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My At3k Mod

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#1 Garrett76z



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Posted 01 February 2007 - 02:00 AM

Probably not anything too special . . .

I don't know if anyone else hates the stupid pump slider on these things but I do. So the first thing I did was replace it with my own pump handle. I took a 3/8" steel rod and epoxied it into the hollow plunger (you can kind of see that in the pics). Then I drilled a perfectly sized hole in the case for it to protrude out the front. Next I cut an appropriately sized piece of PVC to use on the end as a handle.

As a byproduct now each stroke of the pump is a bit longer than when using the original handle, so it gets more air into the chamber with each pump.

Next I took a slightly different approach to the barrels. To make sure they are perfectly straight, I used (6) 1.5" 19/32" pieces of brass as stubs that fit perfectly inside the turret. Once these are snug I nested (6) 6" 9'16" brass barrels into the stubs. Nice and straight. You could also breech load darts this way if you wanted to, perhaps even make all 6 barrels connected so you could pull them all off at once.

Restrictors are gone and I plugged the overpressure release hole.

Anyways, I did a quick range test outside. At 5 pumps I'm getting 123' average distance shot level on concrete with a measuring tape.

Anyways, its the first 3k I've had and I'm liking the range and ROF.

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Edited by Garrett76z, 01 February 2007 - 02:05 AM.

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#2 Forsaken angel24

Forsaken angel24


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 02:04 AM

I really like the new pump handle.
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#3 PennyWise



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Posted 01 February 2007 - 02:41 AM

Nice, the pump handle looks profesional. Also a very clean mod with badass ranges, I respect that.

Edited by PennyWise, 01 February 2007 - 02:41 AM.

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#4 PvtMcFlurry



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Posted 01 February 2007 - 02:55 PM

It looks very clean. Also does that handle have a soft foam around it? If so that makes it even more badass.
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QUOTE(Cannonball @ Oct 26 2007, 11:47 PM) View Post

I'm anxiously awaiting the hasbro over throw.

One Man Clan, or One Man Company?

Crossbow Mod.

#5 Garrett76z



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Posted 01 February 2007 - 03:58 PM

Pvt.McFlurry, on Feb 1 2007, 11:55 AM, said:

It looks very clean. Also does that handle have a soft foam around it? If so that makes it even more badass.

No it doesnt so far. I was thinking I could dip it in Plastidip or something to have a better feel.
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#6 NiteWalker



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Posted 01 February 2007 - 06:29 PM

Uh... are you sure you get 123'? I mean it seems really high for an at3k that still has a turret. Cxwq's gets around what? 80 ft.? Why does yours get so high? Nice pump though.
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Credit to Carrtoon for the mod.

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#7 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 01 February 2007 - 06:46 PM

I would say the ranges can be attributed to several things. First off the tank is bigger then an at2k so if a quad 2k can get 90 ft, I find that this thing can get 123. Second off, his darts probably have a pretty damn near perfect fit in those barrels. He is also putting more air then any normal person would because of the custom pumping handle.
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#8 Garrett76z



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Posted 02 February 2007 - 12:21 AM

NiteWalker, on Feb 1 2007, 03:29 PM, said:

Uh... are you sure you get 123'? I mean it seems really high for an at3k that still has a turret. Cxwq's gets around what? 80 ft.? Why does yours get so high? Nice pump though.

I've read CXWQ's thread and tried to duplicate the way he tested range with his. Flat shots with 3/0 weighted stefans on concrete with 5 pumps. More than likely the extra distance is attributed to the new pump handle. Its pumping in a bit more air each pump than a normal AT3k does.
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#9 ogopogo



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Posted 02 February 2007 - 12:27 AM

I love the mod but im not to shure on the range because a singled at3k barly hits that range. And even with you extra pumps the turret is not air tight like the barrel on a single barrel is.
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#10 Garrett76z



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Posted 02 February 2007 - 12:38 AM

ogopogo, on Feb 1 2007, 09:27 PM, said:

I love the mod but im not to shure on the range because a singled at3k barly hits that range. And even with you extra pumps the turret is not air tight like the barrel on a single barrel is.

Not sure what to tell ya. A tape measure is a tape measure. I backed it up by hitting 160FPS on the chronograph.
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#11 ogopogo



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Posted 02 February 2007 - 12:45 AM

Garrett76z, on Feb 1 2007, 09:38 PM, said:

ogopogo, on Feb 1 2007, 09:27 PM, said:

I love the mod but im not to shure on the range because a singled at3k barly hits that range. And even with you extra pumps the turret is not air tight like the barrel on a single barrel is.

Not sure what to tell ya. A tape measure is a tape measure. I backed it up by hitting 160FPS on the chronograph.

Now that i see the post that proves your not a 13 yera old im starting to belive you Good work.
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#12 sam



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Posted 02 February 2007 - 07:33 PM

I love it. The range does seem a bit high, but even 100' from a AT3k is awesome. Now I'm pissed that none of my AT3Ks worked. Nice job anyway.
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