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Hasbro Reveals Nerf N-strike Disk Shot (nerf Skeet Shooting)

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#1 CaptainCC



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Posted 05 February 2007 - 07:50 PM


NERF makes an action-packed addition to its popular N-STRIKE line with the NERF N-STRIKE DISK SHOT disk launching system. The N-STRIKE DISK SHOT features one-of-a-kind foam blasting fun that only NERF can deliver - just like traditional skeet-shooting, but with a NERF twist! Launch foam discs using a wireless launch activator that attaches to most N-STRIKE blasters Then, take aim at the flying disk with an N-STRIKE blaster, and blast the disk out of the air! With three built-in difficulty levels, NERF enthusiasts of any caliber will enjoy building their blasting skills. Whether you’re a novice or NERF pro, this fall get ready to launch, aim and fire. The NERF N-STRIKE DISK SHOT comes complete with disk launcher, NERF blaster, six MICRO DARTS, six foam disks, wireless launch activator and wall plug. (Approximate retail price $49.99; Ages 6 & Up; Available: Fall 2007)

From their latest press release. For the full text, go to Google News and search for hasbro.

I've just realized the implications of this. Screw the skeet shooting. This is a remote control Nerf Gun. A Nerf drone. Brilliant.
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#2 NerfMonkey



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Posted 05 February 2007 - 07:51 PM

Haha, skeet.
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#3 navy seal

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Posted 05 February 2007 - 07:53 PM

heres a link to it:Nerf Disk Shot

Its just junk in with the guns to raise the price. I'm hoping they come out with a new gun and not just put a nite finder or remake in it.
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#4 Lance



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Posted 05 February 2007 - 07:59 PM

50$ for something that shoots disks?
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#5 NiteWalker



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Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:04 PM

Wonder what Nerf Gun they will include though. I mean, if it's something like a good rifle it might be worth considering even if it is expensive.
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#6 ItalionStallion



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Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:05 PM

I'm a little confused. Is this sort of like the Air XXL Skeet shoot that came out a few years ago?
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Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:08 PM

CaptainCC, on Feb 5 2007, 07:50 PM, said:

I've just realized the implications of this. Screw the skeet shooting. This is a remote control Nerf Gun. A Nerf drone. Brilliant.

It's too expensive for what it's designed for, but maybe you could hook up a turret to shoot these things at anyone who passes? It might work, but I still wouldn't see any reason to buy anything like this otherwise.
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#8 PiMpDaDdY



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Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:38 PM

Are there any pics of this thing? I love shooting skeet with a real shotgun but do yall think this is gonna be worth it?
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Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:46 PM

PiMpDaDdY, on Feb 5 2007, 08:38 PM, said:

Are there any pics of this thing? I love shooting skeet with a real shotgun but do yall think this is gonna be worth it?

I highly doubt that this is worth the investment, unless Hasbro includes some kind of really powerful gun with the package.
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#10 Substance Abuse

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Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:51 PM

Nice Find. But It doesnt look sound Modable...

And the $50 price tag doesn't helpa t all either.

Edited by Substance Abuse, 05 February 2007 - 08:53 PM.

QUOTE(Brass @ Jul 6 2007, 10:30 PM) View Post

QUOTE(keef @ Jul 6 2007, 09:29 PM) View Post

Yeah, I'm in the same case as Substance Abuse...
Brass, ask your mother.

She said your dad owes her three dollars.

#11 Lance



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Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:55 PM

This thing sounds really, really stupid. :P
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#12 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 05 February 2007 - 09:59 PM

The gun sounds exactly like the XXL skeet shoot gun.
For once someone is going to take the idea from another company and make it better!
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#13 Pineapple


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Posted 05 February 2007 - 10:45 PM

I'm reading the mixed reviews as usual, when the fall lineup is leaked out with minute details...

I guess the mention of the word "skeet" makes everyone think it may be crappy, instead if it were a "Nerf Sni.per" set or something with a silencer, or fully automatic belt-fed M-60 wannabes or something...

... But SKEET? :lol:

I think the idea sounds absolutely brilliant. Completely away from Mil-sim, unlike the Longshot, which got all the Mil-sim Nerf fans a case of the boners. This is refreshingly different.

I think it would be absolutely hilarious if the blaster in the set was a re-engineered Crossbow that fired Nerf micros only (not arrows). Then everyone and his and her brother will drool for a Nerf Disk Shot.

But, I'm not one to speculate, I just wait til' they're out on the shelves. Heck, it took me almost a year to get the Magstrike, and we still didn't pick up a Longshot yet. I'm in no hurry...my air-powered arsenal serves me just fine right now.

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<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#14 LastManAlive



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Posted 06 February 2007 - 09:09 AM

Actually, I can hear the mil-sim people talking now.

Oh what's that? Nerf claymore mines?

It says it has a remote activator that connects to most of the N-strike guns. I say plug this bad boy in and set it by a doorway. It might be noisy though, but the look on their faces when they get shot by a skeet machine...great.

My guess is that it will come with a nightfinder repaint. Only other gun I see them putting it with for the N-strike line in a 'rifle' or 'assult' weapon is the firefly to try to sell it. I don't know about you guys, but who is else buying the firefly anymore?

I could actually see this more off in the dart tag section with the velcro and everything. Guess some 'tard running around with a velcro vest on was enough for them though.

Edited by LastManAlive, 06 February 2007 - 09:10 AM.

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#15 aribiter



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Posted 06 February 2007 - 09:59 AM

The fact that it says six micro darts means it could not be a firefly i more see it as a maverick or a nf with extra darts it would be sweet if it was a single shot rifle but i doubt it
nerf or nothing

#16 CaptainSlug


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Posted 06 February 2007 - 01:41 PM

I'm hoping this thing use a transformer rather than being powered by an AC motor. If it's a convenient DC voltage internally then hooking it up to a battery would allow it to be used at wars without much hassle.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#17 themessiahpsg1



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Posted 06 February 2007 - 04:14 PM

Maybe it's go with the pro skeet tradition and use something like this:
God Forbid:

as for the actual trap, i fit isn't portable stock, just switch out the motor (if neccessary) and integrate it with a good-sized battery.
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#18 Skitzo



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Posted 06 February 2007 - 04:39 PM

Well the fact that it is supposed to be plugged in is telling me that its meant to be used inside, meaning its not going to shoot very far or with much power so a new motor will probably be a must.
I was pretty interested until I saw the price. Unless it come with a new gun that is decent I'm not buying it.
I would probably use it to practice aiming when surprised because I can't hit anything when I'm in a panic.
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#19 FoeHammer



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Posted 06 February 2007 - 05:25 PM

Hopefully Nerf will make a shotgun to come in this set. It would go with the skeet shooting set and would fit in nicely with the n-strike police theme they've got going on.

Skeet shooting doesn't make scenes if your not using a shot gun. (My friend actually played a round of skeet using his compound bow because of a bet. :lol: )
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#20 LastManAlive



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Posted 06 February 2007 - 07:15 PM

Not true about that my friend.

I own at skeet with my 10/22 open sighted.

I would like to see a variant of the front gun of the LS come with the game with some sort of a 2-shot loading mechanism. Like the DS, but in a pump-action version. Maybe nerf will get into using shells. Hopefully Nerf will finally have stolen the idea from Buzzbee meaning a better shotgun shell system.
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#21 Ice Nine

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Posted 06 February 2007 - 07:29 PM

I personally would like to see a shotgun that uses LS clips. It would make a lot of sense from their perspective; less new parts to manufacture, and I'm sure that a gun could be fitted up with Longshot-like internals with a shotgun pump. Come to think of it, that's exactly what Captain Slug did.
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#22 Paloose



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Posted 06 February 2007 - 07:53 PM

LastManAlive, on Feb 6 2007, 04:15 PM, said:

I would like to see a variant of the front gun of the LS come with the game with some sort of a 2-shot loading mechanism. Like the DS, but in a pump-action version.

Ice Nine, on Feb 6 2007, 04:29 PM, said:

I personally would like to see a shotgun that uses LS clips.

Look at what they did with the scout. They essensially reworked it with a better spring and threw on a turret, and the maverick was born. Why wouldn't they do the same thing now?
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#23 AssassinNF



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Posted 07 February 2007 - 11:49 AM

It has to come with a powerful gun if you're supposed to be able to shoot skeets with it, and I hope there are LS clips involved.

Clip Shotgun, Clip Rifle, Single Rifle, or at least a Clip Pistol.

I don't think Hasbro is stupid enough not to add a decent gun in there. No one will buy this for $50 without a good gun. They'll also want to recycle (use 'em again) the LS clips, like they've recycled everything else.

(Wildfire, Powerclip, Scout internals, Nite-finder, the list goes on)

They are gonna have to do better than just a skeet shooter to get my money.
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#24 Yakkers



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Posted 07 February 2007 - 04:22 PM

I hope this isn't the only thing they crank out, but it seems like it :( I guess we can still hope for the gun it comes with to be new. And it better not be in the new N-Strike olors, a grotesque combonation of orangy-yellow and grey. Ew.

I find myself looking forward to Buzzbee's new lineup almost as much as Nerf's, so we still have that to look for.
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#25 NiteWalker



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Posted 07 February 2007 - 05:31 PM

I don' think they'd make a clip pistol because it wouldn't have very much power and if it used the longshot clips it would be big. I think it might be a shotgun-type thing or another turret type one. Also, Buzzbee guns are cheap and the only one I think works well is the Big Blast.
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