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Member Since 10 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active May 22 2014 05:26 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How To Make A Nitemav/mavfinder That Actually Works

07 October 2010 - 09:36 PM

Nice job!
I've always thought of the night-mav near impossible to re-create,but you proved me wrong.
The only thing I think you should really do is change the plunger tube to petg tubing, it wold greatly increase range and make it more clear. Clear is good :)

In Topic: Slide Action, Magazine Fed Side Arm: Sas-5

08 July 2010 - 08:11 PM

I really like this, I have just one question for you.
How fast can you get all 5 rounds in the clip off? Can you shoot them all without any jams?

In Topic: You Guys Might Like This!

01 July 2010 - 12:01 AM

But its going to have like the range of the mavrick and the price of a vulcan. In my opinion (yea I spelled it out) its just not going to be worth it.
Oh and if anyone gets one and doesn't want the foregrip thing, shoot me a PM. My taticool recon looks lonely without it.

In Topic: You Guys Might Like This!

30 June 2010 - 10:43 PM

I'm not sure if the Admins are gonna be okay with this. But I like it.
I like how the BB (barrel Break) primes.
The Spartan just looks like a small vulcan. But I like the bipod/fore grip.

In Topic: N-strike Barrel Break Ix-2

24 June 2010 - 03:09 PM

screw the blaster!

Look very closely at those darts.

Here's a link http://a3.images22.5...09d6db36d5a.jpg

What's so special about them other that they look longer? The heads also look smaller, more in line with the dart.


They seem to be basically streamlines with a whistler head.
The instructions on the gun show that it will be rear loading. This kinda sucks, you can't use normal stock darts. On the other hand you might be able to use stefans without removing the AR's. I'm not sure how the posts on the AR's would be.