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notorious oxide

Member Since 24 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active May 02 2012 02:16 AM

Topics I've Started

What Happened?

11 January 2007 - 11:25 PM

I was just curious as to the whereabouts of the topic entitled "red bull shuffle" because after i posted a pic of my 'ipod' the topic vanished and theres no record of it that can be seen by me.
oh well

Click Here For A Free Ipod

15 March 2006 - 06:09 PM

Has anyone done one of those crappy things where you have to get others to sign up and complete a task so that you can get a free item?

i am not asking anyone to i am just wondering if it is true that they will give away free stuff. The site i am enquiring about is specificaly www.getitfree.net. because my gf decided she would do it because a friend of hers is doing it, and i want to know if there is any point in this except for promoting them?


03 February 2006 - 02:42 AM

I wasnt sure where to post this because it didnt seem to fit anywhere and i wasnt sure about it being suitable for off topic. This seems to me like a stupid question, but is PVC riser similar to ABS? Im thinking its probly not because of the name (PVC riser) but i have seen many places where people call things what they are not, eg. at my home hardware they call electric conduit electric pvc. But if im wrong then forgive me.

Party Poppers

18 December 2005 - 02:27 AM

I remember reading a topic a fair while ago about these spring powered party poppers and i couldnt find it again. I purchased a couple today and searched the forums by both using the search button and manualy searching. I probably missed it because i am sure i remember it. If anyone could direct me to the topic or tell me what was done to them to allow them to shoot darts it would be greatly apreciated.

Pc Mods

06 October 2005 - 08:16 PM

I was just wondering if anyone has tried placing small barrels on the clip. i have been thinking about doing this to my new pc (which i got for $5AU) but i thought that there probly wouldnt be enough air flow to increase the range. I have not done anything to it except remove 1 peg so i could fit a stefan in.