So to fix them, I used pipe/tube fasteners at the ends of the bladder, keeping the old plugs in to keep in the pressure.

I plugged the air release with hot glue, since the cap at the end keeps the valve itself together. I put the plugs back in on both ends of the bladder, and then put on the fasteners around where the caps used to be.

I then put everything back in its place, making sure to remove the air restrictors from the turret assembly, which I had never done before.

I get a blistering 30 feet with it straight, and about 40 feet at an angle (about 35 degrees). Is the range really that sucky on everyone else's Wildfire?
Just thought I'd post my repair job for you guys to see; might come in handy for similar guns, like the RF20 or PowerClip. Let me know if you've had a similar problem, and thanks for any feedback. Sorry for the blurry pictures.