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Boltsniper Bs-9 Nerf Tactical Sidearm

Mag-fed high power homemade pistol

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#26 sam



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 10:50 AM

fobpawwor, on Jul 10 2006, 07:30 PM, said:

Hey Boltsniper, I still dont get how you load the bullets in the magazine. Is there a hole infront of the trigger?

Yes there is a hole infront of the trigger, and that is where the darts are loaded.
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#27 taz22



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 12:20 PM

ok, i'v got 2 questions.

1: what kind of metal did you use for the trigger thing, and did you used a milling machine to make the gab? (by kind of metal i mean alloy, metal, stainless and size thick)

2: how in god's name do you came up with these designs and stuff to build that mag in the fist place and all the other stuff?

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#28 boltsniper



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 01:14 PM

The trigger is just cut from 1/16" aluminum plate. 2024 to be exact. I have access to mills but I just used a dremel to cut it to shape. Same with the GNS and SCAR triggers.

I had wanted to doa shellless system for along time and I also wanted a multishot pistol so this is kinds what resulted. The whole pistol was designed in CAD before I cut anything. The magazine was drawn and simply sent to the prototyper and 15 hours later it popped out.
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#29 Gyrvalcon



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 01:27 PM

Boltsniper, could you post some kind of CAD version of the magazine on your site, something other than a Solidworks file? I could convert this to a DXF file myself, and get one cut by eMachine Shop. This might also be something you could direct all the folks who ask you to sell them a mag/magwell to.

Edited by Gyrvalcon, 11 July 2006 - 01:35 PM.

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#30 boltsniper



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 02:34 PM

Yes I can host the CAD files in other formats. I hosted an IGES veresion of the BS-8 mag well for a member of Boltsniper.com and I can do the same for the BS-9 parts. I am limited in what format I can save to. In addition to IGS, I can go to STL which might be useful. I cannot go to DXF or DWG straight from SW.

I have looked at that website before and I think its a great idea. I don`t think this part is going to be cheap though. I notice that they are offereing FDM and I wonder how much they are charging for that.

I`ll host the magazine in multiple formats on BS.com.
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#31 Gyrvalcon



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 03:21 PM

boltsniper, on Jul 11 2006, 03:34 PM, said:

Yes I can host the CAD files in other formats. I hosted an IGES veresion of the BS-8 mag well for a member of Boltsniper.com and I can do the same for the BS-9 parts. I am limited in what format I can save to. In addition to IGS, I can go to STL which might be useful. I cannot go to DXF or DWG straight from SW.

I have looked at that website before and I think its a great idea. I don`t think this part is going to be cheap though. I notice that they are offereing FDM and I wonder how much they are charging for that.

I`ll host the magazine in multiple formats on BS.com.

Perfect. Excellent. Wonderful.

Of course, you're probably right about the price, but you have to pay for quality, right?

Oh, and I forgot to mention how cool the Bs-9 is.

It's really cool.
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#32 Agent X10

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Posted 11 July 2006 - 06:54 PM

davidbowie, on Jul 10 2006, 07:46 PM, said:

X10, most people don't have brakes that could handle a decent thickness of sheet metal, and SLA still looks much cooler.

I don't understand what you mean by, "brakes". I didn't say it looked cool, I just was pointing out that it was, in fact, practical.
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"I cut brass with my teeth. No, I use a dremel and a cutting wheel." --Ompa

#33 Ronster



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 08:03 PM

What size sheet metal do you use for your homemades?
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QUOTE(baghead @ Oct 25 2006, 09:55 AM) View Post
Ronster reminded me that I should have warned you all Prepare your Bladder for Imminent Release!!!!

#34 boltsniper



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 08:57 PM

A brake is a machine to bend or shear metal. You may have heard the term "press brake" before.

The aluminum I use is 1/16" thick 2024
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#35 taz22



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 11:39 AM

ok thanks boltsniper. i gues 1/16 is 1.5mm thick? and there is a small pin to hold the plunger, does it need a very strong spring, ore is one out of a pen also good? thank you

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#36 boltsniper



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 12:09 PM

I use pen springs for catch springs. They are plenty strong. The catch is made from 1/16" music wire.
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#37 Agent X10

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Posted 12 July 2006 - 02:48 PM

boltsniper, on Jul 11 2006, 05:57 PM, said:

A brake is a machine to bend or shear metal. You may have heard the term "press brake" before.

I see. I just use a dremel and a reinforced cutting wheel to cut the aluminum that I use. The reinforced cutting wheels are an excellent investment, by the way.
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"I hear footsteps in the attic!"
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"Ill-bred mice!"

"I cut brass with my teeth. No, I use a dremel and a cutting wheel." --Ompa

#38 Prometheus



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 04:29 PM

Bolty, one more question -- on the blue prints on your site (the colourful schematic), with the other plunger that you designed, but did not use, what prevents the plunger from rotating and not engaging the locking pin (attached to the trigger plate)? I am in the process if building my own, but this has been the only snag in the construction. Also, how soon until measurements and more accurate plans are available?

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#39 ompa



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 05:04 PM

Don't bother using a hole-type thing. Take a look at Carbon's plunger designs; use something similar to that. You don't even need to worry about orientation that way.

Posted Image

The plunger is in the center-left of the picture. I basically have a washer as the catch face, as the catch pin will wear down pvc very quickly. It might require some sanding of a washer, but it's worth it in the long run, as it won't wear down nearly as quickly.

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#40 Ronster



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 05:28 PM

Prometheus, on Jul 12 2006, 04:29 PM, said:

Bolty, one more question -- on the blue prints on your site (the colourful schematic), with the other plunger that you designed, but did not use, what prevents the plunger from rotating and not engaging the locking pin (attached to the trigger plate)? I am in the process if building my own, but this has been the only snag in the construction. Also, how soon until measurements and more accurate plans are available?


He's got a nail (two of them, I think) that keeps the plunger strait and prevents any unwanted turning.
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-I Nerf, there for I am.

QUOTE(baghead @ Oct 25 2006, 09:55 AM) View Post
Ronster reminded me that I should have warned you all Prepare your Bladder for Imminent Release!!!!

#41 ompa



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 05:32 PM

Yeah, but that's for his long plunger, not his shortened design.

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#42 Sponge Nerfer

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Posted 12 July 2006 - 06:36 PM

Boltsniper, as far as I have seen you are probably the best maker of homeades out there and this new design is simple, effective, and remarkable I cannot wait to see your next work. Good job! :ph34r:

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#43 boltsniper



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 09:44 PM

Yes, you would need an axissymettric catch face to use that style plunger. That's exactly what Ompa did. I used that style setup on the FAR and no plunger indexing is necessary. From the GNS on I have indexed the plunger. It's not that hard to do. Just a slot and a pin. I did it liek that one the GNS cause I wanted the wire loop to be int he same orientation and not free to rotate around the axis of the gun. I indexed the plunger on the SCAR to save the weight of having a metach catch face all the way around the plunger and I could also cut sections of the plunger out saving more weight.
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#44 Gyrvalcon



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 10:59 PM

Do you think it would be feasible to bond the shortened plunger, spring, and spring perch into one unit? This would allow you to use the current catch, because the unit couldn't twist (much).
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#45 Prometheus



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Posted 17 July 2006 - 09:09 AM

Bolty, would you be able to give me measures of the plunger travel compared to the length of the bolt, as it would help me to build this gun, I'm somewhat iffy about cutting up my brass at this moment. I was also wondering, do you find there is any binding/any movement problems with the bolt haveing all that pressure at just the top? I was considering putting 2 or 3 pins in, and having them in an arc shape over the top of the bolt. Any suggestions, that'd be great, Thanks.

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QUOTE(VACC @ Jan 24 2008, 06:12 AM) View Post
I am NEVER going to sleep naked in the bed of a former child star ever again....seriously

#46 davidbowie



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Posted 17 July 2006 - 11:54 AM


I see. I just use a dremel and a reinforced cutting wheel to cut the aluminum that I use. The reinforced cutting wheels are an excellent investment, by the way.

Cutting is no problem with hand shears or a dremel. When I said "brake", I meant something more like a box-pan brake, for bends. It's hard to get even, sharp bends without one, and they're pretty important for a magazine. Clamping it in a vice and bending it can work, but it still tends to round off corners and make uneven bends.
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#47 taz22



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Posted 21 July 2006 - 05:11 AM

use a hamer to bend it. than you get very clean bends
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#48 LnLKing



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Posted 31 July 2006 - 03:37 PM

hey boltsniper , did you ever think of making a pistol that uses striper clips not saying that your creations are bad (by the way the pistol is awesome) just makeing a suggestion like the WWll German Mauser.
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#49 elf avec gun

elf avec gun


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Posted 31 July 2006 - 04:22 PM

What the heck are you going to do next? Any plans?
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#50 Jackman



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Posted 22 June 2007 - 05:20 PM

Boltsniper, that's one bad (as in good) pistol. Will you be willing to build me one? We can agree on price over my e-mail. (lsharder@comcast.net) And just one question. Do you have to cock it?
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