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Stampede vs Rapidstrike vs ??

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#1 Arkaon



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 02:39 PM


So, in my previous post I talked about really enjoying the Hammershot and Strong arm.

Now I am looking to expand my inventory to a fully auto option and was wondering what experience and advice you guys had here.

There are a number of items out there, in the fully auto world, and I figured I would lay out the ideas of what I am interested in.

Goals: I would like a full auto blaster that I can potentially mod. Adding things like metal breeches, and barrels, etc. To get some performance, and weight/feel.

I would also like to be able to shoot both stock and modded rounds. Though, if that's not really a thing, then I will stick with my koosh and ACC's.

Now, to the blasters i am looking at.

1) Rival - yes, I am aware of this blaster and intend to get one when the newer one comes out this fall. (Khaod MXVI-4000)

2) Rapid Strike - I like the core look and or idea for this blaster, but am unsure if the length is going to fit. As a 6'1" adult, I've got longer arms, and I don't want to feel too cramped.

Thank being said, I am also interested in modding , so if this blaster is a good idea, I'd love to hear your reasons why.

2) Longshot - Is there a version of this that comes fully auto? Has anyone posted a mod making it fully auto?

3) Stampede - I've seen a couple versions of this floating around I think. Anyone had any experience with it vs the others?

4) Retaliator - I also like the look of this one. Any word on making it full auto?

Any others gems that I might be overlooking?

Thanks guy,
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#2 ReThink



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 03:51 PM

Both the retaliator and longshot are semi-auto springers, meaning any full auto mods would be simply reshelling rapidstrike internals into the older shells. Rapidstrike is the most popular full auto blaster, if you don't like the length there are always shell mods and integrations to change the stock for a better fit.

Edit: Did not mean semi auto, meant single-prime.

Edited by ReThink, 28 May 2016 - 07:26 PM.

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#3 Nerfguy2002



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 04:01 PM

I do have experience with the stampede. I like it because its old, so when you take it to somebody's house they think it will shoot 30 feet, but oh are they wrong. I think the stampede is a lot easier to mod, because it is more mechanical. The rapidstrike is more electrical, which I think would be harder to mod. If you could find a stampede for a good price I would recommend it. If you want to get a rapidstrike be my guest but it will be harder to mod. 

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#4 The2ndBluesBro



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 04:24 PM


Edited by The2ndBluesBro, 28 May 2016 - 04:27 PM.

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#5 Kilomona



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 04:25 PM

Rapidstrikes cam be made into absolute demons in the size of a pistol.

Stampedes can be overvolted and brass breeched, and pistolized.

The hyperfire is full auto, but it's weird.
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#6 The2ndBluesBro



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 04:26 PM

The stampede can be great but you need metal gears, rewire the circuit etc. The rapidstrike is the easiest option especially if you know basic soldering. A stampede can be brassed to accept Stefans and the rapidstrike can have the pusher extended for the same effect, but with the rapidstrike you'd be limited only to Stefans by doing that.
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#7 TypicalSeattleModder



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 04:28 PM

Drac made a video of Vlad's full auto Longshot (which was a basically an integration of the longshot and rapidstrike)  called the cherry crush (I think) 

Any way heres a list on which full auto blaster wins each category.(my thoughts)


coolest:  Vulcan


fastest shooting: Hyperfire


furthest shooting: Khaos


most accurate: Khaos

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#8 Draconis


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Posted 28 May 2016 - 04:49 PM

The Khaos isn't out yet, so I don't understand how you areveven including it in this list.
The Longshot and Retaliator are not semi-auto, as they must be primed with each shot.
Flywheel blasters like the Stryfe and Demolisher can shoot as fast as you can pull tthehr trigger, so I don't really seem the need for the extra pusher hardware. Barrels don't really have any effect on their performance, but motors and batteries do.
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#9 DX-Robert


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Posted 28 May 2016 - 11:42 PM

If you extend the pusher by using an adjustable screw, you can shoot any length dart on the fly.  There's no need to limit them to stefans.

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#10 The2ndBluesBro



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Posted 29 May 2016 - 08:34 AM

Duxburian, on 29 May 2016 - 04:42 AM, said:

If you extend the pusher by using an adjustable screw, you can shoot any length dart on the fly.  There's no need to limit them to stefans.

True. Probably the best way to do it.
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#11 justajolt



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Posted 30 May 2016 - 10:39 AM

1) Rival - I've a feeling you could save money on this and have something similar sooner by making a Zeus full auto and carrying out a mag and feed mod such as the HIRicane. 

2) Rapid Strike (RS) - I currently use a Rapidpistol on 3 IMRs as a secondary, hanging on the center of my rig, which can be grabbed easily with my non-primary left hand. I love it to bits! Cut of the stock (or leave it if you just want a shorter primary) and lop off the front, leaving a little space for a 2x2 battery holder where the original tray was (or a small LiPo) and you've got something which is pistol sized and superb for clearing corridors!

2) Longshot - I think Drac has a video of an RS mechanism in a Longshot shell. Honestly, it's a little tricky to get the RS internals set up right outside of its own shell. Not impossibly, but it's not a quick job. I prefer putting large springs in Longshots for range, but even then, it doesn't suit the style of play encountered this side of the pond. 

3) Stampede - No experience due to lack of the right size tubes in this part of the world!

4) Retaliator - As longshot, but the retal can be made into a decent blaster with a spring upgrade and pump grip. One of my colleagues from Grim Up Nerf uses a pump-grip retal and swears by it. I believe it to be more reliable than my 5kg Alpha Trooper Elite. Retals can be easily modified to slam-fire, but if you want a full auto that size, I think chopping up an RS is your best option. 


All of the above assuming full length darts. We don't use shorter darts much over here! Hope that was helpful. 

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