Alright, so I got the Xblaster intending to do Eraser475's excellent mod, but noticed my plunger head was different:

It did not have the white spacer in it, so I was able to get more draw. That also meant that I could not make the clothes pin that far forward without sacrificing draw, so I set about creating my own design.
This is a post mod writeup, so I do not have in-progress pictures, but I feel it can be understood by the pictures. This is what you clothes pin should look like completed:

When the L bracket is pulled back, it forces the clothes pin open, while held in place by a nail:

The nail on the bottom (you can barely see it) is the nail that catches. Here is a view of the nail moving up and down:

The hole for the nail is drilled 2 inches from the back.
I also had to put some screws in to keep the orange disk from moving, giving the nail something to catch on:

Here is a picture of the finished internals, complete with a copper/cpvc RSCB:

Here it is with the cover on and a 7 inch cpvc barrel (I do not know if this is optimal, so if anyone knows, please let me know).


Trigger closeup:

It gets 5.25 inches of draw, not bad for a stock draw length.
RANGES: With the RSCB, it tops out at about 80, averaging in the 70's
Well, thats it, questions or comments?
Edited by The Manta, 01 July 2012 - 06:22 PM.