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Armageddon XVIII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (6/24/17) NOW RECAPPING

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#26 JuanPlazmc



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Posted 08 June 2017 - 06:40 PM

I'll be coming. I'll be bringing 2 or 3 people.
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#27 Avatar of WoeBrian

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Posted 09 June 2017 - 04:46 PM

Oh man, I'm thinking about coming out to this one, but I'll put myself down as a maybe for now. Just read the dart restrictions and all I have right now are the FVJ-tipped darts I've been using the last few YANOs. Is there still a community bucket that I can rummage through for leftovers? Don't think I have the time to make darts sadly.

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#28 Ice Nine

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Posted 10 June 2017 - 02:27 PM

I'm slowly getting everything together for the war. I've been asked before about this, but here are a handful (not all) of the gametypes you might expect to play:

  • Spawn-in-counter deathmatch
  • Two- and four-team carpe
  • Freeze tag
  • Small team speed rounds
  • Some kind of one-flag CTF or attack/defend game I haven't properly formulated yet


Avatar of WoeBrian, on 09 Jun 2017 - 9:46 PM, said:

Oh man, I'm thinking about coming out to this one, but I'll put myself down as a maybe for now. Just read the dart restrictions and all I have right now are the FVJ-tipped darts I've been using the last few YANOs. Is there still a community bucket that I can rummage through for leftovers? Don't think I have the time to make darts sadly.


PM me when you get a chance. I have several hundred leftover darts from the past few years and I could probably pull out enough of what you need.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#29 KoRnEd



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Posted 10 June 2017 - 06:01 PM

I will be attending ^^ 

Thankfully I'm out of school for the ~2 weeks before this so I have time to fix my +bow and 5k (allowed? You're a madman, but I'm not complaining...)

  • 0


20:07 tiredKitty living in NYC, you could spend a lot of time in Chinatown and only speak the mother tongue
20:07 tiredKitty Not a good idea, btw.

'Daniel Beaver', on 09 Jun 2012 - 5:01 PM, said:

I have identified the problem: "maverick"

#30 shmmee



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Posted 14 June 2017 - 09:53 AM


Screw it. I'm in! Jumping in a carpool as they pass through from Wyoming.

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"and we should respect the people who make our blasters. Even if we do molest the hell out of them..."

#31 Cartaya



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Posted 16 June 2017 - 02:25 AM

I loved Armageddon.... I'm going to miss Armageddon alot, this year can't make it, working in Singapore.

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....Fear of a Nerf Planet!

#32 Ice Nine

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Posted 19 June 2017 - 12:47 PM



A few important pieces of information:

  • I don't anticipate there being a problem with the war site, but if there is, this is the address of the place we will be going as a back-up:
    Ole Hammer Park
    362 N Live Oak Ave
    Glendora, CA 91741
    There is also a school next door named Cullen Elementary we might try as well if we are over in the area.
  • Be sure to check the weather forecast before the war. It looks like the heat wave in SoCal will break before the weekend happens, which is good; they estimate it'll have a high of ninety on Saturday, which is consistent with previous years. Be sure to bring (and re-apply) sunscreen and a lot of water. There are drinking fountains on-site.
  • There are no available bathrooms at the school. If you need to use the bathroom, there are restaurants two blocks away with available facilities.
  • If you need to reach someone the day of the war, for whatever reason, your best shots are posting here in this thread or using the Facebook event or reaching out to the NerfHaven page on Facebook. PMs probably will not work.


shmmee, on 14 Jun 2017 - 2:53 PM, said:

Screw it. I'm in! Jumping in a carpool as they pass through from Wyoming.


:thumbs_up: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:


KoRnEd, on 10 Jun 2017 - 11:01 PM, said:

I will be attending ^^ 

Thankfully I'm out of school for the ~2 weeks before this so I have time to fix my +bow and 5k (allowed? You're a madman, but I'm not complaining...)


5000s are definitely not worse than 4Bs and UMBs and LBBs and XBZs (well, maybe they're on the same tier as the XBZ) and they're more likely to explode than any of those by several orders of magnitude. Trust me.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#33 Avatar of WoeBrian

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Posted 19 June 2017 - 03:27 PM

Ice Nine, on 19 Jun 2017 - 5:47 PM, said:


  • I don't anticipate there being a problem with the war site, but if there is, this is the address of the place we will be going as a back-up:
    Ole Hammer Park
    362 N Live Oak Ave
    Glendora, CA 91741
    There is also a school next door named Cullen Elementary we might try as well if we are over in the area.

I'm glad you posted this! Not that I would have remembered the address/name of Cullen Elementary School, but I do remember what it looks like pulling into the lot and I would probably start panicking thinking I was at the wrong location. I thought we were going to be having the Nerf Out there but I do remember the last Armageddon I did attend(2013), we got moved to the park after some complications with a pedestrian or something.

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#34 baghead



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Posted 22 June 2017 - 03:35 PM

Hey Guys, I'm gonna whore out that I have a big box of stuff for sale at Geddon this year because I'm pretty much semi-retired from nerf at this point and I just don't have the space/ambition to keep as much as I used to. Here's The Box:

and I have a full-detail list of stuff here: http://imgur.com/a/tSbmK

PM me if you want to pre-arrange orders before you show up. I'll try to actually pay attention to NH for once. All prices are negotiable, show up with cash or the ability to pay via PayPal at the war if you're interested. 

DO NOT BOTHER TRYING TO PM ME ABOUT BUYING STUFF IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE AT THE WAR: I'll make a separate sale thread later if I feel up to shipping things. 

Can't wait to dust off the ol zing bow and have some fun again this year. 


Edited by baghead, 22 June 2017 - 03:40 PM.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#35 Langley


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 12:57 PM

***Recap Starts HERE***

I'll post more when I'm not frantically re-packing my bags and preparing for my flight, but I just wanted to say thanks Ice9 for hosting another great Armageddon.  It was nice to meet some people I've been talking to on the internet for over a decade, and lots of new faces as well.  The war ran really smoothly, and everyone was super cooperative and helpful. Some things that were striking to me were how well the playing card team distribution worked, and how thorough and quick the final dart sweep was.  

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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#36 SeeingRed777



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Posted 27 June 2017 - 12:18 AM

Wow this was really awesome thx to everyone who attended and Ice9 for hosting this was a really cool thing to share with my son and you all made that possible I really appreciate it everyone! We will see you all at the next one 👍🏻 And hopefully next time I'll be a little better prepared lol.
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#37 Avatar of WoeBrian

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Posted 27 June 2017 - 12:35 AM

Was looking forward to a recap of the day’s events, what a day!


Armageddon XVIII (2017) Recap Highlights:

  • Seeing Groove for the first time since my first official Nerf Out, *Armageddon 2003*. Glad to see you still rocking the masterkey/guru setup, even if it’s a tornadobow now!
  • Shout out to Ice9 for doing a great job hosting and lending me a bunch of darts as well, thanks man.
  • Meeting a bunch of you guys for the first time: JLego, Kane, Langley, Zax, Zorn, Ryan, Daniel, and others!
  • Baghead nailing countless people with the Zing Bow, including a particular Nad Shot during Carpe. Ouch.
  • Freeze Tag; shooting a teammate back in who was behind three opponents who ended up tagging them out.
  • The trees in the center and the amount of shade this location provided.
  • Ending the day with a classic round of 3-15.
  • Special thanks to Korn3d for keeping maintenance of my Crossbow and driving us out this time!

Personal highlight of the day:  Shooting Groove’s left arsecheek for old time’s sake!


My girlfriend and I had a wonderful time out, you guys did an awesome job hosting and everyone was super cool. Glad to see all the familiar faces as well as all the new ones, hope this hobby keeps going strong. The meta has definitely changed with all the fly-wheel blasters running around, could barely grab any balls during Carpe Testiculum haha. The cards for choosing teams saved a lot of time, and allowed for quick scrambling between rounds, thumbs up. Looking forward to future Nerf Outs!

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#38 Ice Nine

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Posted 27 June 2017 - 10:05 AM



Thank you to everyone who came out and made it a fun day. I can't say how much I appreciate the extremely thorough dart sweeping and cleaning job that happened at the end of the day; I don't think I've ever seen such a high percentage of the people at the war participating in that before this year. We got in a pretty good number of rounds, lunch didn't run too long, and everyone seemed to be in good spirits throughout the day. Biggest thanks to Langley, who serves as an excellent co-host, mostly by nature of him being loud (which I am not).


Assorted highlights:

  • The face cards versus numbers freeze tag round. The faces surrendered after basically all of us ran out of darts. I fell face-first on the ground to avoid a burst from a flywheel blaster. Maybe next year we shouldn't do shoot-back-ins because there were at least three different situations where one of us was about to shoot someone to get someone back in and the person being shot closed their eyes and tensed up and waited for it to be over.
  • JLego and I figured out how to break the two-team carpe round by taking balls out of the other team's bucket and not moving them to reduce their score to zero.
  • All the people who traveled major distances to come to the war are treasures.
  • Sweet orange Artifacts are the best. 60% of the time, they fly 100% straight.
  • Sceptor.
  • Unholy Three mosey trains.
  • Clicker deathmatch ("clickbait," maybe, per someone's suggestion) works really well at a war of this size.
  • Zorn and I are the Tender Boys now.
  • I accidentally pegged Zorn with a dart while he was taking photos. An Artifact dive-bombed him and hit him squarely in the shoulder. Sorry, dogg.
  • Big Shocks are the best.
  • Total chairs broken over the weekend: two and a half.
  • Watching Cannonball peg one of the hanging signs with a Zingbow arrow.
  • Lots of free blasters being given out, to the enjoyment of the people watching the mosh pit and the people getting the blasters.
  • A+ D, A+ B.

Thanks again, everyone. Can't wait for next year.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#39 Langley


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Posted 27 June 2017 - 02:26 PM

Ice Nine, on 27 Jun 2017 - 3:05 PM, said:


I didn't do anything other than amplify your voice. I'm not your co-host, I'm your bullhorn.

Ice Nine, on 27 Jun 2017 - 3:05 PM, said:

JLego and I figured out how to break the two-team carpe round by taking balls out of the other team's bucket and not moving them to reduce their score to zero.

Rule suggestion: Once you pick up a ball, you have to carry it until you are hit, or you are able to drop it into a bucket, or you can hand it off to someone without a ball. So you could still have taken balls out of our bucket, but you'd have to just distribute them among yourselves and then go on kamikaze runs towards your bucket to get rid of them.

Ice Nine, on 27 Jun 2017 - 3:05 PM, said:

Clicker deathmatch ("clickbait," maybe, per someone's suggestion) works really well at a war of this size.

My vote is for 'Click of Death'
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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#40 CaliforniaPants



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Posted 27 June 2017 - 05:58 PM

i only got shot in/above the neck once, two thumbs up.

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trans as shit because fuck you

#41 Cannonball



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Posted 28 June 2017 - 09:26 AM

Armageddon was awesome, as it always is. It's been incredible having so many people come to visit us from across the country, especially these past few years. The East Coast contingent in particular comes with a good attitude and brings their A game. Glad I've gotten to know you fine folks over the years. You couldn't ask for a greater group of people to nerf/hang out with. I look forward to seeing you all next year. Maybe some day we'll return the favor and invade APOC!

Really, everyone who came out this year were awesome. The mood was light and fun. Thanks for making it so, everyone!

Let's start with some CONS: back pain slowing me down this year. Didn't do nearly as much running. Had fun regardless!

- Ice9 is an excellent host. Our current war site is tops, and he makes sure we still have access to it year round. Thanks for all the hard work, man!
- Langley flying out to visit and just naturally assuming the role of co-host. I appreciate not having to yell at adults/teens/children once during my week, so thank you!
- getting to ZING BOW with some success (sorry Shmmee) but mostly just comedic results (sorry again, Shmmee).
- Face cards vs all. We were the "vet group," but experience didn't save us. Thought we had it at one point too!
- JLEGO and I trading shots behjnd trees while trying to get a bead on each other through the window of the back bungalow.
- Running my Khaos as a secondary was pretty satisfying. Makes me want that Nemesis real bad though.
- dart sweep went great this year.
- the two scrambles for free stuff were hilarious
- getting a free garbage bag full of unclaimed elite darts! I'll never have to buy darts for my students again. Thanks for leaving them, guys!

At the end of the day Armageddon was worth all of the hype this year and then some. If you went to any other war, you messed up. Looking forward to next year!

Edited by Cannonball, 28 June 2017 - 09:27 AM.

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#42 shmmee



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Posted 28 June 2017 - 10:15 AM

It was a great war! I was so thrilled to have been able to make the trip out again - even though it was a last minute, poorly prepaired mad dash of a decision. 



*Watching Langly quietly eliminating every single member of a 5 man team for two speed rounds in a row. He picked us all off with brutal precision and I can honestly say that it was the most beautiful display of nerfing i'd ever witnessed - even though i was on the opposing team both times.

*My cell phone holster acting as a codpiece against cannonballs zing arrow. Thank the nerfy gods that my holster was on the front of my belt! It was one of those situations where I could trace the flightpath, time froze and I knew there wasn't a dang thing I could do to change the outcome (besides squealing like a little girl as i braced for impact). Sometimes ya just get lucky.

*getting two tags with my gas station suction cup-on-a-stick shooter pistol.

*All of my blasters functioning for the entire time! That's a 'geddon first for me.

*Great rounds and fantastic organization. The playing card distribution was absolutely brilliant!!! It made deciding teams as smooth as butter. So many variations to pick from. red backs vs blue backs, suits, colors, numbers vs royalty... awesome. We were all able to keep the same card the entire day and teams changed fluidly and quickly.

*Thrifting a cool hat that actually fit my giant noggin. No nerfs found, but i've been looking for a non-ball cap hat for ages.

*Aggressively running my buzz saw during the final round of 3-15. Didn't get any tags, but team-dartsweep for the win!

*The face cards vs numbers round of freeze tag. Numbers had so many more players but team face card had most of the high powered and most experienced nerfers. It just balanced out beautifully. It was like a plauge of ants fighting a few grasshoppers. 

*Catching a pre war dinner with Bags and picking up a few more ballistic balls, a weird Tyco double barrel shotgun and a high quality hand crafted wand from the kindness of him and his shop. You're a class act Baghead. 

*Only two welts - both from Zeke, both were gut shots straight to the belly button. The second was intended for the guy running up behind me to tag me back in but his blaster is cursed with a sadistic spirit that grows stronger as it feeds on pain so it opted to drop one welt right on top of the previous one instead targeting the guy behind me. It was  great moment, A great painful moment but a great moment none the less.



*Forgetting my team colors had changed during the first round of carpe and spending the first half of the round railing my own team mates with my a a bow. I am so, so, so sorry! Carpe has always confused me. Im not sure why, Its a semi simple game but the strategy of it just goes all to crap in my head once the Adrenalin of nerfing gets mixed in. That was not a proud moment for me and I felt like an absolute noob-doofus for the rest of the morning. I am ashamed and I really can't apologize enough.

*$4.50 a gal gas and a communal urinal fountain trough at a Philips 66 gas station outside of Barstow. I've never seen so much nope in a single gas station. 

Edited by shmmee, 28 June 2017 - 10:16 AM.

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"and we should respect the people who make our blasters. Even if we do molest the hell out of them..."

#43 Ice Nine

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Posted 28 June 2017 - 11:42 AM

Thanks for the feedback so far, everyone. I'm really glad to hear that everyone was having a good time, and I'm extra glad to hear that the card-team strategy was so well-received. I'll write up the way I did it in case anyone wants to copy it in the future. It worked really well last year, too, until I decided that collecting and redistributing after lunch was the right way to go (it was not).


shmmee, on 28 Jun 2017 - 3:15 PM, said:

*Only two welts - both from Zeke, both were gut shots straight to the belly button. The second was intended for the guy running up behind me to tag me back in but his blaster is cursed with a sadistic spirit that grows stronger as it feeds on pain so it opted to drop one welt right on top of the previous one instead targeting the guy behind me. It was  great moment, A great painful moment but a great moment none the less.


Oh man, I feel bad laughing about it, but this is a great description. I'm so sorry, I saw that second one start to curve in flight and my eyes got wide and there was nothing I could do because you were frozen and couldn't get out of the way. Every once in a while, an Artifact gets a mind of its own and decides to go on an adventure. I accidentally hit a teammate of mine in the back during one of the last rounds, I managed to hit Ryan's blaster at about two hundred feet purely by chance via a corkscrewing dart, and I hit Zorn in the shoulder while he was taking photos because a dart decided it would rather dive-bomb him instead of continue on the arc on which it was shot.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#44 shmmee



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Posted 28 June 2017 - 12:05 PM

Ice Nine, on 28 Jun 2017 - 4:42 PM, said:


Oh man, I feel bad laughing about it, but this is a great description. I'm so sorry, I saw that second one start to curve in flight and my eyes got wide and there was nothing I could do because you were frozen and couldn't get out of the way. Every once in a while, an Artifact gets a mind of its own and decides to go on an adventure. I accidentally hit a teammate of mine in the back during one of the last rounds, I managed to hit Ryan's blaster at about two hundred feet purely by chance via a corkscrewing dart, and I hit Zorn in the shoulder while he was taking photos because a dart decided it would rather dive-bomb him instead of continue on the arc on which it was shot.

Ha, ha. Don't stress it. The artifact dart gut shots and the zing bow crotch shot was probably just karma balancing out my cosmic ledger after my own carpe confusion.


...and i'm definitely using that playing card team picking method at my family reunion this weekend.

Edited by shmmee, 28 June 2017 - 12:09 PM.

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"and we should respect the people who make our blasters. Even if we do molest the hell out of them..."

#45 ocnerfherder



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Posted 28 June 2017 - 12:46 PM

This was my first Armageddon and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks for being a great host, Ice9! That location is fantastic and I had a great time getting to know the little pocket of Nerfers around the table I was using. It's also good to know so many of you who are actually close to my location (Fullerton/Yorba Linda/Placentia area). I hope to game with you guys again soon!


The games were fun to play and I agree that the card idea is a really solid and fast way to break up into teams. Highlights, Kamikaze runs during Carpe which included taking 3 shots to the head and a Zing bow to the gut. I wish I got to use my XZeus Alpha, but I didn't have magazines that worked for it yet as the ones I have (either 3rd party or homemade) are forward aligned which don't work with it. It was fun to show it off, though. After having issues with other blasters I brought, I ended up having a lot of fun and more tags with the Hotshock. With how busy my schedule was this year, I felt very under-prepared, but I'll get geared up better for next year!


Shoutout to BoomTendo for hanging out with me all weekend. It was fun shooting around the park, thrifting, and modding with you, bud!


For anyone near me, please look me up so we can connect again for more local games!

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#46 dangman4ever



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Posted 28 June 2017 - 03:13 PM

Assorted Highlights for my first Armageddon:

  • Zeke having a negligent discharge and accidentally nailing one of our team-mates right in the back with an Artifact. We all laughed it off!
  • I turned the corner at the wrong time and got hit point-blank range in the chin by a home-made blaster with an slug I think? Either way, that's my "Purple Heart" story of the war!
  • Ended up having a hostage during one of the freeze tag games. The hostage would get tagged back in via blaster but would end up not making more than a foot before I shot him again. 
  • Trying to tag a team-mate back in with my blaster but missing every single shot
  • Leaning that six Worker 22 magazines is actually not enough ammo for a single fight.
  • Squealing every time one of the zing bow arrows narrowly missed hitting me. 
  • The awesome hosts!
  • The sheer number of darts that were picked up after every dart sweep was an astonishing sight!
  • The quick mini rounds we had during the lunch period

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#47 KoRnEd



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Posted 29 June 2017 - 12:23 AM

Armageddon was great this year! Thank you to Zeke for hosting such a great event.


  • Dart sweeps were very comprehensive!
  • Everyone I talked to was super cool and friendly! 
  • Clicker Deathmatch worked great for a group this size
  • The cards to separate and organize teams went SO well. What a genius idea/implementation.
  • Vets vs Rest was super cool. Kinda wondering why Brian wasn't on that vet team haha. One could definitely tell the difference between the two teams pretty fast because the vet team stayed tightly grouped where they could get eachother back in, and our team split up.
  • My Supermaxx 1k shooting straight lasers
  • My slugs shooting as straight as slugs can go, and when broken (I found at least 5 of my slugs broken in the dart pile), broken completely safely with zero metal exposed. I'm super happy about that last one for safeties' sake. It proves that properly made slugs are relatively safe.
  • Seeing new faces: This hobby is hard to stay in with events kinda spread out. I'm glad we have so many new faces around. Definitely looking forward to seeing you guys in the future!
  • Crossbows that Brian and I were running shooting straight
  • Hitting people from really far away with my 5k
  • Langley explaining rules and gathering people. That kept everything running so smoothly! 
  • Lending my duct tape to everyone lmao (and screwdriver to a couple people.
  • Using Langley as cover during freeze tag (and subsequently having him threaten to shoot at me if he got back in. Never ran so fast in my life LOL)
  • Getting demolished by flywheel / full auto blasters (Shoot once and get wrecked trying to reload my breech)
  • Standing right outside of flywheel range and picking people off with the crossbow haha


  • Was so sweaty afterwards (which is probably a good thing haha)
  • Was trying to either grab a ball or tag a teammate and got face shotted twice and neck shotted ; . ;
  • People picking up strictly their own darts. Not cool.
  • People standing around chatting / camping our own spawn during rounds. You can always opt to sit out during a round if you don't feel like playing :(
  • Having ~50 on the clicker during clicker deathmatch where at least 25 were me getting hit
  • My +Bow losing screws in the first round, putting it out of commission for the entire day
  • Not getting to play more rounds with everyone ;D

Thank you to everyone for making this year such a great geddon. See ya'll at other events!

  • 0


20:07 tiredKitty living in NYC, you could spend a lot of time in Chinatown and only speak the mother tongue
20:07 tiredKitty Not a good idea, btw.

'Daniel Beaver', on 09 Jun 2012 - 5:01 PM, said:

I have identified the problem: "maverick"

#48 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 29 June 2017 - 10:50 AM


The sheer number of darts that were picked up after every dart sweep was an astonishing sight!

The quantity of darts laying around after every round was astonishing, especially in the corner courtyards.

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#49 Langley


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Posted 29 June 2017 - 12:48 PM

dangman4ever, on 28 Jun 2017 - 8:13 PM, said:

  • I turned the corner at the wrong time and got hit point-blank range in the chin by a home-made blaster with an slug I think? Either way, that's my "Purple Heart" story of the war!

I am SO sorry about that. You had been sticking your gun out from the corner, and I was waiting for you to do that again, but then you popped your face out at the same height and I didn't think before squeezing the trigger. All I saw was your glasses fall halfway off, and I thought I nailed you in the eye point-blank. Glad you were okay.
  • 0

Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#50 dangman4ever



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Posted 30 June 2017 - 02:13 AM

Langley, on 29 Jun 2017 - 5:48 PM, said:

I am SO sorry about that. You had been sticking your gun out from the corner, and I was waiting for you to do that again, but then you popped your face out at the same height and I didn't think before squeezing the trigger. All I saw was your glasses fall halfway off, and I thought I nailed you in the eye point-blank. Glad you were okay.

No worries man, I would have done the exact same thing if I were in your shoes. All part of the fun! Thanks again for being an great loudspeaker/co-host! 

Edited by dangman4ever, 30 June 2017 - 02:13 AM.

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