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Armageddon 2005

Roll-Call, Motherfuckers!

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#76 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 04 July 2005 - 01:49 AM

jon, on Jul 4 2005, 04:12 AM, said:

Hey Kev,
Are all homemades baned from this war? Because im making the one Evan made, the FAR Rifle. I would love to use it, also posibly the beast. Though I'm pretty sure that you will ban the beast. The reason that I ask this question is because the FAR Rifle is not as powerful other homemades.(Like the ones desert storm brought that could shatter safety glasses.) Plus this gun will help me compensate for other things... :angry:

Dude.. we've been going to these wars for, four, five years now? Homemades have been banned for what, two? Yeah, you'll figure it out eventually.

Not sure how I'm considered a "newbie," or why you thought I was getting a ride with you though...(this would be in regards to your last comment)
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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#77 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 04 July 2005 - 07:40 AM

ShatteredDreams, on Jul 4 2005, 01:49 AM, said:

Not sure how I'm considered a "newbie," or why you thought I was getting a ride with you though...(this would be in regards to your last comment)

Dude, if you are the last member to join a group, you are always considered the "new kid." I've been the "new kid" in the LCM for the past 4 years.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#78 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 04 July 2005 - 01:04 PM

Kuhlschrank, on Jul 4 2005, 12:40 PM, said:

Dude, if you are the last member to join a group, you are always considered the "new kid." I've been the "new kid" in the LCM for the past 4 years.

..I am not even near the "last kid" to join this group.

Edited by ShatteredDreams, 04 July 2005 - 01:04 PM.

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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#79 jon



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Posted 04 July 2005 - 05:08 PM

ShatteredDreams, on Jul 4 2005, 06:04 PM, said:

Kuhlschrank, on Jul 4 2005, 12:40 PM, said:

Dude, if you are the last member to join a group, you are always considered the "new kid." I've been the "new kid" in the LCM for the past 4 years.

I was just joshing about Toj being a newbie. That's just me talking trash. He has been with us since the begining. Toj is definatly a veteran when it comes to nerf.

Did you even read my poast? Do you even remember why homemades where banned in the first place? Homemades where banned for being too hazardous. The FAR Rifle doesn't break saftey glasses and shoots under 100 feet. Correct me if I'm wrong, I believe it shoots around 75 feet. Another reason why I ask this is because the gun's power comes from spring rather than compressed air; so if the pvc breaks there won't be plastic shrapnel going all over the place. Plus, you out of all people should know that there is no harm in asking. :P

Edited by jon, 04 July 2005 - 05:10 PM.

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Die you super-monkey fuck!

#80 cxwq



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Posted 04 July 2005 - 08:02 PM

Homemades are banned. Spoon, Vacc, and I have talked about it quite a bit and decided that there's no adequate way to test homemades to ensure safety. Any gun deriving its power from a non-nerf source is a homemade. This includes, but is not limited to: sprinkler/ball valve pneumatics; homemade springers like the FAR; and tank extensions like the AT2ks with PVC airtanks.
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#81 Falcon


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Posted 07 July 2005 - 07:58 PM

Okay, as or right now, from the Black KNights, we have myself, Apollo and Nightwing coming.
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Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#82 baghead



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Posted 07 July 2005 - 08:57 PM

CRAP! my family planed a vacation without consulting me, and I'm going to be in the Central coast for the duiration of this!! I'm trying to work something out, but most likely I won't make it...and since my clan doesn't even show up to our own wars, don't expect any of them to show either.

-Bags :ph34r:
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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#83 quasar



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 12:09 PM

Could we meet around noon? That'll give me time to drive up that morning.

I might bring another friend if I can talk him into it.

By the way, what's the head count up to?
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#84 cxwq



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 01:51 PM

We're starting at 10:00 sharp, if you get there at noon you'll probably get in one skirmish before lunch, then lots more after lunch. We won't break the party up until 6:00.

Head count everyone.

I doubt I'll be bringing anyone this time so just one for me.

Edit: ^Anyone to nerf, that is. Julie will be arriving with our son sometime mid-day to shoot some video.
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#85 Falcon


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Posted 08 July 2005 - 03:30 PM

Three, maybe four here.
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#86 Spoon



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 12:12 AM

Me, Hubbard, maybe Jordan, Jason, maybe a new guy Robert, Matt Kashuba most likely, Steph for a bit of the day.
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#87 rawray7



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 01:07 PM

one. maybe two.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#88 silent mercenary

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Posted 10 July 2005 - 07:47 PM

two other guys and myself are coming

Edited by silent mercenary, 10 July 2005 - 07:47 PM.

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I will not walk, so that a child may live!

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#89 Death


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Posted 11 July 2005 - 09:49 AM

The Horsemen will have One representative showing.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#90 mr box

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Posted 11 July 2005 - 09:38 PM


which is a maybe for the morning
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#91 neonerfer



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Posted 14 July 2005 - 05:06 AM

mr. box, on Jul 12 2005, 02:38 AM, said:


which is a maybe for the morning

your mother sucks eggs and how.
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#92 cxwq



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Posted 14 July 2005 - 02:24 PM

Alright, so in no particular order that's:

Spoon +2
Silent Mercenary +2
Shattered Dreams
mr. box
jon +2
Falcon +2
rawray7 +1
Gamefreak +2

...and a few who haven't responded since early in the thread:

Desert Storm ?
Richomundo ?
TOFUburger ?

Julie will not be able to make it so I will be looking for a couple of volunteers (who I trust highly) to wield her camcorder for one or two skirmishes each. If anyone else wants to bring a camcorder, that would be awesome and just add to the quality of footage we get. Optimally it would be miniDV and I could give you a tape to use then reclaim the tape afterwards for ripping and editing.

Looks like 20-30 people, factoring in the flake effect.

The majority of you are regulars, everyone else make sure you bring, at a minimum, sunglasses/goggles, water, sunblock, lunch/money, and as many spare guns and darts as you've got. I'll bring flagging tape and some sort of barricades which I have yet to fabricate. Fortunately I have three days off work before the war to mod, make darts, etc.
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#93 Death


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Posted 14 July 2005 - 03:51 PM

How's the availability of Nitefinders around those parts? I ended up not having enough time or drive to mod my current weaponry to fire micros. As such, I figure I'll just toss my Manta Ray into my carry-on (as I seriously doubt that it will trigger any sort of backlash from Airport Security) and purchase two Nitefinders once I get there, performing the requisite modifications the evening of my arrival.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#94 Groove


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Posted 14 July 2005 - 04:56 PM

I plan on shipping my guns out ahead of time to avoid any hassle with security. If you have the time and the cash I'd actually recommend doing that instead.

I'll have my Crossbow if you want to use it, Death - I'll be using my Splitfire and NF. If you want me to pick you up a NF I can probably do that for ya. There's plenty of the new ones in my area, dunno about the old ones. I also have plenty of AT2K's in my area. Don't know if you had any interest in those either, but figuring that you and I will be the representatives of the East Coast, I'd figure I'd offer.

-Groove out.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#95 cxwq



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Posted 14 July 2005 - 06:04 PM

NFs are widely available around here, check out a TRU or Target on arrival if that's your decision.
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#96 Fuse



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Posted 14 July 2005 - 06:56 PM

Uhm, so OH SNAP! I just realized I'll be in California from the 18th-2nd. That includes Armageddon, right? I used to dream of flying out for this shit. If I can come, that is going to be awesome. Can I get an exact location that I can look up on a map and see if I can make the drive from San Fran?

Sorry, but woah am I excited about this discovery.
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#97 cxwq



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Posted 14 July 2005 - 07:02 PM

maps.google for "deerfield ave, irvine, ca".

You'll see Deerfield Community Park just under the center of the screen.

It's a long drive from SF, but not as far as Groove or Death has to go.
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#98 Fuse



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Posted 14 July 2005 - 07:10 PM

Yeah, that is a bit far. ^_^

But I'll discuss it with the folks this evening since its a family vacation. If I could get a rental car (under their name, no way Im getting one at 19 lol) and maybe make the drive the night before and stay with somebody or in a motel I might be able to make it work. I mean, heck, I just drove almost that far to ride skis with a couple of friends last weekend.

Man, I haven't nerfed in so long, if I show I'm going to get blasted. It'll be PE all over again when it comes to pick teams. :mellow:
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#99 Falcon


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Posted 15 July 2005 - 11:54 PM

Make that Falcon+3 (a possibility of 4, maybe even 5 besides me)


EDIT: Never mind; it's just Me+2

Edited by Falcon, 19 July 2005 - 09:56 PM.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#100 Fuse



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 02:04 AM

Well, Im here in San Francisco, but the farthest south we'll be going is San Simeon, so I won't be making it to the war. Gah, I'm in the same state at the same time as the war I used to dream about flying out to as a kid.... Frustrating, but oh well. Have fun everyone.

PS. Got any touristing suggestions for this area?
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Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

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