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Barrel break ranges

Ranges before and after Modification

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#1 Chuck



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Posted 04 June 2013 - 07:04 PM


This is my first post on this site.
I was lurking in the Mods directory and was reading the AR removal for the barrel break by JEO. He mentioned that he didn't have time to do before and after ranges and when I did a search I didn't see any other posts about it.
I got a barrel break a few days ago and did ranges before then I did the AR removal as writtten up JEO and then measured the ranges after. So here we go.

This is the firing range
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Here is the BB set up for flat fire before the AR removal mod.

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This is the best of Five shots.

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Here is the BB set up at 4" elevation before Mod

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And the Best of 5 for the elevated shots

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Ok so I removed the AR from the Barrel Break then I set it up for another round.

OK Set up for flat fire after the Mod
and here is the best of 5

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Then set up for the elevated shot after the Mod
and the best of 5

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Thanks for reading
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#2 PhotoJoe



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Posted 05 June 2013 - 05:31 PM

You didn't, by any chance, record the distances all darts flew, not just the one that went the furthest?
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#3 Duke Wintermaul

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 05:55 PM

I'm sure he did. He's just trying to compress it into something easy for NH.

As a note, most of NH wants lots of data. Just cause'.

But i like it. Good job, this is probably the best 'firing test' that i have seen conducted. Allot of NH also prefers chronograph data to eliminate the error per se.
However, you have done an exquisite job.

I would like to see the EBB as well, but I'm pretty sure it's just a repaint.
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#4 Chuck



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Posted 06 June 2013 - 06:56 AM

Thanks fellas It's good to hear some feedback. Good and Bad Good tells me I am doing it right bad helps me do better on the next one.

@Photojoe I only saved the pics of the furthest shot to save room. I have the data itself but no proof so it's invalid now. I can still post it, if your still interested in it.

@Duke Wintermaul Normally I love a lot data too but the new member guide had a lot of rules and I didn't want to break any still being an FNG so I figured short and to the point was the best approach. Next write up I won't hold back :lol: I never thought of a chorongraph for Nerf I had one back in the paintball days but it broke and got parted out for another project, I will pick up another one for the future.

I am not clear on the EBB term. BB is barrel break I assume but the E is little unclear. and the reference just a repaint has me wondering. All I did was remove the Air restrictors and tape the hole in the side of the tube. I reassembled the blaster for the test and then broke it down again for priming and painting to show it off in the mods and paintjobs forum. taking lots of step by step pics on the painting.

I have a pic of the range shot after mod elevated.

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#5 Kronos Nerf Mods

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 08:15 AM

I am not clear on the EBB term. BB is barrel break I assume but the E is little unclear. and the reference just a repaint has me wondering. All I did was remove the Air restrictors and tape the hole in the side of the tube. I reassembled the blaster for the test and then broke it down again for priming and painting to show it off in the mods and paintjobs forum. taking lots of step by step pics on the painting.

He is referring to the "elite" barrel break which is really just a repaint, and probably won't get the elite ranges.

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#6 TheWiredDJ



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Posted 06 June 2013 - 10:02 AM

The EBB was confirmed to just be a repaint, it doesn't claim the Elite line ranges on the box. It will fire just the same as the regular BB, but with whatever flight ballistics Elite darts will have in comparison to whistlers.
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#7 Chuck



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Posted 06 June 2013 - 12:11 PM

I see, a repaint as opposed to a redesign of the internals to improve something. Interesting, I see I have a lot to learn about this new hobby.

Thanks for the input.
Looking forward to posting a full write up.
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#8 TheLastVulcaneer



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Posted 16 June 2013 - 01:47 PM

This is a good range test, but can we have it on some newer guns? I know at least for me that I would go with a rough cut over a barrel break any day.(and I usually dont use shotguns anyway.
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#9 Apollo441



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Posted 16 June 2013 - 10:53 PM

The elite barrel break doesn't get any better ranges than the standard barrel break, although does look nicer.
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#10 TED


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Posted 17 June 2013 - 03:25 AM

Thank you for the detailed pics otherwise it would have been pretty confusing for me.
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