Actually, I'd bet dollars to donuts that it will be extremely similar to the crap that adorned the Ratchetblast. As a quick search of Veterans' comments on the subject would show, there is never a need for maginfying optics on Nerf weaponry. Nerf guns just aren't accurate enough for such equipment to be reliable, nor do foam darts have the velocity and range necessary to make such an enhancement viable.I disagree, as we've already seen that sort of thing on Nerf before. The Rachetblast has a tube with a crosshair in plastic lenses, but the effect is the same. Nope, I think it'll actually be a scope. A plastic-lensed, low power telescope sort of thing, but a definite scope.
That being said, I think you're right that the greatest selling points of this gun are going to be purely cosmetic. I'd love to be wrong, though.
You're misunderstanding me; I think it'll behave like a scope, in that you look through it, and things will look closer. I think it'll behave like a scope precisely because we've seen tube-like peepsites on Nerf before...and for this release, I don't know if Hasbro would have called it out if it was more of the same.
That being said, it doesn't change the fact that there's no reason for a Nerf gun to have true optics on it. All I was saying was that this scope is going to be cosmetic, but a bit more functional than most cosmetic add-ons. Functional as in, it'll make things look closer, not that it'll add funtion to the gun itself. Think FUNction, not true utility.
That being said, it's promising because a scope on this gun (even a semi-useless cosmetic one) implies increased accuracy and range, stock out of the box. And also, like I was saying, I don't think that that will be the case....but I'd still like being wrong.