I would like to announce that the Sex Dwarves intend to host a Pittsburgh Nerf War, The details so far are as follows:

Clash of Steel: Necrohorse of Glory
When: Saturday July 13th, 2013 10A-?
Where: Pittsburgh (Park TBA)
Age Requirements:
This event is open to those 13 and up, but there are specific requirements placed on that.
- Those aged 13-16 must have their parent or guardian on the premises, and that guardian must be fully aware of the risks involved. (I will not take blame if your child takes a hard hit)
- Those under the age of 18 are required to wear eye protections at all times during play. I strongly encourage, and likely will require something more than just normal eyeglasses (I was
hit in the glasses at Hb4H, and it chipped the lens. They are not sufficient protection.) - Those over the age of 18 are strongly encouraged to wear sufficient (see above) eye protection, but have the right to decline, and in doing so accept responsibility for any ocular harm
that should befall them.
Parents, please be aware that this event will be mixed age groups. While we make attempts to be courteous to younger players, they will not receive favoritism or special accommodations,
and are expected to display a modicum of maturity and responsibility while playing (i.e. following rules, playing safely, respecting other players/pedestrians as well as the venue, and so forth).
Dart/Blaster regulations
Standard Nerf etiquette applies. Pittsburgh traditionally plays by a code of "If it's not downright dangerous, it's ok".
This applies to both blasters and darts in our community. We do not tolerate flat black, or other realistically themed blasters, unsafe darts (read on), but most of all,
we do not tolerate unsafe play.
There will be much discussion on dart regulations. We've fired countless darts, mostly 1/4" slingshot weighted, with no major incidents or complaints, but I am not insensitive
to the fact that somebody may have lost a parent or loved one to this "dangerous" ammo, and am considering implementing the second ever rule in Pittsburgh Nerf History
(Rule #1 is "Have fun" with like 36 sub-clauses) and making this a slugs-only war (full of self loathing and sub optimal performance).
Lodging will be provided on a first come, first served basis, with a friendship constant applied. Otherwise, I will work on finding the best places to stay in a hotel for cheap.
More information will be posted here as it becomes available. This war is a good ways off, but I want everyone who can attend to have ample time to plan their trip, and budget appropriately.
This is an open event, All who can attend, should. Pittsburgh wars are extremely rare, and even more fun. Come and take us on in our native homeland, if you dare. Please post any questions related
to this event either here, or feel free to direct them to my personal message box.
SublimeDom777 (Host) (+1-?)
JWasko (Co-Host) (+1-3?)
Nerfmonky (+1?)
Kronos Nerf Mods
Likely, but not married to the idea yet:
Want to attend, looking for transportation:
Bhajj94 (Springfield, Pa)
Lord of Fish
Those who cannot attend (That we also really care about):
Edited by sublimedom777, 17 April 2013 - 09:16 PM.