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Toning Down The Titan

It's too powerful!

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#26 Formerly Sane

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:58 PM

It seems easier to do ten pumps than to do twenty with an added air restricter. I guess you like the shotgun idea though. How's that working out?
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#27 ompa



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 06:29 PM

Homemade arrows are kind of a pain in the ass to make for some people who don't have large drill bits. Plus, they just aren't that accurate unless you're an expert crafter or something.


Edited by ompa, 25 August 2004 - 06:36 PM.

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#28 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 09:49 PM

I like the shotgun, but that's kinda what the thing strapped to the bottom is for. I'm gonna switch to one shot, 3 pumps, anti-jam darts, and carefulness. Should reduse injurys.
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#29 Gene-ious



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 11:37 PM

To give it less power, why not just put a rotating barrel assembly from a SM1500 or an AT2K or something? It'll raise the RoF, and it'll reduce range because of air loss between the airtank and the barrel.

... lol 4 barrels is pretty strong when you 4 barrel it.. brassing 4 barrels will make it probably go the same distance as a AT4K single Barreled if u pump the titan 10 times per barrel
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#30 Avatar of WoeBrian

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 11:44 PM

To give it less power, why not just put a rotating barrel assembly from a SM1500 or an AT2K or something? It'll raise the RoF, and it'll reduce range because of air loss between the airtank and the barrel.

... lol 4 barrels is pretty strong when you 4 barrel it.. brassing 4 barrels will make it probably go the same distance as a AT4K single Barreled if u pump the titan 10 times per barrel

You like saying lol a lot, use haha on the forums. Check the code of conduct if you want to know why. :nugget:
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#31 Lemmypoo



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Posted 27 August 2004 - 12:17 AM

You know, this thing is sounding more and more like the old Triple Strike.

The whole missile concept, and then discussion of shotgunning it with multiple micro's in the barrel.

I quite obviously don't own any N-Strike gun, but brian's concept of leaving one air restrictor in is rather simple and seems effective. But i'm only guessing here.

I miss my Triple Strike :(

I'm thinking that micros are certainly too powerful for this (of course I will build a barrel for micros though, I wanna see if it can break the 200' barrier ;) ), but some of our heavier projectile concepts may work with this gun, I mean damn, look at the size of the rocket. It's like a foam crocodile with orange fins!

What do I mean by 'heavier projectile concepts'? All the crazy ass ideas about building fragmented rockets that would blow apart on impact were usually quite large and unwieldly. Well the Titan has no trouble throwing huge unwieldly things. I have a bit of an idea seeing as the titan has one of those air-filled nose cones that compress when they impact something. Perhaps an arrangement of flexible tubes to hold micros around the cone could use the deflating nose cone to blow micros back out the opposite direction and act as flak. Flexible tubes would be needed to make sure nobody get's knocked the hell out from the titan.

I am mostly interested in getting arrows in this thing, though, I have a large supply of them and think it could be usable with arrows seeing as arrows are not quite the best in terms of range.*

Lastly, has anybody considetred using the titan's missile for ammo? That is assuming nerf releases spare missiles, which I pray like hell happens soon, I guarandamntee I will lose this thing inside a week.

*I loved my Triple Strike, but the ammo was so rediculously phallic, nobody could use it without feeling like they were violating people with their gun...
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#32 ompa



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Posted 27 August 2004 - 08:42 AM

I modded mine SPECIFICALLY so it could still use the rocket... It's just...so...cool. My triple strike sprung leaks. Everywhere.

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#33 taita cakes

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Posted 28 August 2004 - 04:54 AM

But, seriously, this seems like the Triple Strike with some obvious differences.

My friend still has one of those and a completely rooted bow of some sort in his bedroom. I asked about the bow, to which he said "rooted, as in, in 100 pieces, i shit you not."
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#34 Joselyn



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Posted 30 August 2004 - 01:11 AM

Just pump less and shoot more. Leave ur options open for when you really wanna nail a guy. Unless the problem is that it's so powerful that the darts go funny.
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#35 Airsoft999



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Posted 30 August 2004 - 01:44 PM

Just pump less and shoot more. Leave ur options open for when you really wanna nail a guy. Unless the problem is that it's so powerful that the darts go funny.

As been said before by THE ompa... I worship you... people lose track. Accidents happen.

If the darts fishtail in your second question, use a heavier weight. I used 7/0 steel shots, and can get 200'
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#36 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 30 August 2004 - 03:18 PM

Just pump less and shoot more. Leave ur options open for when you really wanna nail a guy. Unless the problem is that it's so powerful that the darts go funny.

It's not that the dart goes funny, it's that if you lose count, it's so powerful, the weight, on impact, could break through the glue and into someones flesh. I went through alot of darts in testing before I realized the tips were shattering on my fence.
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

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#37 uche-uche



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Posted 30 August 2004 - 05:03 PM

Use about 5 inches of whatever material fits your darts(mine was copper),put it in a coupler which goes in the bottom air restrictor after adding some tape and hot glue.Then only pump it until the meter on the side gets a little past high,goes about 100ft,deadly accurate, a little better RoF, and eliminates the worry of killing your best friend. :blink:
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#38 cerealkiller



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Posted 03 September 2004 - 08:17 PM

Just pump less and shoot more. Leave ur options open for when you really wanna nail a guy. Unless the problem is that it's so powerful that the darts go funny.

It's not that the dart goes funny, it's that if you lose count, it's so powerful, the weight, on impact, could break through the glue and into someones flesh. I went through alot of darts in testing before I realized the tips were shattering on my fence.

WOW :P titan can do that?! i never knew that. And i was worrying that my titan sucked when it only went 10 feet more than my friends At2k. I guess the titan is good for shooting at robbers. That'll teach him to touch my TV!
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#39 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 01:21 AM

...Or mabey I have wierd hot glue, or suck at making sefans, or left my darts out...
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

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#40 WarGhost



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 02:33 PM

Uh im just wondering why you would want to make it less powerful?

Edited by WarGhost, 04 September 2004 - 02:34 PM.

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#41 ompa



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 02:44 PM

You know, I don't know why you would want to reduce the power anyways! I mean, I've always wanted to cause someone to bleed alot after shooting them with a nerf gun! After all, who's afraid of this guy?
Posted Image

Come on, there's gotta be at least 2 threads in this board alone about how powerful this gun is. Not to mention it shoots 200'? I think that's fairly dangerous. If Sm5k's have been outlawed, and this thing is MORE powerful than an sm5k by a considerable margin, it only makes sense to either find a way to make it less powerful or to ban it.Here and
here are two threads, fairly recent, regarding the power of the Titan.

Warghost, most members have already agreed this gun is too powerful for normal use in a Nerf war, so we are discussing ways to make it so it's not so dangerous.


Edited by ompa, 04 September 2004 - 02:46 PM.

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#42 Airsoft999



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 03:39 PM

Warghost, as ompa said, do you want to seriously hurt someone? Say you shoot your friend, and he is bleeding, screaming in pain. So later he steals the Titan and pegs you back.

And don't triple post in your BBB Topic. It doesn't need to be in the recent 15 or 20 or whatever amount it is. It works, and you can end it there.

Ompa: I almost didn't catch your sarcasm ^_^ . That was sarcasm right...
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Posted 05 September 2004 - 10:20 AM

I just got a Titan, and anyone who mods it to shoot darts deserves to be shot. This must be the collest gun ever, I've fallen n love. I gonna start making those huge missles, and i will act as a grenade launcher. If anyone is witin a 10 feet radius of where the missle impacts, theyre dead. Its fair, because it moves at such low velocity, and has bad rof. Im gonna start using it like that, its just too beautifu...Its got the perfect feel, and the site works well. A dart mod on this gun is such a waste, you have no idea.

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#44 Airsoft999



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Posted 05 September 2004 - 01:05 PM

Yes, but dart mods still let you shoot the missle.
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#45 ompa



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Posted 05 September 2004 - 01:28 PM

So THIRST, are you gonna shoot me? Oh wait CONFLICT OF OPINION! I modded mine to shoot darts, yet I still can shoot missiles. I agree with part of your point though: whoever mods the Titan to SOLELY shoot darts should be shot. I modded mine so I can still shoot that missile... It's so cool...

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#46 WarGhost



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Posted 05 September 2004 - 02:11 PM

But doesn't this defeat the purpose of modifying guns to make them stronger? So if i have a clear shot at someone whos 30 feet away with a high powered gun, i should just kindly ask them to move farther back so the pain isn't as bad? Why buy the titan if all your gonna do is make it weaker?
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Posted 05 September 2004 - 02:16 PM

Heh, mintutes ago I modded it to shoot Mshot missles, and its one cuhrazy beast. It can stll use the titan misle, and since i have 10 mshot missls, its awsome. Im gonna make some more out of foam insulation. Imagine having to pump 13 tmes to get 1 missle 70 feet, where it has a 100 foot blast radius? 10 each way tha is. Its only fair, since the velocity and accuracy arent hat great, but can you sat Grenadier of the DCN?

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#48 Airsoft999



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Posted 05 September 2004 - 03:40 PM

But doesn't this defeat the purpose of modifying guns to make them stronger? So if i have a clear shot at someone whos 30 feet away with a high powered gun, i should just kindly ask them to move farther back so the pain isn't as bad? Why buy the titan if all your gonna do is make it weaker?

We aren't making it weaker, just enough so that it won't really hurt someone.
Modding it to shoot darts any way at all is going to make it stronger, but 200' moves a little towards the "lethal" side of life.
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#49 Black Wrath

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 10:07 PM

We aren't making it weaker, just enough so that it won't really hurt someone.
Modding it to shoot darts any way at all is going to make it stronger, but 200' moves a little towards the "lethal" side of life.

I love the pain.

Bring it on!
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#50 Hazerman15



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Posted 06 September 2004 - 07:13 AM

We aren't making it weaker, just enough so that it won't really hurt someone.
Modding it to shoot darts any way at all is going to make it stronger, but 200' moves a little towards the "lethal" side of life.

I love the pain.

Bring it on!

I have a feeling you havnt been shot it the jaw from point blank range with this thing.
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