HOLY CRAP! It's less than two weeks away from the greatest thing that will probably ever happen in my life! I think I may just crap my pants. Yes Halo 2 is out next tuesday. You have no idea how freakin excited I am. This is like my whole life. This weekend I'm picken up X-box live, then next tuesday, my reign of terror will begin. I just watched the new trailer that was released today and almost cried, seriously. If they pull some crap on me and delay the game for the third time, I will probably slit my throat (kidding). Anyway, yeah it's definately going to destroy every other other game ever made, ever. That's just my opinion, not to piss anyone off.
Yeah that's about it, I just needed to get that off my chest... 11 FRICKEN' DAYS WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!

Edited by duce, 29 October 2004 - 10:05 PM.