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Infrequent Chat – Sunday 26 February 2017: Nerf War Likes/Dislikes


10 replies to this topic

#1 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 20 February 2017 - 03:26 PM

When: Sunday, February 26th at 12 PM Eastern (9AM Pacific, 4PM in GMT)
Where: #nerfhaven IRC channel on irc.darkmyst.org (use this link or direct your client to this server to join)
Topic: What's the best way to run a war? What do you (or your local hosts) find effective, and what don't you find effective? There's lots of stuff to talk about here (picking teams, remembering names, dartsweeping, different levels of preparation needed for rounds to start). 


As usual we will be talking about anything nerf related that comes up, and answering any questions.  This topic is just a guideline and jumping-off point. 
If you would just like to use a real IRC client instead of the web interface linked above, I recommend downloading Pidginor mIRC. mIRC is a Windows IRC client. Pidgin is a mutli-protocol chat client that works on most platforms and connects to google chat, AIM, IRC and others (facebook chat support available with 3rd party plugin). There are also plenty of IRC clients for Android and iOS. Just enter irc.Darkmyst.org as the server and join the #NerfHaven channel. You may also take a look at IRCCloud, which is a web based service that lets you stay logged in to the IRC channel even when you're not online.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#2 Alfatrooper



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Posted 20 February 2017 - 10:21 PM

Hey Ice Nine, any chance this could take place earlier in the day? Is it possible for the chat to happen at 10pm Eastern time? Its great to finally have another chat, it's been too long! I love the discussion topics; the most interesting being picking teams and the level of extrovertedness required to run wars.

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 See you on the field, Alfatrooper                                                                                             My YouTube

#3 snakerbot


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Posted 20 February 2017 - 11:27 PM

Alfatrooper, on 21 Feb 2017 - 03:21 AM, said:

Hey Ice Nine, any chance this could take place earlier in the day? Is it possible for the chat to happen at 10pm Eastern time? Its great to finally have another chat, it's been too long! I love the discussion topics; the most interesting being picking teams and the level of extrovertedness required to run wars.


Since when is 10PM earlier than 12PM?

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#4 ToadBrews



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Posted 21 February 2017 - 05:34 PM

I think he assumed '12 PM' was the hour after '11 PM' but it would be more convenient for myself and anybody else who has Church on Sunday mornings.if it actually did happen at 10 PM :lol:

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#5 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 24 February 2017 - 01:13 PM

Alfatrooper, on 21 Feb 2017 - 03:21 AM, said:

Hey Ice Nine, any chance this could take place earlier in the day? Is it possible for the chat to happen at 10pm Eastern time? Its great to finally have another chat, it's been too long! I love the discussion topics; the most interesting being picking teams and the level of extrovertedness required to run wars.


This topic is super deep so we can talk about this another time as well. I've received mixed feedback from people about this, especially since it's hard to coördinate over different time zones, but do people prefer evening chats or morning/midday chats? Feel free to post your thoughts about it here.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#6 ToadBrews



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Posted 24 February 2017 - 02:51 PM

I prefer evening.

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#7 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 01:03 PM

Thanks to everyone who made it to chat today. There was a lot of fun conversation. I'll put up a poll this week about when people would like to have the next one.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#8 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 26 February 2017 - 07:39 PM

Would it be worth publishing the logs of these?

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#9 ToadBrews



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Posted 26 February 2017 - 09:17 PM

Daniel Beaver, on 27 Feb 2017 - 12:39 AM, said:

Would it be worth publishing the logs of these?


I would really appreciate that, not sure how much interest there is from others.

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#10 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 26 February 2017 - 10:16 PM

Here's a log dump from this morning's session

Saturday, February 25th, 2017
1:08 AM ↔ @Draconis (opped) nipped out  
8:12 PM <@HavenBot> News from nhmods: Adhesive for bonding Delrin to ABS, Polycarb, PVC <http://nerfhaven.com...-polycarb-pvc/>
8:12 PM <@HavenBot> News from nhmods: What to do with my longstrike? <http://nerfhaven.com...my-longstrike/>
Sunday, February 26th, 2017
3:18 AM → Montymarks joined  ⇐ @Draconis quit  
8:42 AM <Montymarks> hoi
8:45 AM <Montymarks> I'm just gunna come back latter
8:45 AM — @HavenBot jots down a new quote for Montymarks
8:45 AM <Montymarks> later
9:08 AM ⇐ Montymarks quit (Mibbit@n-39-50-167-50.hsd3.mi.comcast.net) Quit: http://www.mibbit.comajax IRC Client
9:32 AM Ice9 set the topic: This channel is for members of NerfHaven.com . For channel rules and information see http://nerfhaven.com/chat.html| Today's Topic Of Discussion: Hosting And Running Wars Is Hard.
10:02 AM <@HavenBot> News from nhgeneral: What are the most powerful out-of-box or slightly modded blasters? <http://nerfhaven.com...dded-blasters/>
10:04 AM → blitz and @Draconis (opped) joined  
10:29 AM <@Ice9> Draconis, when I scan that stock, do you want a ruler included in the scan?
10:42 AM <@Draconis> Yes, that would be awesome!
10:43 AM <@Ice9> Okay.
10:44 AM <@Ice9> I might get to it today but I'll let you know when it's done regardless.
10:44 AM <@Draconis> Cool.
10:52 AM <@Ice9> I was thinking about asking Langley to do a Facebook Live video from Armageddon this summer.
10:52 AM <@Ice9> Might be fun.
10:56 AM → snakerbot joined (Mibbit@89-23-83-282.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net)
10:57 AM <@Ice9> Yo.
10:57 AM <snakerbot> Hey
10:57 AM → Snoop_Doggy_doge joined (Mibbit@gios-81-386-42-325.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
10:58 AM <@Ice9> I just saw your post, Van.
10:59 AM <@Draconis> Yeah, live videos would be fun to have.
10:59 AM <@Ice9> I've tried the Men-Gun darts with SCH80 and PETG barrels and still haven't gotten consistent results.
10:59 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> Yea what ID if your barrel
10:59 AM — @HavenBot jots down a new quote for Snoop_Doggy_doge
10:59 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> hmm, Slug had teflon on his wye
10:59 AM <@Ice9> Yeah, I gave him that idea.
11:00 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> honestly I don't trust Mengun darts, I see the heads flying off way too much, and that material in the barrel creates friction
11:00 AM <@Ice9> Yesterday I managed to get my 4B to fire them consistently out of polyester but it might have been a lucky confluence of weather conditions.
11:00 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> lol weather,
11:00 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> what temperature?
11:01 AM <@Ice9> It was about sixty yesterday and super dry.
11:01 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> jeez
11:01 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> i've actually found better performance when darts are wet, best time for anything with a barrel and not a flywheel
11:02 AM <blitz> Yeah, the manginess are really inconsistant. I bought a bunch and the glue is shit.
11:02 AM — @HavenBot jots down a new quote for blitz
11:02 AM <blitz> *menguns
11:02 AM <blitz> but apparently others have gotten good versions so idfk
11:02 AM <@Ice9> I got lucky with my batch, they all seemed to be fine on glue and none of the heads have detatched (I used them at a war with an RSCB).
11:03 AM <@Ice9> Still not as accurate as slugs, though.
11:03 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> all the ones I've seen are shit. Still don't understand how the wartested, amazing USCs are not in more circulation
11:03 AM <blitz> Same
11:03 AM <@Ice9> I'd still like to find a dart solution that requires, at most, no more work than cutting down the length.
11:04 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> yea exactly, I wouldn't even pick them up as a last resort lol.
11:04 AM <blitz> uscs are just so thicc tho
11:04 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> SCS are pretty stupid proof
11:04 AM <blitz> especially for short-dart uses
11:04 AM <@Ice9> I'm totally burnt out on dart making now.
11:05 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> I would like if any third party company made them but they don't use hoppers so they'll suck
11:05 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> yea, it does suck. SCS aren't that bad though
11:05 AM <@Ice9> There was one war a couple years ago where Ryan and I made about 2500 darts in two days and then everyone else (especially Kane with his HAMPS) just ganked them.
11:05 AM <blitz> slugs or domes?
11:05 AM <@Ice9> Slugs.
11:05 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> http://nerfhaven.com...ction-cup-slug/
11:05 AM <@HavenBot> Snoop_Doggy_doge: SCS (Suction Cup Slug) - Darts and Barrels - NerfHaven
11:06 AM <@Ice9> I think the largest batch of domes I made at once was probably about 600 and that was an up-all-night thing.
11:06 AM <blitz> gross, those super domes?
11:06 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> sitting on a small stockpile of 400+ right now but we need to make more. It took like 2 hours but
11:06 AM <@Ice9> Yeah, these.
11:06 AM <@Ice9> Not in pink foam, just regular grey, but basically the same.
11:07 AM <snakerbot> Wow that dome is pretty slick
11:07 AM — @HavenBot jots down a new quote for snakerbot
11:07 AM <snakerbot> Back when I made glue domes they were always pretty flat.
11:08 AM <@Ice9> Ryan and I got really good at it after a while but it definitely contributed to the increasing unbalance and un-fun creep that made us switch to slugs.
11:09 AM <@Ice9> Van, do you chamfer your aluminum barrels?
11:11 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> ? I ream them out
11:11 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> recently started using a 3/4 countersink because I make them in mass
11:11 AM <@Ice9> Probably a good choice.
11:12 AM <@Ice9> I guess we should talk about wars at some point, also.
11:12 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> also, no need for magic PVC when you got a 5/8 drill bit
11:12 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> fuckkk thatttt
11:12 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> for real, how do you make people you don't want to go to wars, not show up
11:12 AM <@Ice9> You host a war the same day as something else they want to do.
11:12 AM <snakerbot> Do people have that problem?
11:13 AM <snakerbot> Man, I can't get enough people to show up.
11:13 AM <@Ice9> There's only one person that I will actually disallow from my wars but he doesn't live in the SoCal area so it isn't a problem.
11:13 AM <@Ice9> It was just a concern for Armageddon this summer.
11:14 AM <@Ice9> How many people do you usually get?
11:14 AM <@Ice9> Did you go to that last Texas war?
11:14 AM <snakerbot> The most we've ever had was I think 12, except for one time where the host brought like 20 little kids from his church
11:15 AM <snakerbot> yeah, that one
11:15 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> no, but that war is not worth it. You're supposed to be still, cannot move very much, lottta kids who don't call there hits
11:15 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> -drac
11:15 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> well the last part not all of it. Don't quote him on that
11:15 AM <@Ice9> Which war was that about?
11:16 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> i fucking hate people, there's this kid who's special, idk if jlego told you about him but he's antivax, rich, that guy nerfbegginer who profiled an employee lol
11:16 AM <@Ice9> Oh my god he did tell me about that kid.
11:16 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> the biggest texas nerf war was like less than an hour long because of guiness but this time it might be better
11:16 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> thank god my wars are hardcore in 22F snow, because he didn't show up
11:16 AM <blitz> lmao van who is that guy?
11:17 AM <blitz> tell me about that later haha
11:17 AM <@Ice9> Doesn't he have Asperger's or something?
11:17 AM <@Ice9> I thought that was the reason he was anti-vaccination.
11:17 AM <@Ice9> Anyways, Snakerbot, what's the average size of a war that you have, and how far do you travel for it?
11:18 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> <redacted>
11:18 AM <@HavenBot> Snoop_Doggy_doge: Giona Corso-Winks | Facebook
11:18 AM → Alfatrooper joined (Mibbit@t-37-841-333-811.hsd6.ct.comcast.net)
11:18 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> hey zach lmao
11:18 AM <Alfatrooper> Hey Van!
11:19 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> goddamn i have no idea why he's like that but it doesn't help that it makes him even worse of an entitled cunt. Can we link him to reddit for help lool
11:19 AM <snakerbot> Well we haven't had them regularly before lpat started his monthly ones. Back when JPRoth and I were hosting them monthly we would get maybe 6-8, and I'd drive about half an hour. I never knew of any others within like 8 hours of driving.
11:19 AM <snakerbot> If lpat's take off, that will be good
11:19 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> hey zach, we got new .509 alu and i found a way to clear that shit out of your barrel
11:19 AM <@Ice9> I hope they do.
11:19 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> snakerbot where are you?
11:19 AM <snakerbot> Houston
11:19 AM <@Ice9> I generally like smaller wars if everyone is cool, but bigger ones are nice to break up the monotony and add a bit of variety.
11:19 AM <@Ice9> Bigger wars are also exponentially more of a hassle to run, though.
11:20 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> bigger wars = more things to shoot
11:20 AM <@Ice9> Especially now with more people using magazines on the field.
11:20 AM <Alfatrooper> bigger wars= way more down time
11:20 AM — @HavenBot jots down a new quote for Alfatrooper
11:20 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> eeeeek i don't like magfed that much,
11:20 AM <@Ice9> We had ten or eleven people out here last time and there was one guy using a Retaliator and he alone added an extra five minutes before every round I wanted to start.
11:21 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> it's cool and all until the flywheelers show up lmao
11:21 AM <@Ice9> At least people used the time to dartsweep.
11:21 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> superstock wars in philly are at least 10 min between rounds
11:21 AM <Alfatrooper> Do you do formal dart sweeps?
11:21 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> the best way to counter that is to make the round right after it a awfuls or something with low ROF
11:22 AM <@Ice9> Yeah, but then you have to own/bring blasters like that, and then everyone has to go get them out of their bags.
11:22 AM <Alfatrooper> At our wars we usually have only 1 or 2 the entire day. People just have to get their own darts on their own
11:22 AM <@Ice9> And then people start chatting conversationally, etc.
11:22 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> maglesss rounds, just start without him.  trying to just make the war run and go,
11:22 AM <snakerbot> Yeah our last war was 100% superstock, due to little kids, but we're open to DIY class rounds if we get the right people
11:22 AM <@Ice9> Normally, we do two or three, but because this one guy was super slow and a few other people were using BoomCo and Rival blasters, it ended up being easier to sweep a bit at the end of every round.
11:23 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> i keep pushing for a war to use no mags. everyone has like hammer shots and shit. Or it's whatever blaster you have on your right now
11:23 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> asymmetric balance is fun,
11:23 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> fuckkk other ammo types. i rarely pick them up. Convert or die
11:24 AM <Alfatrooper> How do you guys get the little kids to come back after one event?
11:24 AM <@Ice9> By making sure they have fun.
11:25 AM <Alfatrooper> Any way to communicate better with them?
11:25 AM <@Ice9> I'll run with them during rounds and help them take out the other team, since they usually have fun doing that.
11:25 AM <@Ice9> There's nothing wrong with just asking them if they're having a good time or if there's something they want to do.
11:25 AM <@Ice9> It's also good to talk to their parents a bit, if they're there.
11:26 AM <@Ice9> At the last few SoCal wars, this one little kid came with his dad and one of his friends and they had a great time when the dad and the kids were on different teams.
11:26 AM <Alfatrooper> yeah, I usually try to introduce myself to the parents. At CTNO I got to talk with the new kid's dad a bit
11:26 AM <Alfatrooper> I think it helps if they come with friends instead of solo
11:27 AM <@Ice9> Yeah, for sure.
11:27 AM <Alfatrooper> When I was looking at the Getton footage, I noticed you have respond points for your teams. Is that because it is a really large event? I find it fun with no respond points
11:28 AM <@Ice9> It depends on the gametype.
11:28 AM <Alfatrooper> for 3/15?
11:28 AM <@Ice9> I don't think we played a true deathmatch round all day.
11:28 AM <@Ice9> I don't use spawn points for 3/15.
11:28 AM <snakerbot> For 3/15 I usually see "don't respawn within range of the other team"
11:29 AM <@Ice9> Actually, we might have done one 3/15 round.
11:29 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> mmmm geddon let me make people salty with this rainbow
11:30 AM <@Ice9> The first deathmatch we played, and the one everyone liked, was the one where each spawn point had a mechanical counter you had to click to get back in.
11:30 AM <blitz> van omfg
11:30 AM <@Ice9> The game ended at something like 158-161.
11:30 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> zach if you want the kid to come back, its gotta be an interesting war lol. we keep having random kids show up at CTNO, we need to find out where they came from because we keep getting them
11:30 AM <Alfatrooper> Yeah, I think it is mostly FB
11:31 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> CTNO 2 was just, a last minute lazy war that still had a decent turnout. I'd like to find those kids again however,
11:31 AM <Alfatrooper> We need to add them to CT nerf
11:31 AM <Alfatrooper> Yeah, that was one of my favorites
11:32 AM <Alfatrooper> We need to use the "have to leave" trick again
11:32 AM <Alfatrooper> the idea is that you have a key player who has to go early
11:32 AM <Alfatrooper> and then you have a reason to cram rounds with minimal down time
11:33 AM <@Ice9> Clever.
11:33 AM <Alfatrooper> Van, I might be able to go to your event in March
11:34 AM <Alfatrooper> Where you guys are, how do you balance going to NIC vs Superstock events?
11:34 AM <Alfatrooper> How do you plan a summer with good alternating events and good spacing?
11:34 AM <@Ice9> I've never been to one before and I don't host them.
11:35 AM <@Ice9> I would only consider going to a superstock event if I could figure out a way to hopper Rival balls out of a Sceptor or something.
11:35 AM <Alfatrooper> Do you have a sentinel?
11:35 AM <@Ice9> No.
11:35 AM <@Ice9> I don't see much appeal for superstock outdoors; I would consider going to indoor stuff, because I think it would be a lot more fun to do CQB superstock than CQB NIC.
11:36 AM <@Ice9> But I don't know any place like that out here.
11:36 AM <Alfatrooper> We had an amazing super stock, almost private war at a playground which was outside
11:36 AM <@Ice9> Yeah?
11:36 AM <Alfatrooper> its called castle nerf
11:36 AM <Alfatrooper> I and maybe Van has footage
11:37 AM <Alfatrooper> But that would be too small for a large event. I know Drac had footage from an outdoor super stock event in Florida which looked good
11:38 AM ⇐ Alfatrooper quit  
11:40 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> CQB NIC is amazing
11:40 AM <blitz> please tell me you use something other than your rainbow
11:40 AM <blitz> for cqb
11:42 AM <@Ice9> I feel like people are too hesitant to do anything in CQB NIC, from what I've heard.
11:42 AM <@Ice9> Lots of boring bunkering and stagnation.
11:44 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge>
11:44 AM <@HavenBot> Snoop_Doggy_doge: Thankskilling 2nd floor storm short - YouTube
11:45 AM <blitz> Don't the midwest guys get an indoor paintball arena?
11:45 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> fuck yea i used my rainbow, wasted people
11:46 AM <blitz> surprised you didn't put holes in people/walls
11:46 AM <@Ice9> Yeah, doesn't seem like a super good idea for property maintenance.
11:46 AM <snakerbot> Yeah I wouldn't even consider using an NIC gun in someone's house.
11:46 AM <@Ice9> Whose house is this?
11:47 AM <@Ice9> Looks like fun, though, I admit.
11:47 AM <snakerbot> I agree it looks fun, but I'd use a rapidstrike, not a rainbow.
11:48 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> it was 5 V 10, we had like 3 4BS, my rainbow and my ret, we fucking won because we had stormed up. By the time it got to that clip it was 4 V 2
11:51 AM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> we did put a few holes in the wall but they were cool. asymetric fun. Anyway we had to put them down because we felt bad, and they weren't OP because we had longass rifles against shorter CQB superstock. It was at a private place called nams, lmao
11:52 AM <@Ice9> So this is a place you could rent out for something like this?
11:53 AM ⇐ Snoop_Doggy_doge quit (Mibbit@gios-81-386-42-325.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) Quit: http://www.mibbit.comajax IRC Client
11:54 AM <blitz> I believe its his friend's house
11:56 AM <@Ice9> Ah.
12:00 PM <blitz> Where do you normally run your wars? I usually see photos of that school
12:00 PM <@Ice9> For the past three years I've basically only hosted wars at that school in Glendora.
12:01 PM <@Ice9> Hoongfu's videos are probably the most comprehensive look at it.
12:02 PM <@Ice9> It's totally great, lots of natural cover, relative field symmetry, sheltered so no cops look at it, great staging area.
12:02 PM <blitz> Ah, nice. Looks like a great location
12:02 PM <@HavenBot> Ice9: Armageddon 2016 - YouTube
12:02 PM <@Ice9> It's one of the rare places that's great for small and large wars.
12:02 PM <@Ice9> With smaller wars you can use the courtyard or one of the side areas for variety and for big wars there's enough space to keep it moving.
12:03 PM <blitz> looks doable for both NIC and super stock too
12:03 PM <@Ice9> Yeah, I think it would work for both.
12:03 PM <snakerbot> Our location works pretty well for both too.
12:03 PM <@HavenBot> snakerbot: HSW Nerf War Video - YouTube
12:04 PM <snakerbot> Dart recovery is horrible though, since the dead tree bark and leaves are the same color of grey as our foam
12:04 PM <blitz> what blaster are you using in that? is that a sorrowx turret?
12:04 PM <blitz> Oh man, that's rough
12:05 PM <snakerbot> That's not me, that's ilikefish58, but it's a firefly turret.
12:05 PM <blitz> ah okay
12:06 PM <snakerbot> Anyway. It's been fun, but the Daytona 500 is in an hour and I need to drive across town to my dad's place for our watch party. Later everyone!
12:07 PM <blitz> later snakerbot
12:07 PM ⇐ snakerbot quit (Mibbit@89-23-83-282.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) Quit: http://www.mibbit.comajax IRC Client
12:08 PM <@Ice9> I'm out too.
12:08 PM <@Ice9> Thanks for coming, Blitz.
12:09 PM <@Ice9> Fun chat.
12:09 PM <blitz> yeah, no problem
12:09 PM <blitz> chats like these should happen more often
12:12 PM → Snoop_Doggy_doge joined (Mibbit@gios-81-386-42-325.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
12:12 PM <blitz> ayy lmao
12:13 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> i died lol
12:13 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> what happened?
12:14 PM <blitz> general consensus is that we like fields with cover (like schools or wooded areas)
12:14 PM <blitz> like the cali school that ice9 uses
12:19 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> oo
12:19 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> cover is overated tho
12:19 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> no need lel
12:20 PM <blitz> it works for high-powered stuff and lower, seems to work for everyone
12:21 PM <@Draconis> My group gets all weirded out about using schools because they are afraid we'll get in trouble.
12:23 PM <blitz> yeah, its really something you have to ask for and then be prepared for them saying no
12:24 PM <@Draconis> We have zero-tolerance policies for firearms at schools, and kids get in trouble for having anything vaguely gun shaped.  It's stupid, but adults can't be sent to detention by the administration of a school, either.
12:25 PM <blitz> Generally same here
12:25 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> lol
12:25 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> no schools really in NYC we could use, RIP
12:43 PM → Montymarks joined  ⇐ blitz quit  
1:06 PM <@Draconis> So, any projects people are working on?
2:02 PM ⇐ @Langley quit (webmaster@l-04-287-710-775.hsd8.nj.comcast.net) Ping timeout: 264 seconds
2:17 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> workin on school, robotics, scioly, lel
2:18 PM <Snoop_Doggy_doge> mfw flywheels and pneumatics used in robotics

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#11 ToadBrews



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Posted 26 February 2017 - 10:49 PM

Thank you, that had some useful data.

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