How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?
Posted 07 November 2008 - 05:17 PM
1 Longshot
2 AT2Ks
1 Nitefinder
1 SM1500 (Isn't it an AT2K on the inside though?)
1 Eliminator
Posted 07 November 2008 - 05:23 PM
2 LS
1 Recon
1 Maverick
1 Maxshot
7 AT2K
4 NF
Lots of K'nex guns.
Posted 07 November 2008 - 06:45 PM
2- vulcan
3- recon
4- firefly x2
5- magstrike
6- hornet
7- titan
8- scout
9- buzz bee shotgun
10- buzz bee tommy 20 (green battery powered one)
11- maverik x2
12- dart tag hyperfire blasters (4 total in set)
Total ammount of nerf guns: 15 + 2 crappy buzz bee guns
Posted 08 November 2008 - 03:02 PM
The Lbb/8-s integration
Disk shot with an at2k turret
Disk shot with 2X sspb integration (this is a bad idea, btw. sspb's are kinda crap)
A 100% bone stock magstrike
Everything else I have is either broken or dissassembled because it wasn't working right. The mechanical magnum (the functioning nf/magstrike blaster I posted on NHQ) had the nitefinder's plunger break apart, my dtg is getting 35-40' with a handyman spring, and my grilfriend was playing with the second 8-shooter and the insides exploded (the trigger catch broke in half and the plunger tube shattered). I also have a BBB that's not getting ranges it should be, it's in my desk drawer at work so I can use it in the office.
I'm getting to the point where I think I'm just gonna start doing homemades from now on.
Posted 08 November 2008 - 04:18 PM
1 Lanard Blast Bazooka-Fixed trigger, 1/2 inch PVC coupler
1 Vulcan-Glued down button, Modded top thingy
2 Super Secret Pocket Blasters-1 has a PETG barrel and the other is stock
1 Magstrike- AR removal, Painted, taped over air release thing
Posted 08 November 2008 - 06:05 PM
Posted 09 November 2008 - 08:41 PM
3 At2k
1 At2k with SNAPbow integration
1 Angeled Longshot
1 Vortex firestorm
1 Maverick
1 Night finder
1 Disk shot
1 Rf20
1 Hornet
1 Recon
1 Vulcan
1 Secret shot 2
1 Double crossbow
1 Rattler
1 Sharpshooter2
2 AT3k
1 Quickstrike
1 Tek 10
1 Tek 6
1 Firefly
Total: 29 and counting
Edited by Vistagecko, 05 December 2008 - 09:54 PM.
I lubed it again and again, I don't see what an extra 2 centimeters does. I don't think I will cut it off.
Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:19 PM
3 NF's
1 SMAT5.5K
2 Single Teks
1 Pen Blaster (ohhhh yeahhh)
2 Mavericks
1 Spider-Man-3-8-shot-gun
Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:38 PM
Maverick x3, one broke
Longshot, broken. Trying to fix it via a angel breech.
Dual Shot
Singled Titan. For some reason it gets around 90 feet, I got it used so maybe that's why.
Hornet, unmodded
Disc Shot (My favorite side arm, Easy 70 feet)
Recon (One of my favorites, Though it gets alot of hate)
Secret shot x2
All of them modded besides the Hornet.
After all, there IS a section for a signature.
Posted 10 November 2008 - 09:34 PM
Posted 11 November 2008 - 01:18 PM
Atomizer (

Maverick (

Nitefinder (M)
Hornet (M)
Scout (M)
Firefly (M)
Magstrike x2 (M)
Then I stopped collecting for a while...
Longshot (M)
Crossfire (M)
Recon (M)
DS (M)
Vulcan (M)
AT2K (

AT3K x2 (1 M)
Posted 11 November 2008 - 03:24 PM
1 Mav
2 NF
1 Recon
All are modded with basic AR Removals, and, in the Mavs case, a Roulette Mod.
Plus (Stock):
1 LS (not stock for long!)
1 Hornet
Edited by Eclipse, 21 December 2008 - 05:44 PM.
Posted 11 November 2008 - 03:59 PM
Nitefinder x1
Recon x1
AT2K x1
All have been modified, and I plan on getting a BBB within the next two days
Edited by Deamonn, 13 November 2008 - 12:49 AM.
21:45 Gears That's boob grabbing time
21:45 Gears it is so easy
Posted 17 November 2008 - 05:58 PM
Sharpshooter2 x 1
BBB x 1
LS x 1
Maverick x 1
Its a very small arsenal and I am just starting to mod them.
VindictivePancake~ "i've seen hot 10 year olds" - T2heavy
t2hevey~ "yupp"
(\ /)
(='.'=) <--Me
Posted 18 November 2008 - 04:01 PM
1: Titan
2: Scout
3: Hornet
4: Rapid Fire Rifle X2
5: Double Shot X2
6: Nightfinder X3
7: Magstrike
8: Vulcan
9: Tek six
10: Tommy 20
11: Big Bad Bow
-Eric Hoffer (1902-1983)
Rabbit + Hunting Bullet from a hunting rifle = exploded rabbit
Posted 18 November 2008 - 09:26 PM
4X AT2K. One singled, one RSCB'd, 2 stock, one integrated into my pump shotty, I guess I have 5 then.
2X SS2. Air powered CANNONS. Get insane ranges
1X Arrowstorm.
1X 1st Gen NF
2X Recon (In pieces, salvaged clips and springs)
1 SM750
1 ERTL pump shotty, 2k integrated
1 SS1- 70ft.... meh.
1 SM3000- Bone stock
Edited by mystefansdontflystraight, 18 November 2008 - 09:27 PM.
It's just screaming to be rearloading...
I seen a movie about that once.
Posted 18 November 2008 - 10:01 PM
-Broken Mav
-SNAP with titan integration
-SNAP pistol
Posted 28 November 2008 - 07:26 PM
1 longshot
1 recon
1 Vulcan
1 maverick
.5 of a magstricke
15 at2k's (literally)
Oh I forgot I also have a Rapid fire rifle, which is in
pieces and under going a massive "Plastic surgery"
but I still have one.
Edited by maseman__46, 29 November 2008 - 12:13 AM.
Yes groove punching your mother solves all problems......Maybe George Bush should have done that during katrina?-foxdemon82
My sales thread
Posted 28 November 2008 - 08:04 PM
recon cs6
2 mavericks
rapid firer tech
double barrel shot gun
dartag gun pistol
Posted 28 November 2008 - 09:57 PM
Dick Shot (yes, spelling intentional. It keeps breaking so i hate it)
Mav (actually not that bad....)
FrankenFinder (I started today)
First Shot
Big Blast mav thang... It kinda sucks... alot...
Thats about it. Hopefully a good Carbine SNAP and a breach rifle soon.
Venom: Haven't we all?
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