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[CT] Connecticut Nerf Out - Norwalk - Saturday, July 2nd

nerf war nerf wars nerf battle nerf out connecticut neno new england

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#1 DX-Robert


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Posted 17 June 2016 - 03:36 AM

Connecticut Nerf Out - Saturday, July 2nd 2016

[Insert awesome sub-optimal image and teaser video here]

This war replaces the NENO that we were unable to do.  Note the new location.  If you live in the city, on LI, in Jersey, in eastern PA, this is a bit closer to you than usual.  We'd love to see you there if you are able to attend!  Check back here for updates, I like to update stuff the same way I vote - early and often.

Play Times: 
10 AM to at least 5 PM.  (That's 1 to 5 in Langley time)


West Rocks Middle School
81 West Rocks Rd, Norwalk, CT 06851
Parking: 41.133884, -73.414676




Cranbury Elementary School
10 Knowalot Ln, Norwalk, CT 06851
Parking: 41.156607, -73.402940
Playing: TBA

Bring your own, or bring $$$ for group pizza.  Bring one for DX, too.  Feed the wildlife.


Eye protection is mandatory, regardless of age.
Barrel taps ARE allowed (with the SIDE of your barrel or by hand tag).
Blaster hits count and hits to anything you are carrying count.

Shields and melee are not allowed.
FPS limit: Try to keep your average at or under 300 FPS.

Allowed Darts: 

- #6 Slugs
- #8 Slugs
- Silicone Domes
- Stock Darts of any variety other than FVJs

Check List:
- Lunch, for DX.
- Water.  Sugar water for DX.
- Money, for DX.  Somehow, I am still alive.
- Blaster for a raffle. (NIB Maximizer, System 2000, 1500 Arrow Shooter, etc)
- Darts.  This one is kind of important.  Bring at least a couple hundred.
- At least 2 primaries.  There's no guarantee that we'll have enough loaners for everyone, especially if you're a Yankees fan.
- Pistol, maybe.  I keep bringing one and we never end up doing pistol rounds.
- Sunscreen, if you burn easily.  Google, broadband, and Van James didn't exist the last time I got burned, but hey, not everyone can be this fabulous.

Game Types:

I'll make a rough playlist to avoid wasting time.  Make your requests if you want to play something and it's not listed.

Current Playlist:
- 3-15 Warmup x2
- VIP x2
- Uma Thurman x2
- Lunch / Maybe speed rounds
- 3-15 x2
- Freeze Tag x2
- 5/0 x2
- 3-15 Cooldowns

If you want to participate, bring a $10-20 blaster to toss in.  We'll assign everyone a number and pick from a random number program.  In addition to the raffle, I will be bringing stuff to give away.  It may not be useful...stuff...but it could be interesting and maybe you'll think of a use for it?  Whatever you don't take will be thrown away 100% guaranteed.  Last NENO I ended up throwing away about 8 blasters that were not claimed.

Confirmed Attendees (14): 
A wild DX +1
Van James
Zach +1
Jonathan +1
Lucy! +1


Edited by Duxburian, 02 July 2016 - 01:08 AM.

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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
NYC Nerf Ops - Nerf in New York City itself
NJ Nerf Ops - Nerf in New Jersey
CT Nerf Ops - Nerf in Connecticut

LI Nerf Ops - Nerf on Long Island

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#2 blitz



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Posted 17 June 2016 - 07:19 AM

Assuming my agreement with Van pulls through, I should be there. 

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Blitz, member of the FNBS
"sexual innuendo no intendo"

#3 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 17 June 2016 - 09:23 AM

Along with Wil, I may be able to pack another plus one.
This is long as Chris drives me lol.

We're not doing superstock with sentinels right? 

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#4 Aeromech



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Posted 17 June 2016 - 01:06 PM

Yeah let's go

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Watch my shitty videos

Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#5 Jlego


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Posted 17 June 2016 - 02:17 PM

A war 20 minutes from home and <5 min from the best empanadas and arepas in the area? (Look up Valencia Luncheria, likely calling in an order and picking up for lunch.)

I'd be embarrassed if I didn't attend. DTN.

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~Jaxon of the LGLF


Gears: Ice9 and I have a relationship similar to that of myself and Jax.
liska: You snuggles?
Gears: The nerfers most likely to engage in a threesome.


I've seen you use an arrowstorm!!

#6 DX-Robert


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 12:26 AM

Several people may be able to attend, but only for a few hours.  You know what that means, right?


We need to step it up so everyone can have fun, no matter how long they are able to stay.  Downtime needs to be kept to a minimum.  This is still a week and a half away, so there's plenty of time to make more darts and tune up primaries.  Bring your A game, lots of darts, lots of friends, and be ready to play hard!


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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
NYC Nerf Ops - Nerf in New York City itself
NJ Nerf Ops - Nerf in New Jersey
CT Nerf Ops - Nerf in Connecticut

LI Nerf Ops - Nerf on Long Island

UNO also has a Discord server:
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My other groups:
Nerf Thrifters - A group for posting thrifts and other second-hand finds

#7 jboynerf345



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Posted 25 June 2016 - 05:52 PM

Im confirmed, as well as my +1. 

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Snaps. Snaps. Snaps.

#8 Lucian



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Posted 28 June 2016 - 10:18 PM

See you there + 1. I might need someone to spot my GF a blaster, we'll see how my Marshmellow Blaster mod goes!

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Contact me for design consultation relating to 3D Printing, CNC Machining, and Laser Cutting. I am always happy to collaborate on viable Open Source projects and/or business ventures. 

#9 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 28 June 2016 - 11:46 PM

Packing medkit, sunscreen & aloe vera (just incase Nick shows up), I'm not doin raffle lol,
are we doing pistol/superstock, or just pistol OR superstock? I'm gonna say no go, but will have superstock and pistol just in case. 

Also, for loaners, I  have
-Snap Carbine (x2)
-PCSR (maybe)

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#10 blitz



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Posted 29 June 2016 - 12:55 PM

I’m hype.


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Blitz, member of the FNBS
"sexual innuendo no intendo"

#11 DX-Robert


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Posted 01 July 2016 - 01:10 PM

A reminder that this is tomorrow!  The forecast is good, around 81 degrees and sunny.  If the power goes out from tonight's storms, the war is still on.

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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
NYC Nerf Ops - Nerf in New York City itself
NJ Nerf Ops - Nerf in New Jersey
CT Nerf Ops - Nerf in Connecticut

LI Nerf Ops - Nerf on Long Island

UNO also has a Discord server:
Join UNO Discord Here


My other groups:
Nerf Thrifters - A group for posting thrifts and other second-hand finds

#12 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 02 July 2016 - 12:36 AM

it's lit tommorow cuzz

We're bringing mobstacles, we just finished night rounds of testing. They're very fun but they're bulky and take time to set up. I think if you could help us bring the mobstacles and to and from the car, help setup and dissasembly and not break them, that'd be great.

Also, no superstock. There's so much we're bringing, just, god no lol. All this work, gotta be DIY all day.

(also we should prolly chip in a bit, like 1-100$ to Sam for spending 300+ on materials lol) 

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#13 DX-Robert


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 09:04 AM

We are here, setting up mobstacles.
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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
NYC Nerf Ops - Nerf in New York City itself
NJ Nerf Ops - Nerf in New Jersey
CT Nerf Ops - Nerf in Connecticut

LI Nerf Ops - Nerf on Long Island

UNO also has a Discord server:
Join UNO Discord Here


My other groups:
Nerf Thrifters - A group for posting thrifts and other second-hand finds

#14 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 03 July 2016 - 10:43 AM

Guess I'll be the first to make there post war recap
This place was great in that it was secluded, and hopefully will lead for more to come in the future. Now I gotta change my war name to be NYNO or something so we don't confuse it. The 300$ investment in the mobstacles were great and really turned the the open field into a decent war.

-optimal cover
-all the cool people
-nailing people with SCS
-actually hitting people when I took off all the crap on my rainbow
-sentinel rounds
-dynamic cover + enviroment, (leveloution)
-tactical tactics with Rob and Sam

-Rainbow barrel thread coming out
-that one jam
-all that assembly dissasembly BS, 

10/10 would host again, we have the materials to make more and more cover, 

Edited by Snoop Doggy doge, 03 July 2016 - 10:43 AM.

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#15 blitz



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Posted 03 July 2016 - 09:00 PM

I guess recaps are still a thing




- hella mobstacles everywhere

- Met Van, DX, CA99, Aeromech JLego, Lucian, all these other guys. They're all awesome and I am so happy. Need to do this more.

- I fit all my shit into a backpack!

- Inducted into USC

- leet tactical night wars night before

- losing 80% of Sam's FVJs night before 

- Seeing cool blasters and getting new ideas for builds

- Got one of those cool check valves and a $7 LS

- Rob's SCS's and those artifact darts are kinda wild. Need new barrels for them. 

- "I'm so happy you brought a maxshot. I haven't seen one of those in a while" - JLego



- Lucian's marshmallow blaster sounds like a car tire blowing up. Absolutely horrifying sound. I want one now. 

- Van's rainbow was really op. I want to make one, or up the power on mine, but I sure as hell won't be using that in close quarters.

- All my blasters broke/were unusable by the end of the day. 

- Said blasters tended to be rather low powered.

- Sunburn. I can even out my tan at the beach in a few weeks haha.

- My knees are shot. 

- Someone post pictures, I don't have any. 

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Blitz, member of the FNBS
"sexual innuendo no intendo"

#16 Aeromech



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Posted 04 July 2016 - 09:30 AM

Never played with mobstacles before. Turned out pretty well. Thanks to everybody that stayed late and helped to disassemble, it took like 45 minutes to pack everything up and fully dart sweep.

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Watch my shitty videos

Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#17 Alfatrooper



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Posted 05 July 2016 - 11:05 AM

A huge thank you to DX, Van, and Sam for building mobsticles, finding and preparing the field, and for running one of the best NIC wars I have been to. Also a huge thank you to everyone who helped clean up at the end of the day.



  • seeing and talking with everyone again
  • being team captain and facilitating rounds
  • the field: this was the most fun layout I could imagine and everything about where we played was perfect
  • mostly balanced teams with really high quality 3/15 rounds
  • 1 vs 1 with Van; always fun
  • everyone being in a great fun mood while still minimizing down time

11/10 will be nerfing again!

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 See you on the field, Alfatrooper                                                                                             My YouTube

#18 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 06 July 2016 - 05:12 PM

More footage to come. Here is my playlist of footage I uploaded off Robs Camera

Zach that 1v1, want a rematch at MechOut?
Wil, screen grab these vids lol, I can get you some pics of yourself if you want

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nerf war, nerf wars, nerf battle, nerf out, connecticut, neno, new england

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