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Xploderz Xblaster 200 trigger mod

A different method

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#1 The Manta

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Posted 01 July 2012 - 06:12 PM

So, this is my first contribution to the forums, so if I am doing something wrong please tell me.
Alright, so I got the Xblaster intending to do Eraser475's excellent mod, but noticed my plunger head was different:
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It did not have the white spacer in it, so I was able to get more draw. That also meant that I could not make the clothes pin that far forward without sacrificing draw, so I set about creating my own design.
This is a post mod writeup, so I do not have in-progress pictures, but I feel it can be understood by the pictures. This is what you clothes pin should look like completed:
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When the L bracket is pulled back, it forces the clothes pin open, while held in place by a nail:
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The nail on the bottom (you can barely see it) is the nail that catches. Here is a view of the nail moving up and down:
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The hole for the nail is drilled 2 inches from the back.
I also had to put some screws in to keep the orange disk from moving, giving the nail something to catch on:
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Here is a picture of the finished internals, complete with a copper/cpvc RSCB:
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Here it is with the cover on and a 7 inch cpvc barrel (I do not know if this is optimal, so if anyone knows, please let me know).
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Trigger closeup:
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It gets 5.25 inches of draw, not bad for a stock draw length.
RANGES: With the RSCB, it tops out at about 80, averaging in the 70's
Well, thats it, questions or comments?

Edited by The Manta, 01 July 2012 - 06:22 PM.

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#2 zx532



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Posted 01 July 2012 - 06:59 PM

Interesting trigger setup, how does it compare to a more traditional clothes pin trigger?
(It looks like it would be less durable, but I like the way it moves)
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#3 The Manta

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Posted 01 July 2012 - 07:17 PM

'zx532', on 01 Jul 2012 - 11:59 PM, said:

Interesting trigger setup, how does it compare to a more traditional clothes pin trigger?
(It looks like it would be less durable, but I like the way it moves)

It has a little easier pull than a normal CPT, because of the mechanical advantage. It seems to be holding up just fine after about 50 shots, so I think it is just as durable as a normal CPT.
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#4 oatmeal



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Posted 01 July 2012 - 08:28 PM

'The Manta', on 02 Jul 2012 - 12:17 AM, said:

It has a little easier pull than a normal CPT, because of the mechanical advantage. It seems to be holding up just fine after about 50 shots, so I think it is just as durable as a normal CPT.

But does the L-bracket wobble in the nail? It looks to me like it would.
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#5 The Manta

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Posted 01 July 2012 - 08:42 PM

'oatmeal', on 02 Jul 2012 - 01:28 AM, said:

But does the L-bracket wobble in the nail? It looks to me like it would.

Yes, that is the one thing I don't like about this blaster. The bracket can wobble, but when primed the clothes pin actually holds it in place, so it doesn't wobble.
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#6 Xtech



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Posted 02 July 2012 - 08:11 PM

So I'm guessing that this different trigger setup has better ranges, due to the longer draw?
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#7 BiwinningPanda



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Posted 02 July 2012 - 08:17 PM

'Xtech', on 03 Jul 2012 - 01:11 AM, said:

So I'm guessing that this different trigger setup has better ranges, due to the longer draw?

It most likely adds a few feet and nothing more; it only adds what looks like a quarter of an inch of draw.
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#8 The Manta

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 08:28 PM

'BiwinningPanda', on 03 Jul 2012 - 01:17 AM, said:

It most likely adds a few feet and nothing more; it only adds what looks like a quarter of an inch of draw.

I'm not actually sure how much more draw it has compared to Eraser's, but it looks like it has more. Also, my darts don't get the best springer fit in CPVC, you different darts might get different ranges.
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#9 Briguy52



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 09:25 AM

If you really want to maximize draw without leaving it pull and release, you could actually just spend $5 extra at Target and grab the "Xploderz Magnum 700". (Picture here)It has the same design overall (as compared to the rest of the Xploderz line which has the under-barrel priming nob, such as the Xranger or the Xground Pounder) but for the extra $5 you get 2 more "sections" on the plunger tube. By sections, I mean the 5 aesthetic grid/segments on the outside of the plunger. The Magnum has 7 which I guess adds about 2-3 inches more draw. The Xblaster 200 is already too bulky to be a pistol so I don't think the added weight/bulk would be too much of a hastle. Yesterday, at Target the Xblaster 200 retailed for $12.99 while the Magnum went for $17.99.

Edited by Briguy52, 04 July 2012 - 09:26 AM.

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#10 The Manta

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Posted 04 July 2012 - 04:40 PM

'Briguy52', on 04 Jul 2012 - 2:25 PM, said:

If you really want to maximize draw without leaving it pull and release, you could actually just spend $5 extra at Target and grab the "Xploderz Magnum 700". (Picture here)It has the same design overall (as compared to the rest of the Xploderz line which has the under-barrel priming nob, such as the Xranger or the Xground Pounder) but for the extra $5 you get 2 more "sections" on the plunger tube. By sections, I mean the 5 aesthetic grid/segments on the outside of the plunger. The Magnum has 7 which I guess adds about 2-3 inches more draw. The Xblaster 200 is already too bulky to be a pistol so I don't think the added weight/bulk would be too much of a hastle. Yesterday, at Target the Xblaster 200 retailed for $12.99 while the Magnum went for $17.99.

I actually almost got that, but I noticed it really did not have any more draw than the Xblaster when I compared them side-by-side, if anything the Xblaster had more. Given this, I figured it would be better to go with the cheaper and more compact version. I'm pretty sure the Xmagnum's range claims are plain lies, because I could never get 30 of the advertised 50 out of my Xblaster, even angled. So, I would just recommend getting the Xblaster.
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#11 The Manta

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:39 PM

SMALL UPDATE: Make the trigger not wobble! All you have to do is add two pieces of cardboard on each side of the L bracket
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This prevents the bracket from moving from side to side. Also, it hides the clothespin. BONUS!
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One last overall view, looks pretty clean.
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This is one of my new favorite blasters as well!
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