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pit viper

Member Since 06 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 17 2016 01:16 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Motor and Battery Combo

07 September 2014 - 07:26 PM

I never go near any batteries with the word fire in the name. I ended up ordering this one. Since its only 3.7V I will try running the motors without limiting the voltage, if hear, smell, see anything wrong then I'll install something to limit it down to a lower point.

In Topic: Motor and Battery Combo

05 September 2014 - 10:48 AM

Thanks for the help, I found one on Amazon with a charger for about $25.

In Topic: Motor and Battery Combo

04 September 2014 - 10:14 AM

So the discharge rate of the battery or the current of the motors has nothing to do with it?

In Topic: EAT Giveaway

12 May 2013 - 01:33 PM

A story of the events to come:

November 26th, 2013
FRIEND: Hey, where did you get that E.A.T?
ME: It was given to me.
FRIEND: By who?
ME: It was given to me by the great Duke Wintermaul!!!
FRIEND: Why did he give it to you?
ME: A long time ago on May 12th I told him that I would give an arm and a leg for one, that I would trust him no matter what, and that I would take an arrow to the knee.
ME: That is why I have two prosthetic limbs, a scar on my knee, and why I trusted him to catch me in a trust fall.
FRIEND: All of that sacrifice for a simple blaster?
ME: Not just a blaster, but one of my most cherished blasters I have ever and will ever own!!!

-All of this was made possible because you, Duke Wintermaul, had the kindness in your heart to give me an E.A.T. Don't change the future, let destiny continue on its course.

The normal NH rules still apply here. Don't post giant walls of awfully formatted text/ASCII art.

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

26 January 2013 - 04:18 PM

Retaliator with removable Rough Cut masterkey and flashlight holder:

Posted Image

The Rough Cut is held on with some velcro and a little tac rail to tac rail attachment I made using a Recon and Longstrike flip up sight:

Posted Image

The flashlight holder is just a slightly modified AT3K trigger:

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What is this?

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