Then when did he say it?He didn't say it in the movie you dumb fuck. How would I know if he said it in the movie. I was merely saying why i wouldnt see it.
Could you show me when Michael Moore says our soldiers should be killed? Oh wait, you're criticizing a movie you haven't seen. I forgot that you were a hypocrit for a second.Let me just say that i never will see this movie because Michael Moore is a douchebag.
Anyone who thinks the insurgents should win against our soldiers.(I dont give a shit what party you are, an "true patriot" would never wish for our soldiers to be killed) and compares them to the Minutemen of the American Revolution does not deserve my $8.50.
CXWQ, I think we have one that fits into the second category.
Wow, "dumb fuck". What eloquence! You express yourself in a way so appropriate for a debate.