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Last Armageddon (Armageddon XV)

Southern California War

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#101 baghead



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Posted 01 July 2014 - 03:13 AM

Hey Guys, Pilz had some technical issues with his computer, hence the delay on the group photo, here it is:
Posted Image
I'd apologize for the graininess if I'd taken the photo.... for some reason his iso was set at 3200 for this shot.

I'll be posting his other photos after I get around to editing them.

After a series of distractions and bad timing, I still need to retrieve Apollo's video footage, so don't expect me to get this year's recap video out for at least another month, but it should be good (albeit gopro heavy)

'Mully', on 22 Jun 2014 - 06:18 AM, said:

+ Pants hit me with a hot pink Z-curve bow from like 50'

Actually, I'm pretty sure I did that...seeing as I used a pink Z-curve for most of the day.


Edited by baghead, 01 July 2014 - 03:16 AM.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#102 azrael



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Posted 01 July 2014 - 03:18 AM

Actually, Mysterio definitely played in the last few rounds. Was using a hastily assembled UMB, I think.
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#103 mysterio



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Posted 01 July 2014 - 03:55 PM

Yup, Definitely me.

And I did end up playing some, near the end of the day. Although everything I brought ended up breaking.

Short Highlights:

Good turnout
Seeing all you east-coasters
Spoon showing up
Playing in flip flops
My homemade being the only blaster that didnt break.
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'Zorn's Lemma', on 05 Jul 2011 - 10:10 PM, said:

If two powerful is a problem then just go with one powerful. I guess this style of hopper will work even beyond three powerful..

15:46 *** Buff is now known as TheGdiddler
15:51 TheGdiddler I'M GONNA GRAPE YOU"

#104 AbstractSociety



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Posted 01 July 2014 - 04:21 PM

'Zorns Lemma', on 01 Jul 2014 - 05:06 AM, said:

My photos of the war are up: https://www.flickr.c...57644993525349/

Those are dope photos! Can I get permission from you to use some of them in a video or two or mine, as well as post them on my blog when I get up a Geddon recap post? Of course, I'll be sure to give you credit.
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#105 Zorns Lemma

Zorns Lemma

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 05:29 PM

'AbstractSociety', on 01 Jul 2014 - 9:21 PM, said:

Those are dope photos! Can I get permission from you to use some of them in a video or two or mine, as well as post them on my blog when I get up a Geddon recap post? Of course, I'll be sure to give you credit.

No problem. You can also modify them (crop them / add logos) as long as you distribute under the same license: https://creativecomm...nses/by-sa/2.0/
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#106 Draconis


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Posted 18 July 2014 - 12:04 PM

Well, now that I have been home for weeks, I should probably respond to this.

Attending Armageddon XV was the highlight of the time I have spent in the Nerf community. Everything up until that point has been mostly bullshit. Modding, building, collecting, the rockets... just kind of scratched the surface of what it really means to be part of this community. I've been friends with some of you folks for longer than any of the people I went to high school with. Hell, my best friend from high school was supposed to come, but bailed on us. I am really happy that I was able to meet so many of you in person. I hope that I'll be able to attend again in the future, but fuck driving, I'm flying next time. Ooooh, or the train? That would be pretty awesome.

Lowlights first, because I'm a fucking complainer:

  • Forgot my darts at home.
  • Stupid BullPump wouldn't shoot, and then broke.
  • I wasn't counting on being so out of shape.
  • Stupid ball valve kept blowing off of my hopper.
  • Wife had too much homework to do and couldn't stay and play.

  • SGRL worked better than I could have hoped for, even better than the Sceptor.
  • Got to nerf with my kid!
  • Kid learned I wasn't kidding when I told him that he was going to need something better than a stock Strongarm!
  • Every round was full of fun (except Missile Crisis. Sorry Bags, it remains broken, though it is repairable.)
  • After seven years in this hobby, I am no longer a NIC war virgin!
  • Got to finally meet people I have considered friends for years. Too bad some others couldn’t make it.
  • Only got hit by Thorn like five times! Seriously, there will be Viking battle hymns written about this kid.
  • Made new friends and aquaintances!
  • Passed the entrance exam for Seattle wars!
  • Viewed, in person, the majesty of a wild Spoon.

So in closing, thank you. Thanks to Ice9 for heading up this year’s Armageddon. Thank you Langley, Zorn, and JLego for flying in to help out. Thank you Bags and Apollo for disseminating your aged wisdom to this ever-rotating group. Thank you everyone, for being a part of one of the most fun days I have ever had. I am looking forward to more!

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[15:51] <+Noodle> titties
[15:51] <+Rhadamanthys> titties
[15:51] <+jakejagan> titties
[15:51] <+Lucian> boobs
[15:51] <+Gears> titties
[15:51] <@Draconis> Titties.
[15:52] <+Noodle> why is this so hard?

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