Pump up the action with the NERF DART TAG MAGSTRIKE blaster, the first NERF rapid fire blaster with a clip reloading system!
The NERF N-STRIKE LONGSHOT CS-6... And, with an awesome reloading clip system, refilling your blaster has never been faster.
Hmm... the more I read this and the more that I think about it (I know speculation isn't good)...
It sounds like the magazine system uses stripper clips sorta' like my SuperMaxx 1000 (seen here). They call them reloading clips implying they're used for reload only and not as a functioning part of the gun.
The Powerclip used a clip that was a fuctioning part of the gun, but was not first to use a clip. The Sawtooth used the clip system and its clips were functioning pieces of the gun. It says the Magstrike is the first with "clip reloading system" which sounds like stripper clips.
I am also thinkng very much along the lines of the Sawtooth and Electric Eel. Like you said, it says 'reloading clips' which implies the clips are used for reloading. The Power Clip's clip is internal and it is not used to relaod: it is the thing that must be relaoded. So, it sounds to me like these clips are indeed stripper clips like your SuperMaxx 1000, and my Nite-Mav.
However, this is all speculation based on what could be nothing more than a case of poor phrasing.
Anyway, the Magstrike will almost certainly be a very good gun (If not at first, it will be when we all get our hands on it
However, I am very curious as to the specifics of the CS-6.
It seems to be very reminiscent of the old CyberStryke DT3, which, when modded right, was very, very good.
And this, again, is speculation, but I just had a
horrible thought. Instead of having the barrel straight out of the front, or level with the way you hold it, do you think Nerf would put the barrel sticking out at a 45 degree angle, so as to increase stock range without making it overly powerful, but making it impossible to use?
I would hate that...