I got the phone number! It is:
1-800-709-8900I've been calling for the past 15 minutes. I got the busy tone 95% of calls, but I got a voice recording of "Sorry, please try again," five times. On the last call, they put me on hold. I only had to wait about a minute while they kept saying "Keep waiting! We'll be with you any minute!" When I got a person on, to my suprise, I won second prize

They asked for my age, they let me talk and give information when I said 14, and adress & phone number. They also said that all of the second prize winners are entered in the grand prize drawing after a while (I don't remember when). I'll take a picture of the parcel in 6-8 weeks to prove I'm not making this up.
My advice is to just keep calling, and when you actually get in, you have to wait through about five seconds of silence before they give you "please wait to get an operator" or "Sorry, please try again." I was thoroughly convinved I wouldn't get squat, my brother kept saying "You're wasting your time, it's not worth it, you'll never win anyways," but I'm glad I kept calling

I have no idea when the calling time is over, so I hope people are reading this! I'm trying to get to Nerf HQ, but I can't get the page to load, if it works for anyone, can he/she post this post (minus this sentence) on the HQ in the topic on this contest? Thanks!
w00t!! Strikefire Battle-in-a-Box Set!
Edited by Yakkers, 05 March 2007 - 04:02 PM.