Yesterday, my friend's little brother asked me if I could mod his NF and his Ssbp to shoot taggers. Seeing as all I would be doing was simple barrel replacements, I agreed. Then, I remembered that some people had put Sspbs into their NFs, both horizontaly and vertically. After looking at those, I decided I wanted to change it a bit, becuase I did not like where the button to fire the Ssbp came out. After a little work, this is what I had.
http://i155.photobuc...le/DSCF1286.jpgCan't see where the Sspb is fired from?(It's not that grey dot.) Take a look at the next picture.
http://i155.photobuc...le/DSCF1285.jpgSo, theres my creative boost for now, there might be another coming soon...
Edit: Pics fixed, it looks like photobucket has changed some stuff, so it's just links for now.
Edited by nerfturtle, 16 August 2007 - 05:23 PM.
The tough coughs as he ploughs the dough.
-Dr. Suess