(Recapping the war)
Let's get right to it shall we.
Some good things:-The drive from Columbus wasn't nearly as long as I thought it would be. Buff and I managed to not only make it there early, but find a couple Raiders at Goodwill on the way for 3 bucks a piece.
-Rounds started on time and continued at an excellent pace throughout the day.
-Ambience is an awesome war host. He kept the war on track, rounds running, and explained the rules of each round very well. He also had a great variety of game types that kept the game fresh. Hats off to you Ambience, you were great.
-Finally meeting Carbon. Such a cool guy and great Nerfer. A highlight of the day: using tactics with him during the VIP round... and it actually working!
-Nerfing alongside ck32 and Buff again for most of the rounds. Ohio Nerf!
... They're also fun to hang out with too, I guess.
-Somehow winning the FFA 3-15 round, despite having an empty hopper and 0 darts on hand when the round started.
-My Bowpup performing like a champ. So many awesome shots and with such accuracy.
-The energy on the field was awesome. Rounds were competitive and fairly evenly matched. Duels with Carbon were great, and ck32 did quite well in the Seize the Balls round. Props to everyone for making it fun!
-The players were all quite courteous and knowledgeable. It's always a fun time to talk with other Nerfers about the hobby.
-Getting a legit tag on someone with my stock Crossbow and an arrow. Lolz.
Some things that could have been improved:-Melee weapons in non-melee dedicated rounds. I understand that some prefer to use melee weapons when/if they're allowed, and that's cool if the host is okay with it. But those players should understand that they're playing against others that have hoppered, century ranging blasters. If they rush someone with one of these blasters, they should know that they will most likely take a hit for it. I ran into a tiff with a player during the FFA round that wouldn't take my mercy "kill" (discharging a round into the ground to avoid a close up shot). He came from around the tree he was behind afterwards and tried to hit me, so I reflexively shot him. I didn't want to but that's what happened. There's nothing wrong with melee at a Nerf war, but the rules should probably be fleshed out a bit more to avoid stuff like that.
-Someone (not naming who) dry-firing my +Bow, breaking the plunger head polycarb and cracking my plunger tube. I spoke to him about it at the end of the war and he took responsibility for it so I let it go. My expectations at a war are that other players won't touch my stuff without asking, as I didn't without asking them. It's not really that hard to fix, so at the end of the day it was no big deal.
I know I've forgotten some stuff but that's the gist of it. 'Twas an awesome war and I will definitely plan on making the next one if/when it happens. Thanks for a great day of Nerfing Ambience and company!
Edited by Xellah, 24 July 2012 - 01:51 PM.