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Member Since 11 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2012 08:28 PM

Topics I've Started


20 November 2011 - 12:41 PM

I currently have a Nerf Dart Tag Magstrike sitting disassembled at my house and was wondering how I could use it to make a Fully or Semi automatic clip fed Nerf rifle. I thought that I could build a system based off of a paintball gun. By this I mean that the hammer would be spring powered and held by a clothespin trigger, when the trigger is depressed the hammer strikes the valve(OPRV) releasing air. This air pushes the hammer forward until it clears the air passage allowing the air to vent towards the barrel. The hammer also has a portion that loads the dart.

I am not signed up for any image hosting so if you would like to see my diagram i can email it to you promptly.

It would be very helpful to know if the OPRV would vent fast enough and if the hammer mechanism is feasible. IF something like this has been done before please send me a link to the page, for i could not find anything similar.

This is my first thread so please be gentle.