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Frozen Foam 3: Chilled to Perfection

Nerf War Long Island NY Super stock Homemade

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#26 Zack the Mack

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Posted 02 January 2017 - 04:56 PM

I'm running the "Biotic" Sceptor from last time, as well as my new Rapidstrike superstock project.


Hopefully some of you bring superstock too, so I can get some fair testing!

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#27 Augamemerald



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Posted 02 January 2017 - 05:58 PM

I should note that I will have at least one guest who will need a secondary.

Edit: Disregard this, he cancelled. I will still be there.

Edited by Augamemerald, 06 January 2017 - 10:13 AM.

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#28 Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 03 January 2017 - 12:23 AM

Oh yea, I forgot I'm just respobsible for this too.

Homemade Loaners will be first come first serve, decent and will come with a hopper

-Sear carbine (x 3)
-Snap carbine
-Possibly a hopped burstwave
-really shitty NF

I also have some slugs but not many, but I recently came into a lot of barrel material as I have sch 80 clear PVC. 
Chris don't rely on me for everything, build some stuff lol. I think however, everyone should bring superstock because it seems like a majority of the attendees will have superstock anyway 

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#29 Aeromech



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Posted 03 January 2017 - 01:36 AM

Augamemerald, on 02 Jan 2017 - 10:58 PM, said:

I should note that I will have at one guest who will need a secondary.

I wouldn't worry about secondaries too much. You never end up using a sidearm in actual Nerf games.

Snoop Doggy doge, on 03 Jan 2017 - 05:23 AM, said:

Chris don't rely on me for everything, build some stuff lol. I think however, everyone should bring superstock because it seems like a majority of the attendees will have superstock anyway

Building things as we speak. This is why I advocate everyone to bring loaners etc, but even so we typically have a diverse spread of blasters anyway. Overall works out to be a surprisingly good game dynamic.

Edited by Aeromech, 03 January 2017 - 05:16 PM.

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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#30 Alfatrooper



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Posted 05 January 2017 - 05:29 PM

NerfGeek416, on 02 Jan 2017 - 03:26 AM, said:

Really looking forward to this! 


Me too! Looking forward to meeting all of the new players and seeing friends! Sorry, but I will be late to the war, some family stuff in the morning and will hopefully arrive between 11:10 and 11:40 depending on traffic. 


Does anyone have a preference on where we are playing? I know i'm not the war host, but I think it would be better to play where we played at Frozen Fury 2015 instead of the open field like at Mechout. It should be equally easy for loading  mobsticles and locating the playing area (you have to drive past it on the other side to enter the parking lot.) Dart sweeping is much easier as well as rounds end faster because people are more restrained. It is also much closer to the bathrooms which is nice (no 10 minute walk back and forth.) Also, with super stockers, the cover is better in that area because of the tree layout. I guess my last point is that the I felt the feel of the war to be better in that area because of the nicer staging area ground and it is nice to switch things up. 


Anyway, I can't wait for Saturday!


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#31 Aeromech



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Posted 05 January 2017 - 06:12 PM

DRESS WARM, PEOPLE. There is a 40% chance of flurries on Saturday with decent winds and a High temperature of 27 degrees. Gloves and hats. Dress heavier than you think you need to. It always feels warm right when you walk out of your house, but stand in that sub-freezing air for an hour and tell me what's up.


In lighter news, food's on me. I will have enough bagels for about one per person (sounds like we may scratch 20 attendees), in addition to butter, jelly, cream cheese. In terms of drinks, I'm buying coffee and some orange juice. Please bring a water bottle or canteen, as I will have more limited amounts of drinks. Honestly, get a gallon sized water jug, or fill up a 2-Liter soda bottle with water, you will easily drink all of it throughout the day. There is a local burger shack, pizzeria, and 3 different fast food joints within eyesight of the playing field so getting a hot meal afterwards is no problem if you be hungry.


Alfatrooper, on 05 Jan 2017 - 10:29 PM, said:

Does anyone have a preference on where we are playing? I know i'm not the war host, but I think it would be better to play where we played at [Frozen Foam 1] instead of the open field like at Mechout. It should be equally easy for loading  mobsticles and locating the playing area (you have to drive past it on the other side to enter the parking lot.) Dart sweeping is much easier as well as rounds end faster because people are more restrained. It is also much closer to the bathrooms which is nice (no 10 minute walk back and forth.) Also, with super stockers, the cover is better in that area because of the tree layout. I guess my last point is that the I felt the feel of the war to be better in that area because of the nicer staging area ground and it is nice to switch things up.

I think the general consensus was the the mechout field was pretty god once mobstacles were set up. It's the dead of winter and it's going to be very cold, So I suspect that we will probably have free range of the area. I'll see how it is when I get there. The FF2 playing field was a little small in my opinion, and very close to the paths. In the mechout area, we much further away from any potential bystanders.

Edited by Aeromech, 05 January 2017 - 06:18 PM.

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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#32 Augamemerald



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Posted 06 January 2017 - 05:59 PM

I may not be able to get there because of snow. If anyone can help with transportation from New Milford CT, it would be greatly appreciated.
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#33 Zack the Mack

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Posted 06 January 2017 - 07:24 PM

Augamemerald, on 06 Jan 2017 - 10:59 PM, said:

I may not be able to get there because of snow.

It shouldn't start snowing until 10 or 11. Get moving earlier and you should be OK.


BONUS! Here's my gear for the war, minus the Sceptor that's down for repairs.

2017-01-06 19.23.12 scaled.jpg

Edited by Zack the Mack, 06 January 2017 - 07:25 PM.

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#34 Aeromech



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Posted 06 January 2017 - 08:41 PM

Up to the minute weather: https://weather.com/...ur/l/3966:19:US


It looks like it's going to snow literally all day, from around 11AM til night time, Though we are only expected to get less than three inches worth of accumulation, so it shouldn't be too bad in terms of actual play, thought it's going to be really cold, and wind is going to be 10 to 15 MPH. Use your head here. For all that can attend I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 10AM. Don't be a hero if you don't feel comfortable driving.



Exact GPS event coordinates: 40.725080, -73.568716



Continue down the main road (park blvd) roughly half a mile until you see the police station on your right. Once you see the police station, lookout for signs for field 2 on the right, roughly a block or two further down. Turn right and park in the big lot



Continue down the main road (park blvd) for about a block. When you see the park/administration building on your right, make the a U-turn. Then lookout for signs for field 2 on the right, and turn right into the big parking lot.

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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#35 NerfGeek416



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Posted 06 January 2017 - 08:42 PM

Charging my packs now! Gonna be awesome!


Anyone interested in buying a Recon Mk2 PM before 8AM tomorrow.

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#36 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 12:10 AM

Snow makes the war better! Sadly I am the vet now because Jax is busy and Rob is deadsick

Cannot stress dressing warm, I would pack extra clothes and extra socks, maybe even extra shoes because being dry is great
Anyone down for building cover? 

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#37 Zack the Mack

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 09:06 PM

This was one of the most challenging wars I've ever fought. The brutal weather tested our endurance, broke our blasters, and buried our staging area. 


Thanks to Aeromech for running a tight war. He finessed some tense situations with park security and a news reporter, and even gave us bagels and bologna. Downtime between rounds was short - maybe too short, with all the N-strike mags that needed reloading.


It was ridiculously cold. Anyone without layers of outerwear and heavy gloves froze to death. In irony blyat, Sentinel Master Race cyka destroyed by Russian winter, blin. Many Sentinels were lost today. Our brave comrades were rearmed by Van - your service to Republic will be remembered.


The cold destroyed lots of blasters. My Sceptor leaked, homemades lost their seals, 3D-printed parts fractured, flywheels slipped. Even tactical gear and duct tape failed.


My new Rapidstrike was a beast. It handled the snow like a champ and mulched my opponents. The only real issue was that the cold weather made my LiPo's voltage drop, and the blaster thought it was out of charge and disabled itself. Worse, Van's Frankenblaster outranged it and he ate my lunch again and again. Damn you Van!


My gray Drats (not darts, drats) were basically invisible in the snow. Not only couldn't I confirm hits, I lost like 150 of them.


Thanks to everyone who helped make this a great war, helped shlep my huge loadout, and helped get my goddamn Centurion out of my apartment.


Also, ice froze into my beard and made me look like a manly-man. Here's what the girlfriend thought.


Screenshot 2017-01-07 20.37.38.png

Edited by Zack the Mack, 07 January 2017 - 09:07 PM.

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#38 NerfGeek416



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Posted 07 January 2017 - 10:01 PM

Second a lot of what Zach said. Great job by Aeromech!



Everyone who showed up for below freezing nerfing

The snow makes you feel like a badass

I <3 rapidstrikes.

The weather was so cold the snow wasn't melting and causing wet dart slipping issues for me



By hour 4 it was very cold

The snow was burying darts very quickly

below freezing temps kill blasters


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#39 Aeromech



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Posted 08 January 2017 - 01:17 AM

This war if nothing else demonstrated some less common occurrences.


1. Park Police

Right before we started the first round, a police car with a middle aged officer pulled up to our group in a small SUV inquiring if we were playing paintball. Note these are actual Nassau county police that work at the park, not public safety or just park staff. I explained the situation and a few others that had gathered around the vehicle, and even though they were toys she still had to ask her superiors if this was alright. This despite the snow that was currently falling and the absence of any other people nearby, with her reasoning being that people could get hurt from these. No I am not kidding. After 10 minutes of the officer waiting for a response, we were able to play so long as we were going to stay in our little play area, which we were going to do in the first place anyway. This is the first time that the police at the park have ever approached us. Be respectful to police, and explain that players "hold" when bystanders are nearby, darts are picked up periodically, and boundaries are set for play. Don't give them shit they are only doing their job and don't know initially that we have actual respect for the park. She could have easily booted us right then and there and did not.


2. Media

About 2 hours later, a representative from Newsday (a Long Island/New York wide Newspaper) came without notice. No media had been contacted by us obviously, so I suspect it was a reporter with a police scanner and nothing to write about on a snowy day. I respectfully declined a quote/statement as per Nerfhaven policy.



Yeah snow got on everything. Shit my hair is long.


Now onto "Normal" Recap:



+Total turnout including myself was 13 attendees. I am shocked that so many people showed up considering the forecast took a turn for the worst the day before, especially with several attendees from New York City, Eastern Long Island, and New England. Also, many cool new players, we had new younger players as well and one of the parents came ready to play the whole day.

+Despite the cold, everyone was in good cheer and didn't complain about the cold. There's a certain charm to snowy wars, I can't put my finger on it. Maybe harping back to that childish feeling of playing in the snow.

+Superstock rounds worked pretty well. After the aforementioned skirt with police, I was very hesitant to then take out PVC pipes and shit after we were already on thin ice. We got one pure NIC round in, and by the end of the day, when snow was really picking up and there was literally nobody there, we put one homemade dude on each team. Due to the wind or cold or whatever, it wasn't that overpowered.

+Play area was pretty good, though I wish we were able to play near the slightly denser trees like I originally planned

+Everyone that brought loaners and was really cool with lending them out

+Talking to noobs about blasters

+Everybody was cool and well behaved

+Geek talk with Nerfnerd and Zack

+Edmund for picking up hot chocolate and muchkins in addition to the lunch supplies I bought.

+Surprisingly, and quite to my relief, everyone dressed warm enough that even the 25 degree weather was mostly kept in check

+Everybody brought their own eye-pro

+Chilling/catching up at the diner afterwards

+Coleslaw tasted like ice cream

+Nobody died




-Everything was breaking. Homemades had the usual problems with noobs having no idea how to fix a jammed blaster etc, only amplified by the weather conditions, so it was just easier to limit their use. Aside from that, flywheels were slipping from darts from the snow, my Sentinel just gave up, stock battery blasters refused to feed, and gloved hands had some difficulty actuating the more exotic means of cocking spring blasters.

-Snow was falling so hard by the end that even light sweeps between rounds did not return close to usual levels. I'll need to devote a day when this snow melts and go out there with a garbage bag.

-Everything got covered in snow. Even with a tarp or blanket, snow got into bags and blasters and darts and foods. I had to dump all the leftover bagels and supplies.

-Had to call it early, I think we were out of the park by 3PM, the roads were absolutely disgusting, there was an accident literally in front of the traffic light at the exit of the park.

-After being vegetarian for 2 years, I thought it was a good idea to try eating some of the balogna and cheese on my lunch bagel. 12+ hours later and my stomach still hurts.



With the weather, various experience of attendees, and large array of blaster types, Frozen Foam is always kind of a wildcard, so I'm glad everyone could participate and have fun. Best wishes and I hope all got home safely. Dope war, brochachos, let's do it again sometime



Victory pickles

Edited by Aeromech, 08 January 2017 - 01:36 AM.

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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#40 shandsgator8



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Posted 08 January 2017 - 10:36 AM

Looks like the war was absolutely "chilled to perfection"

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#41 Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 11:27 AM



Sad like, half our attendance didn't or couldn't show up
the fucking cops on our ass
my loaners didn't work too well, and weren't optimized to the max
low dart recovery
cold hands be cold

ESLT broke, welding on somethings broke, I have to fix other peoples stuff ;c

Pros however are
Did not perma die  ever. 1 or maybe 2 deaths max
12 turnout in the snow 
trying to build a fort
all of my personal shit worked amazingly
that one round where i literally killed half a team and carried
new faces and old faces
never lost a round
hardcore shit
wet darts may have made my sentinel better because lubricated ammo

8/10 would nerf again, I just wish we didn't freeeze over and we had been able to stay later.


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#42 Zack the Mack

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Posted 10 January 2017 - 02:20 PM

Did someone take my bayonet home with them? I can't find it in my gear.

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#43 Alfatrooper



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Posted 11 January 2017 - 03:19 PM

This was a very fun and unique experience even with the short playing time. I would like to thank Aeromech for hosting and everyone who attended for being awesome participants.



  • seeing and talking with everyone again
  • not being too cold
  • sentinel worked well the whole day
  • great rounds when the teams were even
  • lots of new players
  • plenty of darts

 See you all soon!



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#44 Aeromech



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Posted 12 January 2017 - 03:24 PM


2 Liter soda bottle for scale. I spent an hour and a half dart sweeping yesterday once the snow melted. Even with intermittent dart sweeps, the snow was falling so hard that many darts got covered mid-round. I estimate there are about 400 or so in here, the crappy shopping bag is ready to burst open. No, I will not sort out these darts and painstakingly send them back to everybody, no, I don't care how distinctive they look. Point is that dartsweeping is important, especially in the snow. I've learned that dartsweeping is most effective with the sun to your back.


Zack the Mack, on 10 Jan 2017 - 7:20 PM, said:

Did someone take my bayonet home with them? I can't find it in my gear.

No, it was actually in the snow, I have it, just remind me before the next war. It's a little worn out from being in the melting snow for two days though.

Edited by Aeromech, 12 January 2017 - 03:42 PM.

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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#45 Zack the Mack

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 07:00 PM

Aeromech, on 12 Jan 2017 - 8:24 PM, said:

No, it was actually in the snow, I have it, just remind me before the next war. It's a little worn out from being in the melting snow for two days though.




You should come to the next NYCNO. Everyone should. 

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#46 Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 07:09 PM

^ ayyyyy

I see a lot of USCs in there, are we getting any chance of getting them back or are they just yours now?
Also, NYCNO lets goo!

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