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The Manta

Member Since 05 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2020 02:34 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Demolisher absolver

20 April 2017 - 06:30 PM

Pineapplepies, on 20 Apr 2017 - 3:10 PM, said:

Using this, printing this today, do you know if this is airtight already or should I just wrap it in tape so no air escapes?

All I had to do was clean up the inside of the barrels from some of the printing imperfections; what I did was drill in REVERSE with a half inch bit down each barrel. Instead of tape, I epoxied the stub of CPVC into the end, which guaranteed a seal and was permanent.

In Topic: Demolisher absolver

14 April 2017 - 09:51 PM

You mentioned something about 3D printing, which I've done a bit with for absolvers. I made a simple 3 shot barrel in CAD, here it is:

Just stick a stub of 0.5" CPVC into the back to attach it to a coupler system.

Also here is a link to the .STL, if it doesn't work for some reason let me know:

In Topic: XBZ pump relocation?

19 March 2017 - 11:45 PM

Hey that's me! I did pretty much exactly what shmmee said. It's in no way optimal but it gets the job done and I didn't have to mess with the tank itself much at all. Here are some pictures that might help

Bonus shot of the whole thing


In Topic: Questions about Stampede mod

04 March 2017 - 06:15 PM

For the first one, you should definitely leave the holes on the back of the plunger tube. These help avoid a vacuum in the rear part of the plunger as the piston moves forward, making it move faster in general. I think there is a small hole in the plunger head that you'll want to fill. This mod guide by SG Nerf covers most of the basics, just ignore the battery part, it's a bit outdated in that subject.

In Topic: x2 Hopper HPA Big blast in Shot blast Shell

22 August 2016 - 06:21 PM

This is fucking awesome, everything about it. That double hopper system is so cool, I would never have thought of something like that. You can reload one while shooting the out of the other hopper, so you're pretty much never out. I need to try this.