A Newbie With Questions
Posted 20 July 2007 - 02:40 PM
About a week ago I bought 4 Mavericks because I was just sure they were "wonderful". I've done barrel mods and all kinds of stuff to 2 of them and the other 2 I've left alone. Can anyone recomend any simple mods for these guns? [That would be cool =D]
My other thing was, being new to modding, I'm trying to figure out the best nerf gun out there. Can anyone reccomend a gun that is easy to mod, possible hasa clip or good ROF, and is just a good al around gun? [That would be cool also =O]
Ok well thanks to anyone whom writes back.
[-> alex <-]
Posted 20 July 2007 - 02:44 PM
The Nite Finder is usually considered the easiest to mod, but it is a single shot gun. However, people are working on homemade turrets all the time and you can always make speedloader barrels to go with couplers.
Edit: Glancing back at your post, I noticed that you want to know what the "best" gun is. There really is no one gun that is the greatest. It depends a lot on your playing style. If you like to rush and want a lot of shots, or if you want a lot of range and prefer to "sn!pe", then different guns can be recommended, but there's really no one gun that gets a lot of range and a lot of shots(without a lot of speedloader barrels/a turret[which are hard to make]).
Also, welcome to NH.
Edited by RAMBO, 20 July 2007 - 02:47 PM.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 02:52 PM
Mainly, just read up before you expect anyone to bestow amazing knowledge upon you.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 02:52 PM
The Night Finder seems to be an easy mod but as I said before I'm really looking for a gun that has a better ROF. I'm doing a LARP game and once a year we switch from fantasy to try out a new game and do it as a camping event. I need to be able to mow down zombies with lots of shots but still have a good reload time. For this I was thinking that the Longshoot would be the best choice since it has clips, and people seem to be able to get 100' without even doing heavy moding.
[-> alex <-]
Posted 20 July 2007 - 02:58 PM
A) Jams often in my experience
B) Darts aren't the easiest to make
Posted 20 July 2007 - 03:04 PM
Do many people even use the NF in wars? Or ar the greater part of youguys so good at moding that you can just mod an auto gun and be done with it?
[-> alex <-]
Posted 20 July 2007 - 03:13 PM
So you see a penguin walking down the street. Looks harmless right, so you keep on walking past him. You turn around to seem him walk away, only to find yourself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 03:26 PM
I'm doing a LARP game...
Posted 20 July 2007 - 03:41 PM
Posted 20 July 2007 - 04:34 PM
I just didn't think it needed mentioning.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 05:45 PM
About a week ago I bought 4 Mavericks because I was just sure they were "wonderful"
Congratulations. You have oficially qualified your self as a McDouchepants.
Do many people even use the NF in wars? Or ar the greater part of youguys so good at moding that you can just mod an auto gun and be done with it?
Everybody's different. Some people use a NF as a sidearm. A sidearm is a gun that is either used to contrast your primary or to use instead of your primary in the event that is breaks/does not perform as you hoped. Some people also dual-weild two sidearms as opposed to a primary-sidearm system.
It is common knowledge that autos do not get the best ranges. Nobody is "teh uber-super-modder-guy". We are all limited by the materials at hand. Some people are "better" modders because they have more materials at their disposal. Creativity also factors in, but most people are limited by either money or materials at hand.
I think you're a little confused. A typical Nerf war does not include people running around in anime-esque costumes and arguing about their character's skill points and defence ratings while trying to emulate their favorite Pokemon monster.
Watch some nerf war footage and you will see the difference.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 06:08 PM
About a week ago I bought 4 Mavericks because I was just sure they were "wonderful"
Congratulations. You have oficially qualified your self as a McDouchepants.
He put it in quotation marks, so he clearly discovered that, for range, they weren't spectacular. However, for LARPing, I'd say they're great guns for six shots of zombie mowing power. I'd rather have a Maverick looking gun in a LARP environment than a Dart Tag Blaster or something less 'realistic' looking, even if it had advantages.
Do many people even use the NF in wars? Or ar the greater part of youguys so good at moding that you can just mod an auto gun and be done with it?
Everybody's different. Some people use a NF as a sidearm. A sidearm is a gun that is either used to contrast your primary or to use instead of your primary in the event that is breaks/does not perform as you hoped. Some people also dual-weild two sidearms as opposed to a primary-sidearm system.
The biggest reason for a sidearm isn't in case your primary breaks, it's in case you get ambushed or need another shot while your primary is empty or you are reloading.
It is common knowledge that autos do not get the best ranges. Nobody is "teh uber-super-modder-guy". We are all limited by the materials at hand. Some people are "better" modders because they have more materials at their disposal. Creativity also factors in, but most people are limited by either money or materials at hand.
You think random N3rfSn1p3rBoi1994 has the ability to come up with the same mods as Captain Slug, Fallen Angel, Carbon, oompa, etc etc? There's nothing that they use that you can't buy online and get shipped to your door anywhere in the world. I think that just qualified YOU as a 'McDouchepants'.
I think you're a little confused. A typical Nerf war does not include people running around in anime-esque costumes and arguing about their character's skill points and defence ratings while trying to emulate their favorite Pokemon monster.
Watch some nerf war footage and you will see the difference.
I think you're confused. That's a very insulting caricature of LARPing, and nowhere in his posts did he imply your average nerf war = LARP
Posted 20 July 2007 - 07:53 PM
I'm not saying you're wrong, but everybody's different. We're both right. There is more than 1 reason for using a sidearm.The biggest reason for a sidearm isn't in case your primary breaks, it's in case you get ambushed or need another shot while your primary is empty or you are reloading.
You think random N3rfSn1p3rBoi1994 has the ability to come up with the same mods as Captain Slug, Fallen Angel, Carbon, oompa, etc etc? There's nothing that they use that you can't buy online and get shipped to your door anywhere in the world.
Aside from your major contradiction there, I should have worded myself better. I meant that anybody can do just about any mod, but they might be limited by the tools/materials they have. I agree, though that not everybody can come up with a mod.
Alex said "Or ar the greater part of youguys so good at moding that you can just mod an auto gun and be done with it?"
We can only mod the guns so much. I know that larp =/= nerf. Obviously, most nerfers know that autos aren't the guns with the best ranges. However, larping is (apparently) done at much closer ranges than your typical outdoor nerf war. Therefore a low-range auto might be perfect for a "larping" (I don't know the terminology) whereas it might not be suited for the long-range combat that nerf is (in my eyes) evolving into.
It's hard to put words to what I meant. Put it this way: If you put a nerfer with a well modded automatic gun in a larp environment, he might shine, where in a nerf environment, he would not do as well without another gun.
In other words, if Alex asked, "Or ar the greater part of youguys so good at moding that you can just mod an auto gun and be done with it?" I would have to say that if we larped, then yes, we could just be done with it and use it very effectively. But if we nerfed, I doubt it.
I think you're confused. That's a very insulting caricature of LARPing, and nowhere in his posts did he imply your average nerf war = LARP
I know. That's what I was aiming for.
Don't get me wrong. I know autos have their place in nerf. But today's nerfers want longer ranges. We can only push automatic nerf guns so far. Other guns will give you farther ranges.
Posted 20 July 2007 - 09:23 PM
As for Commander Erik, what in the hell possesed you to be such an ass to somebody who is completely new to this? I hope you feel special for obviously being SO much smarter than me. You should really watch what you say to a new member, that is unless you're aiming for no new members.
[-> alex <-]
Posted 20 July 2007 - 10:15 PM
Thanks for all that jumping in there Telekinetic, You completely understand what I was saying.
As for Commander Erik, what in the hell possesed you to be such an ass to somebody who is completely new to this? I hope you feel special for obviously being SO much smarter than me. You should really watch what you say to a new member, that is unless you're aiming for no new members.
[-> alex <-]
So, you're going to jump all over Commander Erik (who, by the way, you should ease up, kiddo), and not all over the One Man Clan, who, in no small way, responded to your LARPing with a visible >" .......................... " ?
Fact is, fellow potential Nerfer, that for the most part, few of us, if any, are interested in LARP or cosplay or whatever they call it. Trust me, you wouldn't want site owners' (cxwq and VACC) to offer their color commentary on the whole costume and fantasy deal.
We, for some part, like the whole Assassins concept, which is not too far off from role play, at least from what I observe. So we're not totally alienating LARP. Whatever floats your boat, buddy, but we show up with plastic guns. We shoot them at each other. We curse, we swear a little, we get winded, we have fun. Simple as that.
Some of us just need to work on making our thoughts on the screen more articulate to our sentiments without putting everyone's undies in a bunch.
That said, I don't know what the "criteria" for a good LARP weapon is, whether or not it supposed to be "realistic looking", or what, but I guess if I were going to hunt pretend zombies, I'd arm myself with a Longshot, an RF-20 (not realistic but boy what a sight to see 20 darts go flying in a couple seconds), and a Maverick or two.
Not all that realistic, but a whole lot of fun to shoot. Nite Finders are the staple Nerf small weapon; whether as a sidearm, or a primary (usually in a pair), easy to modify with but a crayola marker, and somewhat "realistic" looking (meaning it looks like a pistol and not an alien zogwarp).
For the record, I guess many of us who host/ attend larger wars are more concerned with capturing the flag or eliminating opponents than whether or not we are "in character" or not. The confusion may cause the die-hard (and younger) fans of Nerf to unnecessarily cast insult at the other hobby.
Forgive us for our shortcomings. But this is NerfHaven, not LARPHaven. Just so we're all squared away.
<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM)

It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>
Posted 20 July 2007 - 10:37 PM
I didn't mean to get all jumpy and defensive, and all that, I was just sort of at a loss as to why I was immidietly being jumped on by members. I don't know, I think I've just gone and started out on completely the wrong foot with anyone who read this thread. Sorry if any of this offended you, but hey that's just me.
[-> alex <-]
Posted 20 July 2007 - 11:31 PM
"Sidearm used to contrast/take the place of your primary when it breaks"? It's used after you've shot you're primary and need another shot because you've missed, hence it's other common name, "secondary."
There is absolutely nothing wrong with using an NF in a war. Use it with a primary that gets even better range or better ROF as a sidearm, or use two as your primaries.
I think we can all agree that we have a geeky side here(defending LARPing). Some of use like Pokemon, some of us like LARP, some of use are Harry Potter maniacs. Let's not bash people for their other "geeky" hobbies, neh?
Posted 20 July 2007 - 11:38 PM
Oh, and not everyone here looks down on LARPers. I find that most people who do don't know any, only notice the really weird ones, and fill in what they don't know from stereotype. Sort of like Nerfers. ("You run around with playing paintball with kids' toys? That's stupid. You should grow up and play a real sport.") A good example of a LARP is Assassin (thanks, Piney).
Posted 21 July 2007 - 12:00 AM
~Cpt. Popetacious~
Posted 21 July 2007 - 01:20 AM
reason 1 : clips
reason 2: easy modding
reason 3: fast rof
By the way, where do you larp like that? I want in!
You can fool some people all of the time and everyone some of the time, but you cant fool all the people all of the time, but it sure is fun trying.
What have I got in my pocket? (tolkien)
Posted 21 July 2007 - 02:14 AM
NO, Commander Erik is the only one that I'm shooting any comments at. I was asking a question, and then he worded what he was trying to say incorrectly. This just took me reading what he said a couple of times to understand. I'm not trying to talk about LARP, I was just giving background info for those who might care.
I didn't mean to get all jumpy and defensive, and all that, I was just sort of at a loss as to why I was immidietly being jumped on by members. I don't know, I think I've just gone and started out on completely the wrong foot with anyone who read this thread. Sorry if any of this offended you, but hey that's just me.
[-> alex <-]
You sound intelligent and articulate, so you're already better than 95% of new members that roll through. Don't assume the attitude of one reflects the opinions of the whole.
Posted 21 July 2007 - 03:05 AM
I highly recommend Captain Slug's rotation modification (and drop clip if you think it is necessary): http://nerfhaven.com...wtopic=8367&hl=
Just remember that you don't want to turn the cylinder when it is not in the "reload" position after doing the mod (unless you are very confident in the type of glue you used to secure the slip clutch together).
As far as barrel mods, I don't think barrel-modding a maverick has much potential. The original barrels do a fairly good job at what they do. Replacing the barrels is pretty much an unecessary pain in the ass (at least in my eyes).
If your zombie-shooting adventures leave one or four of your mavericks broken at the slide area, I have a fairly simple fix (it could be simplified even more if you want it to). No need to trash those mavericks: http://nerfhaven.com...wtopic=8867&hl=
As for what other guns you might want to buy:
I think the longshot would be very cool in this role-play environment. Ranges of 100+ feet can only be accomplished with blood, sweat, and tears. It is not a path for the faint-hearted. You would have to build a brass breach, or use a huge spring like Carrtoon and reinforce a lot of things. Luckily, though, you can get into the 50s or 60s range with a simple air restrictor removal and a smaller spring replacement: http://nerfhaven.com...topic=7002&st=0. It might not be the perfect performance gun, but it is definitely the coolest. It's a huge rifle. Since you're into role-playing, I am fairly certain that aesthetics mean a lot to you. The feel and look of the thing is incredible.
Edited by frost vectron, 21 July 2007 - 03:08 AM.
"I am a leaf on the wind--watch how I soar" - Hoban "Wash" Washburne, Serenity.
Posted 21 July 2007 - 05:39 AM
I think I may tinker around some more with the Mavericks to completely get the feel for moding, then get some bigger guns and make them go boom.
Their biggest problem seems to just be that the seals stink, rusulting in LOTS less air pressure than you could have. I'm trying to find a way that seals the plugger to the barrel. I've tried the art foam stuff but while it works, I think there may be better materials than that to seal it.
I recently stretched the springs about 150%, it seemes to help as well.
[-> alex <-]
Posted 21 July 2007 - 07:33 AM
Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!Hehehe, Larping is funny.
Posted 21 July 2007 - 12:37 PM
You can fool some people all of the time and everyone some of the time, but you cant fool all the people all of the time, but it sure is fun trying.
What have I got in my pocket? (tolkien)
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