Posted 13 May 2007 - 08:22 PM
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Posted 13 May 2007 - 08:42 PM
Don't you people value Father's Day as a holiday? I don't mean to come of as "all-holier-than-thou", just curious.
Posted 13 May 2007 - 11:04 PM
Yeah, but that's on the 17th. You have from 6pm to midnight on the 16th to drive/fly back to where ever, or you could bring your Dad along and have him participate. Or, if your Father likes Golf there are several REALLY NICE courses near Wayside that you could treat him to a round or two at.Don't you people value Father's Day as a holiday?
The war is still going to be on the 16th. I know of 15 people committed to attending on that day as well as at the very least 6 "maybes". Changing the date for two people would be a bass ackwards thing to do to those that are traveling from afar and have already marked the date on their calender.
Anyone is welcome to show up any other Saturday in June, but don't expect very many more people to be there besides yourself that want to Nerf.
For future reference if you want people to show up to a war you need a solidified date decided atleast a month prior to the date that the war is going to be held on.
Edited by CaptainSlug, 13 May 2007 - 11:08 PM.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 12:58 AM
CaptainSlug, on May 13 2007, 08:04 PM, said:
Yeah, but that's on the 17th. You have from 6pm to midnight on the 16th to drive/fly back to where ever, or you could bring your Dad along and have him participate. Or, if your Father likes Golf there are several REALLY NICE courses near Wayside that you could treat him to a round or two at.Don't you people value Father's Day as a holiday?
The war is still going to be on the 16th. I know of 15 people committed to attending on that day as well as at the very least 6 "maybes". Changing the date for two people would be a bass ackwards thing to do to those that are traveling from afar and have already marked the date on their calender.
Anyone is welcome to show up any other Saturday in June, but don't expect very many more people to be there besides yourself that want to Nerf.
For future reference if you want people to show up to a war you need a solidified date decided atleast a month prior to the date that the war is going to be held on.
Slug, I understand what you´re saying, though when you need to start planning and have plans finished differ based on how much of a priority it is. I have graduation parties that I have to attend, but they don´t tell me the date until a month or a month in a half before, which created this problem for me. However, I must say, the war planning was a little iffy. You decided on a date with very little input from others. You said June 16th is already looking to be the most desirable date before anyone commented on a date, they only commented on months. Two posts later you said it was final. In fact, no one had said the date worked when you said it was final. And after that, there was not too much more than ¨sounds like it works¨ followed by you saying that the 16th is the only day that works for you.
I like to consider myself a pretty decent war hoster, after organizing
When OMC hosted a war in the gauntlet (June 17, 2006), it was good, but the attendance wasn´t great. I wasn´t actively nerfing at the time due to medical issues and making up a year´s worth of work and missed it.
After organizing and hosting 8 or 9 of these wars, I like to think I´ve gotten pretty good at it and can do it smoothly. Originally was too indecisive in finalizing a date, but now I think I have it down.
And I really don´t intend to come off harsh.
I´m not asking that you change the date for me, just commenting that the planning wasn´t great.
You´re the one who set a date more than a month in advance and now Eric and I are potentially backing out, heh.For future reference if you want people to show up to a war you need a solidified date decided atleast a month prior to the date that the war is going to be held on.
Oh, and I won´t hold too much of a grudge for stealing the war

And Ted still awarded DCNO as ¨His favorite war¨
Edited by Crankymonky, 14 May 2007 - 01:01 AM.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 01:16 AM
A war is only as good as the people attending it, so I tried to build the date around convenience for those that have to travel the furthest, those that already had commitments for other dates, and to avoid having it on the same day as another war on the East coast.
Not everything that was said is still in this thread due to outside communication and editing.
It's too late to change things now anyways.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 05:53 AM
Dark Shrimp, on May 13 2007, 09:24 PM, said:
shadowkid33, on May 13 2007, 09:22 PM, said:
Yeah, no ninth for me either. The 16 is the only date that works out well for me.
What state do you live in? I have seen you post in war topics for all over the east coast.
I live in South Jersey, and I'm not with z80.
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Posted 14 May 2007 - 10:24 AM
CaptainSlug, on Mar 29 2007, 06:47 PM, said:
Date: June 16th
Location: Wayside Elementary School
10011 Glen Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854
Starting Time: 10am
More details when available.
So is all this information still the info I should be scheduling for? I read through this topic again and some people were suggesting, debating other dates.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 01:48 PM
By my way of thinking, that would lead to fewer people attending than if you made it on a day that was not the day before a national holiday.
As I said before, I've been thinking this was the 9th, for whatever reason, that's why I didn't speak up sooner.
If you want to keep it the 16th, it really doesn't matter to me that much, but, if memory serves there wasn't that much planning as to the date. Most of the discussion was on the venue. But, as I said, whatever.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 02:13 PM
Evil, on May 14 2007, 10:24 AM, said:
Everything in the first post is still what is going to happen.So is all this information still the info I should be scheduling for?
Posted 14 May 2007 - 03:10 PM
RAMBO- I agree that the father's day thing is a bit of an issue, but not really. To the best of my knowlege, not more than 3 people have more than a 3 hr. trip to the war and nobody has to fly in. I think everyone would be able to make it home for father's day based on what I just said.
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Posted 14 May 2007 - 03:36 PM
Not still arguing the Father's Day thing - I really don't even see my dad, just saying that, actually, a majority of people usually have a long drive.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 06:17 PM
RAMBO, on May 14 2007, 12:36 PM, said:
Well, there may be a chance that I can go if I can hitch a ride with OMC. But, I think Groove's drive is over 3 hours, right? And he normally brings 2-3 with him. Mine is 4, 3 for all people from jersey(Shrimp, OMC, etc.) and NerfMonkey is 5? or 6? I don't remember.
Not still arguing the Father's Day thing - I really don't even see my dad, just saying that, actually, a majority of people usually have a long drive.
The ride from DC to Richmond is about one and a half to two hours. To Williamsburg it is much longer. I think Groove may be in Williamsburg now? Nerfmonkey has about a six and a half hour drive to Cleveland, or at least that´s how long it takes to get to Cleveland. Not sure how far Nerfmonkey is from Cleveland, OH.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 06:31 PM
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 14 May 2007 - 06:40 PM
Posted 14 May 2007 - 06:45 PM
EDIT: Slug keep in mind that DCNO is Dean's war. When you find a war to host you can be a bitch just like Dean.
Edited by Dark Shrimp, 14 May 2007 - 08:59 PM.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 07:01 PM
</Extreme Sarcasm>
Dean, if you want it moved to the 9th then you have to get NerfMonkey, Groove, and Evil to agree to it. The 23rd is simply not going to happen.
Or you can just go to the war next month for all I care. Which is something I cannot do, but you don't see me petitioning people to move Armageddon to August because I won't be able to attend.
Moving the date screws over more people than it helps.
Edited by CaptainSlug, 14 May 2007 - 07:12 PM.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 09:52 PM
The 23rd I was considering going to PANO, but that's still up in the air. I would prefer to leave the date as is.
FYI, DCNO is noone's war. ThatWasRandom "hosted" one once I belive, and Groove and I went to one (might even be the same one) that was a 2 day event that only had like 6-8 people total in 2 days. So if CS stepped it up, it's at his discretion this time.
Posted 14 May 2007 - 09:59 PM
Posted 14 May 2007 - 10:30 PM
One Man Clan, on May 14 2007, 06:52 PM, said:
FYI, DCNO is noone's war. ThatWasRandom "hosted" one once I belive, and Groove and I went to one (might even be the same one) that was a 2 day event that only had like 6-8 people total in 2 days. So if CS stepped it up, it's at his discretion this time.
While DCNO is not quite the village bike, it´s had it´s rounds.
Talio organized and hosted 1 alone
Talio?, OMC?, TWS? organized and hosted one once, this one I didn´t attend.
I believe?
And I´ve organized and hosted 9 of them.
And now Slug has organized and soon host 1

And because slug is organizing, I have no obligation to go.
After I spoke to Slug, I got lucky! I will be able to make part of this war, and hope we can accomodate me a bit.
I would like if we don´t take lunch break until 2P. At 2 PM I can then leave for my now-shortened obligation, and be back before missing too much nerfing. I am not sure when I´ll be able to get back. It could be an hour, it could be 3.
But DCNO is totally my war, for the record

Edited by Crankymonky, 29 May 2007 - 01:37 AM.
Posted 15 May 2007 - 01:12 AM
I would like to work it so that I can bring food and drinks for everyone so that the lunch interruption is kept to a minimum. But it will depend on my finances at the time so no guarantees.
Edited by CaptainSlug, 15 May 2007 - 01:13 AM.
Posted 15 May 2007 - 09:45 AM
Posted 15 May 2007 - 05:06 PM
And I have no clue as to THIRST´s attendance. He is still out of the country and won´t be getting back until ... I have no idea when.
Posted 29 May 2007 - 01:45 AM
Captain Slug(+?)
One Man Clan
Flaming Hilt
The Infinite Shindig
Edited by Crankymonky, 29 May 2007 - 03:20 PM.
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