of barrel.
Dart fit is tight, but I don't need to twist them in. I can blow them through rather easily, and I will get orings on the two joints as soon as possible.
I just retested the plunger seal, and a small amount of water leaks past the rubber seal.

In Topic: FAR help

21 January 2013 - 06:53 PM

Um, I'm about 85% sure it is 1/16.
Cut-down barrel gave a 14" range.

In Topic: FAR help

21 January 2013 - 05:55 PM

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
The shell isn't final, it just has that ring to align it in the chamber.
The receiver will be rebuilt with trigger catch in correct location.

In Topic: FAR help

21 January 2013 - 05:55 PM

I have changed the barrel size, and the ammo type. My barrel is currently cut about 5" too long, but I don't think that would cause enough friction to go from 50-70' to 10-20'.
Please correct me if that's wrong, that just seems like a huge drop off for 5" of friction.

I will cut it down to see if there's any change. I'm currently at around 21.9 cubic inches of cylinder volume, and while I'm running a foot of barrel, it should be just under 7".
As for weight;
I've used a light and a heavy piston, neither made much of a diffence. I don't remember the weight now, but I do know it weighed less then bolt's.
I used o-rings, but then I switched to a rubber cup seal. It does move with a finger push.

In Topic: FAR help

21 January 2013 - 02:20 PM

Many people have used AR15 springs to great effect, but I do understand a [k26] would be even better. I just cannot believe my spring would be so defective as it is...good thing it didn't end up in a firearm!
I work in the plastic industry, and I use a food-grade oil that is perfect for nerf applications. I don't even know it's name, there's no public product similar that I've seen. We just call it food-safe oil; it's a very very refined vegetable oil.

My rifle is more of a prototype/tester right now, I will need to make a new receiver once I get this problem sorted out, But it does currently fire. I can feel the air it moves, and by my calculations it should be moving the correct volume of air for the barrel size; it's the rate of the air that's the issue. I'll be heading to McMaster soon, I work close and we do will-call orders all the time.