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Semi-auto 2k Prototype-its A Start

or an end?

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#251 ompa



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 11:56 AM

Cx, you know, if you just stuck a ball valve like THIRST plans to right onto the tank, you could reduce the priming time if you needed to pump just for one shot or something- It's not entirely necessary, but it might be a neat gimmick just in case you're lazy and feel like using your AT2k normally, with the 4 pumps per shot. Don't know why you'd want to do that, but you could. Let me know if your results if you could Cx, as I really don't feel like using the CPS system- it's almost blown my arm off several times when the bladder flies off the nipple. Well, it wouldn't happen if I had real hose clamps, but I don't at the moment, and it's too late since the bad experiances with renegade bladders has stuck in my head.

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#252 NinjZ



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 12:24 PM

Ompa, It would allow you to use it as a regular 2k incase you dont have the time to fully prime the gun in the heat of battle.

Edited by NinjZ, 04 September 2004 - 12:25 PM.

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#253 cxwq



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 12:44 PM

The difference is that my pump is going directly into the secondary tank, then the secondary tank is connected to the primary tank. So the ball valve wouldn't work for my arrangement. Basically, I'm removing the existing hose and replacing it with a big chunk of PVC.
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Posted 04 September 2004 - 12:54 PM

Right, but you could easily cut the pvc off at the begginning, attach a ball valve, and glue on the other part of the secondary tank. Ill make a diagram one second.


Aight, this is what I think your saying, plus my ball valve idea.
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Edited by THIRST, 04 September 2004 - 01:02 PM.

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#255 ompa



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 01:23 PM

Stop reading my mind THIRST, it's scaring me. Yes Cx, that was what I was getting at. It'd take like 5 pumps to get up to optimal pressure instead of 4, but it provides an alternative to pumping the whole thing up if the situation calls for it.

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#256 Hunter



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 02:38 PM

Like this?

You would want to attach the tube from the plunger tube to the secondary tank as close as possible, I would presume. I'm not sure how or if you can do this, but it would be alot easier than stringing a tube across the stock.

Edited by Hunter, 04 September 2004 - 02:40 PM.

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#257 Viper



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Posted 12 September 2004 - 09:20 PM

Does anyone know of any better substitute for the rf20 bladder? Is that type of rubber hose redially available at hardware stores? I saw some washer tubing by the vinly tubing at aco, but I don't know if its characteristics are the same as the rf20/powerclip/wildfire/larami ballgun rubber tubing.
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#258 NerfKing



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Posted 12 September 2004 - 09:49 PM

larami ballgun rubber tubing.

The Lamari BallGun uses the the tank of the back as the air resivor(sp). So it you go the route of using a system like the BallGun, you could just use 1 foot of 2" PVC with an end cap on one side and use reducers to bring the PVC back down to 1/2" or so.
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Posted 26 October 2004 - 05:33 PM

The new, the great. The Shpiel. Useing needle restriction, the bladder fits over 2 inches of braided pvc clogged up with goop, with a needle going throuhg, providing an air path. Better veolcity, better accuracy. About the same range, 60-75, 30 pumps gets you 9 shots.

I call it The Shpiel. Its Yiddish, Talio told me to name one of my guns a Yiddish.Jewish name, so were we are. Shpiel means speech, and since this deisgn is far superior to the last, it deserves a speech.

Thats my speech. Introducing the newist semi2k!
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Edited by THIRST, 26 October 2004 - 05:47 PM.

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#260 Gamefreak



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 05:37 PM

THIRST your the man. This is so awesome. maybe now I'll get off my but and do this. So awesome. /me drools all over keyboard.
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#261 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 05:45 PM

Holy Shizzam! I want one! Nice job THIRST.
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#262 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 06:03 PM

You left handed? Cause you could use the bladder as a handle.
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Posted 26 October 2004 - 06:09 PM

Im righty. A handle on a 2k isnt needed at all. Its small, and light. Just hold it by the pump... Thanks for the positive comments guys...Forgot to mention, Im doing a writeup for this when i get around to it, I have the pics taken and uploaded. but IO would just like to say, noly attempt if you really know your shit, because Ill tell you right now. This is one of the hardest mods Ive ever performed. Possibly hardest. Though you all will have the advantage of a writeup ;).

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#264 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 06:19 PM

Does the air bladder add much weight to the side it is on?
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Posted 26 October 2004 - 06:21 PM

A bit, but you only notice it when using it one handed, and it isnt drastic enough, as in, in a nerf war, you wouldnt notice.

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Posted 16 November 2004 - 09:26 PM

Alright, I have asked several people, and have gotten the same responce. "Havn't started". I understand we all have school work, but at least give it a shot. Lets see who is participating the the writeup....

-Vintage, need a writeup
-Texmustache, need a writeup
-Ompa, need a writeup
-Cx, anything you would like to further contribute would be great, as you really helped us all along. Im probobally going to include several peices from your posts.
-Shortshit,thanks for the writeup...I didnt use it on mine, on the next one I will though. Im still going to include it.
-BoltMasterZero, your is different, but helpfull to this, need a writeup.

I have heard several other people say they may attempt it, but until I get confimration, please notify me. We have put this off for too long, and I understand that we have school work, but it would be nice to get done. I dont have much room to talk, hell, I still ahve a writeup for a single barrel BF sitting on my harddrive...Sorry if I missed anyone, I had a very long day today. Long wrestling practice, 3 hours of homework, and sore muscles= unhappyness.

Lets stop "beating around the bush". It shouldnt take this long, myself included.

Thanks, keep it up,

I would have PM'd this, but I have found many people dont read their PM's...
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#267 ompa



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Posted 16 November 2004 - 09:28 PM

I'll send what I have LEFT of mine next week Wed. Because I have that day off. And, I can only send mainly text, as my AT2k semi has been long ripped apart. I'll take what pictures I can.

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#268 texmustache



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Posted 16 November 2004 - 10:01 PM

These are just the steps i took. Check my post on page 16 for a full multi-path write-up. I'll i'm missing is pictures, if someone could edit in pictures i'd be very thankful. (just pictures of the individual components.)

Okay, write-up time.

I’m assuming you have:
1 Airtech 2000
1 rapid fire 20

Other materials:
Hose clamp
Clip ties/epoxy
Brass (9/16 or 17/32)

Step 1:
Disassemble both guns. You can scrap the RF20 case, but be sure to keep:
The both valves
The tubing connecters (the white and black things near the tubing connections)

Disconnect all tube connecters (I’ll call them tube-screws) and take out all the tube.

Step 2:
Using pliers, unscrew the pump tube from the goo-gauge.
Keep the tube-screw (the black part clamping it)

Step 3:
You have a few paths you can go to-

Use the AT2K pump-

Hold on to the AT2k tube screw, but attach the AT2k pump tube to the air bladder using a RF20 tube screw, which ever prong (the screw-ended parts for putting tube on) you want.

Step 4:

You can try crimping the tubing.

If you choose this, just take one of your tubes, fold it like a z, put a short piece of tubing at the crimp, then put a tie wrap around it.

Now your main firing setup is done:

I’d say use a turret for you’re barrels, as it has a high ROF and not much range loss.
You know the deal – pull of the existing barrels, glue on the brass: I’d recommend 4” barrels. The work the best, and logically, if 6” barrels are optimized for 90 feet, 4” barrels (2/3 as long) are optimized for 60 feet (2/3 as far).

You want to close up your case, letting the tubes out through the back, but you probably want to leave the blue clear part at the back off. Or, you can drill holes in it to allow the tubes in. Your choice.

Step 5:
Mounting the air bladder:
First things first, put your hose clamp over the white part with 2 prongs, then attach the black bladder, and tighten the clamp really, really, hard.

Step 5:
You can choose to mount the bladder on top of the gun:

If you choose this, just put two tie wraps close to the clamp, and put you’re tie wraps through the top of the Airtech2k case, on either side of the goo-gauge. Tighten it up really good.

Step 6
You need to attach the tube from your crimp to the liquitron gauge, using the AT2k tube screw.

You should be aiming for-

Range 50-60 feet
Slow release/crimp – 4 shots, 4 seconds
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#269 AirApache



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Posted 16 November 2004 - 11:02 PM

Interesting. I've already started on my semi-auto at2k..but with a couple *interesting* variations...I'll let you know once I get farther..[insert evil and mysterious laughter]

Anyway, I can't really see how the writeup would help me as it's semi-self-explanatory.
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#270 cxwq



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Posted 16 November 2004 - 11:45 PM

I picked up half a dozen at2k 2-packs and it's on my short list of things to try out. I'll give you pics of anything I do with this idea, but don't hold the writeup off on my account. Feel free to quote my posts if you like.
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#271 Vintage



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Posted 17 November 2004 - 01:26 AM

What you need:

1/4" vinyl tubing (I think. The size that come with the RF20. Using the RF20 tubing works as well)
Plumber's Goop
RF20 Bladder + bladder connection intact
3/4" Hose clamp
Electrical tape
Drill + 1/4" drill bit


1. Open up the case (you will need to pop off the pump cap) and cut the tubing in there.
2. When you cut the tubing from the pump, make sure not to damage the connection.
3. Hacksaw (dremel) out the back of the gun's shell to make room for the bladder to stick out.
3. Saw off the liquitron gauge at the airtank. (where the orange meets the white section)
4. Use the drill to enlarge the airtank's pump connection.
5. Plumber's goop about 12" of tubing to the airtank's enlarged connection.
6. Plumber's goop the other end to the RF20 bladder.
7. Goop about 1.5" of vinyl tubing over the pump connector.
8. Goop the other end to the other bladder hook-up.
9. When the goop is dry, crimp the 12" tube section twice ("Z" shape) and secure it with tape.
10. Tighten the clamp around the bladder at the front. (leave the plastic back-end clamp on, just clamp the front-end.)
11. Put the gun back together with the bladder sticking out the hole in the back of the shell.


Use alot of goop if you want to reinforce the bladder for more power.
Use a tight-fitting short barrel setup. (Cpvc, Crayola, brass)
Secure the bladder as it hangs out the rear. It won't stick straight out unless you secure it there somehow.

I should be able to get pics up tomorrow after work.


Edited by Vintage, 17 November 2004 - 01:31 AM.

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#272 rusty



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Posted 17 November 2004 - 05:10 PM

Sorry if this has been answered but will a powerclip bladder work?

Also when you say "needle restriction" do you mean you have a needle in the goop? or you let the goop dry with a needle in it and then removed the needle for a small hole?
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#273 NinjZ



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Posted 17 November 2004 - 05:17 PM

Removed it after it dried.
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#274 ompa



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Posted 17 November 2004 - 05:20 PM

And make sure you (god this is going to sound disgusting) lube the needle so it doesn't end up glued in there.

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#275 physiquemodified



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Posted 18 November 2004 - 10:48 AM

How far does it shoot?
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