The same motor is available
directly from Solarbotics, which might be more convenient for those who live in Canada. (No affiliation other than that I'm from the same city as they are.)
'Draconis', on 01 Feb 2013 - 9:48 PM, said:
Ordered six, $17ish to my door. I'll be happy to verify these stats in about a week.
You have a PS48, right? Would you be able to compare these with its stock motors?
'Exo', on 02 Feb 2013 - 12:35 AM, said:
Those aren't resistors, those would be Zener diodes or polarized capacitors.
No, what makes brushed DC motors directional is phase offset of the commutator, which makes them run more efficiently in the designed-for direction. I have no idea why a motor would have a Zener diode on it, and it shouldn't have a polarized capacitor because it will induct and attempt to charge the capacitor in reverse when power is cut.
'0reo', on 02 Feb 2013 - 04:29 AM, said:
20g-cm [of torque]
Let's not start
this again.
Crater is a combination of a box and a dent in the ground. (Thanks Tangerle)
'nerf@work', on 19 Feb 2008 - 9:29 PM, said:
I'll stand on my head and gargle peanut butter for 70 dollars.