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Member Since 03 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active May 12 2009 06:17 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: $20 Vulcan

02 February 2009 - 09:46 PM

Cool thank you.
I accidentally bought C batteries instead of D which sucks but o well I guess I'll see if it works tomorrow.

In Topic: Vulcan Gears Of War Paintjob

21 January 2009 - 06:33 PM

wow this look very nice
the "ammo box" doesnt really look like it fits with the gun to me but it still looks cool

In Topic: Help With Longshot

28 September 2008 - 07:46 PM

Either your "tube" which holds the spring/s in is not correctly lined up and the Lock therefore won't be in the correct resting position. But just take out the locks. They aren't needed and only a couple people(Subject to change) have them still in.


( By-The-Way-It's Spell Strength. In your signature.)
Also,Please hit the shift key once in awhile. It's there for a reason. And I'd bet you don't want your head ripped off by Talio or OMC and I bet you don't want it Eaten By VACC.

Yes thanks for this someone else had also commented me on youtube and said to remove the locks it works fine now and i also finished modding it today.
Again thanks for the advice.

In Topic: Freeloaders

23 September 2008 - 01:55 PM

this is how it used to be for me
but people i know lately have been starting to buy there own stuff
im excited for this weekend because now after getting everyoen i know excited for a war were gonna finally be having a war this weekend
its gonna be at a school park with 18 kids from my high school should be fun

In Topic: Fall Ohio War

19 September 2008 - 11:40 PM

o wow this is cool me and 2 of my friends are probably going
we just got into nerf i just bought my magstrike tonight
and i also have a maverick and nitefinder
there is also like 5 other kids a may be able to get to go
but its cool beczuse this park is so close to my grandmas house i can actually see it from her house