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Member Since 22 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2013 07:43 PM

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In Topic: Shout out to Nerfers in Sydney, Australia!

16 August 2012 - 10:41 PM

'BiwinningPanda', on 17 Aug 2012 - 02:59 AM, said:

What makes you think that a mainly American forum would be able to organize a larger Australian war than an Australian forum can?

That wasn't my intention, to organise wars on this forum or anything like that. I was merely trying to find other Nerfers in Sydney who frequent Nerfhaven, but are inactive on the Australian forums. And if I did find some of those people, an invitation would be extended to them to join us in our wars. There's nothing wrong with trying to find more people in other places aside the very obvious, is there?

Nerfhaven is a big place. It's a fantastic informational resource with a large member base and a sense of exclusivity about it. Why wouldn't community members pick NH as one of their first stops? That's why this post is here.

In Topic: Shout out to Nerfers in Sydney, Australia!

16 August 2012 - 09:10 PM

There are a few over on oznerf, but a lot of them are already involved in the wars. I'm just trying to find more people who might just be lurking here for bigger and better wars :)