I present then....
Check out the extended writeup on Boltsniper.com here. And of course there is a new forum to handle questions about the pistol.
This gun is a magazine fed slide action pistol. It can hold 5 rounds when fully loaded. The magazine will hold 4 rounds and you can alos have one chambered for a total of 5. The pistol uses a nested brass bolt/breach system to cycle the darts through the gun. There are no shells! A first for me. The magazine is non-detachable and is loaded through a port in the rear of the magazine in the trigger guard. To load the gun you depress the follower with the actuation rod protruding from the right side. When fully depressed the loading port is opened and darts are inserted until the magazine is full. the follower is then released and the pistol is ready to go.
The construction and operation of the systems are very similar to the SCAR and the GNS.
The image below shows the barrel and bolt system that is the heart of the pistol.
The image below shows the fire control group. It is very similar to the system in the SCAR only smaller. The trigger is actually an integral part of the trigger plate rather than bolted on.
Next to a nite finder for size comparision
My new combo!
Much more information located on the BS-9 page on Boltsniper.com
I will get some videos of the pistol in action and loading up soon. I don`t know if I`ll get the time this weekend but surely next week.