I finally found some brass, but I don't know what tool to cut it with, I'm guessing it's some type of saw because I used a plastic (i'm really smart aren't I) pipe cutter and deformed the brass. The only tools I have are:
1. Hot glue gun
2. Plastic Pipe cutter
3. Drill
4. Saw
5. Screwdriver(s)
6. Pliers (spelling?)
Oh, and my saw is not electronic in any way, it's a very small hacksaw that is about 4-5inches long.
Just asking if it's possible to cut the brass without having to spend money on a new saw (because It's my dad's money, and eletric saws could be expensive)?
P.S. I'm not sure what brass to buy, I bought 9/16 brass (because stupid people mixed up the brass, so where the label said, "17/32, I picked up a piece of 9/16," yet it still fits my stefans O.K., they still fall thorugh if you shake the brass hard enough though. So i'm asking if the next time I go to that hobby shop, should I buy 17/32 or stick with the 9/16?
Darn I forgot to ask, what is it best to nest brass in, i've seen it nested in PETG, yet my father doesn't like to pay for online stuff, and he does have a paypal account, yet he hasn't used it in sooo long he forgot is password. I tried fitting it in 1/2 SCH40 (stuff used for stock darts and nesting crayola barrels) and there is ALOT of space, not sure if CPVC is good though, because I've never bought it.
1. You need these to cut brass cleanly:
I got these at Ace for 15 bucks. Just go really slow.
2. Judging by your description of how your darts fit in brass, 9/16 will work for air guns. Your going to need a much tighter fit for spring guns, so for springers go with 17/32
3. Wrap e-tape around the brass so that it has a tight fit in 1/2" PVC. Do it in multiple places so the barrel remains straight.