Carbon had a similar idea for this, using CPVC. It served a similar role to BritNerf's flute, but in the back of the wye rather than front. However both BritNerf and Carbon's version have problems with silicone domes because the domes cannot navigate any sort of steep angle.
This flute is made out of SC80 1/2" PVC lathed down to .715" OD. The angle cut into it serves no purpose except to allow room for the dart to navigate through the wye. The goal of the flute is to prevent the dart from bottoming out on the wye and thus unable to seat well into the barrel.
The sloped section is 1.14" long and dips from .715" height to .35" height. The angle of curvature is option and was chosen to make cutting on scroll scroll saw minimally dangerous/effortful.

View from front:

View from top:

View from back:

View from top with barrel in:

I chose to cut the flute from the main body of the SC80 PVC so that it is detachable and held completely within the wye.
Diagram of how it works:

Cutting the flute from the pipe is optional. I did this because this was for the FAL-3 which already has a moving stub to connect to the back of the wye. If you need a connection stub anyways, I highly recommend leaving the flute attached and securing it with a screw so that it doubles as flute and a stub to connect your wye to your blaster
Firing data, indoors, room temperature (20-25C)
7" CPVC barrel
1.5" barrel stub from wye to blaster
Fired from seated position from the FAL-2
| = 1 dart fired on attempt M = dart did not fire on attempt D = 2 darts fired on attempt Trials 1-6: 5 silicone darts in a thinwall 1/2" hopper clip with check valve on end Unmodified wye 1: ||MD| 2: ||MD| 3: ||||| 4: ||MDMD 5: ||MD| 6: ||||M| Modified wye 1: D||| 2: ||||| 3: ||||| 4: ||||| 5: ||||| 6: ||||| Trials 7-9: 9 silicone darts in a sch40 clear 1/2" hopper clip with duct tape on end Unmodified wye 7: ||M|M|||||| 8: |||||M||M|| 9: M||M|MM||M|||| Modified wye 7: ||||||||| 8: ||||||||| 9: ||||||||| Trials 10-13: 10 silicone darts in same sch40 clip as trials 7-9, ergo overfilled hopper clip Unmodified wye 10: MD|||MD||| 11: MD|MD||||M|M| 12: ||||||M|||| 13: ||||MMMDD|| Modified wye 10: |||||||||| 11: |||||||||| 12: |||||||||| 13: ||||||||||
Edited by Zorn's Lemma, 10 February 2013 - 10:04 PM.