Indoor Arena Style Nerf Wars every Friday night hosted by Mastermind Adventures in the Swansea Mall in Swansea MA. Swansea is on the Southeast Coast of MA roughly 45 minutes south of Boston.
Wars are from 7pm - 9pm and cost $15/person. There is a cost involved because we are essentially renting the space from Mastermind. The cost is per person instead of a flat fee and 100% of the money is collected by Mastermind, no one is making any money except the business providing the space for the event.
These are Super Stock events and as such, home mades and stefan darts are not allowed.
FPS should be limited to ~130
There are usually 4 - 5 rounds depending on the game types.
Game types:
King of the Hill
FFA Pistol Rounds
Twilight (FFA Amoeba style game)
Other assorted types may be shuffled in
Things to bring:
-Stock or Super Stock Primary
-Stock or Super Stock Pistol blaster
-$15 to play
-Water (There is a food court in the mall and Mastermind has a water bubbler in case you forget)
-Darts (Mark your darts with your initials or a unique symbol)
If you have any questions or concerns you can email me at