Highlights of the day:
"Belltower" rounds (since I really can't call them what we called them).
Taking a headshot during the belltower rounds from Ryan's titan.
Flaming Hilt's incredibly stylish sliding shot...that brought about the death of Oreo.
Imaseoulman emptying his magstrike and Lightning Blitz at me, and missing with everything.
Mitch and Ryan's chase around the park at the end of a Belltower round.
The SNAP-4's continuing efforts in trying to explode...yeah, it still needs tuning.
Getting to see all of these great mods in person.
Finding out that most of my guns suck...except for the SNAP-1.
And of course, finally getting to meet the people behind the words.
Serious fun...looking forward to the next one!
Ryan suits up with his external tank Titan, while Jeff (Imaseoulman) threatens with his Lightning Blitz
Flaming Hilt, Carrtoon and Ryan choose weapons.
Jeff, Sam and Carrtoon
Flaming Hilt taking some cover
Luke, Hilt and Carrtoon sprnting for the flag, with a nice shot of the "belltower".
Jeff and Ryan take off.
Mitch, Carrtoon, Flaming Hilt, Jeff, Ryan and Me (completely cashed out after an insanely hot day of Nerfing.
You can get the full directory of photos here.
Edited by Carbon, 08 July 2007 - 12:33 PM.