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Member Since 19 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 25 2015 11:14 AM

Topics I've Started

Expand a blast catch issue

01 August 2012 - 04:31 PM

SO, I stopped at my favorite thrift store a few days ago and found a stock working expand a blast, yay!(along with an sm5k :P )I arrived back home and decided to watch Drac's vid on his "hop a blast" mod guide.Drac's vid. In the video he replaces the spring With a [k25] and still uses the stock catch. I have also seen several other mod guides where the stock catch isn't replaced. My Eab also has a real tough catch spring and I have even doubled and tripled it but it will not catch on any of my various spring combos except stock + recon, which blows. I think the springs may be too long. Any tips on safely cutting springs would also be appreciated. Thanks,


Ballistic Ball Compatibility Question

20 June 2012 - 07:25 AM

I recently purchased the original reactor, A.K.A the "Airtech Ball Blaster" from my favorite thrift store. And I want to purchase some balls for it since I intend to keep it stock. Will it shoot the yellow balls? The logo on the packaging of the yellow balls is the same on the blaster. I am pretty sure it will shoot the green balls, but what about the blue balls? Any other general info on ball compatibility would be really helpful as I have found this matter relatively confusing. Hopefully you guys can take this topic seriously despite how its all about balls. Thanks a lot,

Value Village Nerf Guns

13 April 2012 - 07:44 PM

please delete.

Broken Longshot Plunger Tube Cap

22 March 2012 - 08:25 PM

So, the black piece on my Longshot that houses the springs and screws onto the back of the plunger tube, is busted. It cracked off (screw-ports and all)
when I tried to prime it after installing My Ace#49 spring replacement. I've tried replacing it with the top of a medicine container, and that cracked in half,I don't know what to do next and don't want to spend a lot of money (preferably none). I've heard something about a 3/4 in. PVC end-cap wrapped in E-tape, but so far I have no specific help or plans. All suggestions and help are welcome, please help me fix my primary.

Thanks, Leafy.