Well my wife is mildly interested in trying it out. She also plays in the LARP I'm in. Just has to watch out for her bad knees. I wouldn't recomend yelling at her though. She's likely to give it right back 10 fold.
If I might offer a suggestion or 2. First Ompa if you have the time maybe splitting this part of the discussion to a new thread and let this one return to to the archive might be a wothwhile solution. Second for the Non-Mods knock off all the back seat moderating people. If YOUR opinions on who should be banned were important and valid enough you'd likely be asked to be a Mod on a site. It's not the Mods who give newcomers a harsh welcome it's the members who likely feel they should have those powers. Personally I'd love to see that sort of thing be a suspendable offense here but that's just me. Lets keep the "OOHH your in TROUBLE" talk in the playgrounds. Ompa I personally think your doing a good job of balancing warnings vs. bannings lately, thank you for the effort you put in We now return you to your regularly schedualed thread funeral.
Well to add logical speculation on this new design change I have this. Chances are it's not because of a safety concern. If it was Hasbro would be issuing a recall on the whole run of Recons on the market. My best guess is that it was added to keep the arming tube from getting gunked up by dirt & or water.
I will not bother commenting on the maturity levels of some members who posted in this thread because it's just not worth my time.
I would have to agree that a scope on a Nerf gun is only good for cosmetic s. If you had a blaster that could fire even past 100 feet the scope would be usless since Nerf Darts tend to drop and arc a lot. Not to mention be moved easily by wind. Personally I have a Laser sight, airsoft scope & and light pod attached to my primary but I LARP not Nerf War for the most part. I love my laser sight. I spend less time aiming and rarely miss. I also do a lot of night battles so it has more use to me than most. The scope is mostly for looks and game rules advantage.